Waifu thread

Waifu thread
>Claim a waifu
>Tell people they suck
>Tell people who tell you you suck that they suck
>Build a death robot

Other urls found in this thread:




Can't really get to sleep, gotta compete at conference tomorrow and it's nerve racking.

Ah "Deag Rush B fgt" Simulator. How's that going?

Makes sense. The meals kinda balance each other out.

>Best idol claimed

what if i tell myself that i suck top kek

I want a death robot!

still here

First time - my skin gets real dry when I dont look after it. Spent 3 weeks being pusbed at work and, to use the words of the 2IC, I looked like a reptilian alien. Needed bed rest and soaking in bandages with 4 different creams to reset my skin.
Second time - 2 months straight doing 5 am till 6 pm while under lots of immunosuppressants in the kitchens hardest 2 sections solo does that. They fired me for my health and I was in hospital later that week because I passed out in the middle of my brothers living room.

Rory claimed
>all hail spider bun

So I'm in charge now? I thought this was a shared thing, y'know?


Claiming Yuuki again

i approve of these rules
>dubs and death robot is purple/grey

Asuna claimed

Obligatory claim.


d-do you want us both to be at the helm, i don't mind that....
>i thought you needed a spotter!!

Resident Winner Shiragami Youko claimed

>Captcha: select all images with a house
>every picture has a house

Hey Asuna! How's it going?

a a a a a a a a a a a a

((hey everyone))


Miho claimed


Yuuki! Hello! I'm fine, bit tired but it's all good. And you my friend?

I don't know what it is, I'm just prone to picking up new fetishes though I guess that's just true about this website.

Death robot shall be red and brown
>with some gold lining
This is our ship, not mine. We should both be at the helm

Shiro here. Thought I'd drop this if anyone wants to play some vidya (not tonight, sleep soon).
Then you have bad self esteem.

If dubs, death robot gets Arnold Schwazhenrehger biceps. Thought also have anime eyes pasted onto them.

>claiming fubuki at school is important

Jaegers are pretty cool to

You got this homie


That's a waifu I haven't seen in some time

How soon?


Just chilling. Nice man

Can you really kill the smug?

Smugs and a super fast bunny tho

Pretty good, playing some Dark Souls, watched the new Captain America...overall not too bad!

Any new ones you've picked up recently?

This website really does broaden your skin fiddle music sheet.

we should, okay, let's fly this ship together!!!

damn....you read me like a book kek

Oh? Someone has claimed Asuna before?

Mmmm which dark souls?
I am working on a str and a dex character in ds3 for pvp

Milinda claim
>Im gonna go get really drunk edition

Thanks Megumin.

Thanks Yuuki

Shitty. I rage quit, stupid missions...

>I shall not allow anyone to do my waifu and me apart
>Miki claimed

They had but haven't been here in some time. If they come back, you wouldn't mind sharing would you?

I don't know it as much as you do

Fogured Id post my bad weeks here rather than in old bread.



Id Join you but all i have is soda.

You kidding? They would be mah nigga for having quaility taste

We're gonna fly this ship far

First one, I've never beaten it and I'm banging my head on my desk trying to. Sen's Fortress is hard

Kagami is a dirty slut

forgot pic

Recently? No I don't think so, I can't really think of any.
You gotten anything new recently?

to the ends of the earth!! and into the stars....

Sen's funhouse you say? What part are you having trouble with?

you can't trick me illusion mage!!

I do like me some death robots.
I've resigned it to being grey of varying shades. (50, maybe)
The dubs refuse to give me more colors. Oh well.

The part where my guy isn't doing enough damage...I have a Drake Sword and put a lot of points into STR. Also the boulders keep killing me

British ass queen

Damn, thought you picked something up for fiddling hands.

Me? Nope, not really.

Its the thought that counts. Cheers mate.


sounds fancy
you can kill the smug with cute
we need all the colours
>dubs and it has all colours

The sword is the problem here.. Drake sword doesn't much, if it even scales with anything..
Dubs confirms it

Kagami Hiiragi for president.

Oh what the fuck does that even mean....

Claiming, hows everybody doin?

I mean I am into handholding.
Told you I'm a sick deviant.

>Doesn't scales much
and pretty sick



>Im feeling a feel

wow....this is the greatest ship ever.....


Claiming. Sup e-body?

Iowa claim.

Hey guys. What's going on

Wait I wasn't told everything about it last night. Why soon?

I'm watching that show now actually, about halfway through :D

How does one include all the colors. I don't even.

Who is your waifu? I need to know.

Heya rum friendo!

Damn Miho, nice trips

Hey Mirai!

hello koko

Handholding is just the rim of the floodgate, adorable. Can still do it though if you want.

Oh my!

Ayyyyye you a chill nigga! Had someone with same taste and we were cool about it

Shinoa can be cute too you know

Doing fine my dude. You?

Goodnight bunny user!

What up Mirai. Guess who's here~

Dis dick bb

So what should I try to get?

Hey Mirai!

Haven't seen you in a while. Maybe I'm just missing ya. Birds are chirping outside at 1AM. How 'bout you?

Rum n' Koko, guten morgen. Clannad is alright. Prepare your body for Afterstory. It's rough on the mind.


Im doing a Greatsword of Artorias build in DaS1. Using drake for the early levels, havent hit the cathedral bell and level 18. Farming the bridge for souls.

The buzz....



Mirai Kuriyama from Kyoukai no Kanata ?(Beyond the Boundary if you're a baka gaijin)


Sick dubs bruv. What's going on?
For me?
Haven't been here in 2 days I'd say. Glad I can see ya right now though! 11 am and relaxing over here.

Heya! hows it goin?
Good to hear my dude! I'm doin pretty good. Shoulda asked this girl from my class out but whatever
My body is ready, I'm kinda struggling to get through clannad tbh. Keep falling asleep. How are you doin man? heard you were talkin shit the other night haha

Good morning!

>is kyouko sleeping now?

Hi Miki long time no see, how ur doing at this wonderful morning?

But why soon? I wasn't given a descriptive description of what a buzz is.


thanks bruv, how you doin? any plans for today?

Since you're using a strenght build, you could use any hammer weapon (mace, club...) or ultra greatsword
I loved the Black Knight Greatsword, it was so satisfying hitting that R2~

I am a Baka gaijin but I'm thinking about teaching English in Japan. It isn't a weaboo thing, though. I've always loved Japanese culture. I couldn't care less about living their for the anime.

Quads speak the truth, best character, will main once game comes out.


Evening, Mili. I'd ask how things are, but my lurk started about a thread back. I'm here for you, though. (I'm not opposed to you exposing his identity and me emptying his bank accounts, js)

You will have to ask Sanae about it.

it goes. Yourself?

Those goddamn hands
yo milinda! hows it goin?
pretty good, how was your day?

I found it satisfying to hit RT while holding the drake sword in 2 hands.
>hollows after summoner at the cathedral
>All of the corridor deaths

Heyo. Still night over here. Wouldn't know about kyouko never talked to him.
Nothing really planned. Just gonna sit at home and do nothing probably.987

But I did that last time! I'm not going to wait again! Tell me now

Thanks friend.
>Thats a tempting offer... kek

Hey Koko. Not good. Bad shit happened today.
How about you?

Ready for our date, darlin'?