Be me

>be me
>no one cares

>should I give up Sup Forums?


Take moar pics tho



If you're a female and you truly don't even have the effort to reel in some beta orbiter you've truly failed at life.

So yes, kill yourself you fucking attention whore.

do it faggot


OP here. I thought so. If Sup Forums can't make you feel better about yourself nothing can.

Yes, suicide is the only way. Stream it.

Also deliver tits


looks like you're cutting the wrong direction Sup Forumsra

Next time, keep your gender to yourself.

Kek... why would you cut yourself ? Is there any reason to fuck yourself for life ? Nothing in life is that cruel that you would have to do this, I bet there are thousands of man which would help you to get bette. Explain yourself...

Stfu white knight. U kill yourself too

Not getting any free attention? Finally realize how it feels to be a man? The fuck, girl -- you have every advantage in this society, and you're acting like this?

Not usually one to say shit as I mostly see these as a scream for attention and not a plea for help. Just lost a friend though and all it does is fuck with the people who care about you, and regardless of what you think those people exist. I'll see you tomorrow op.

Learn what a white knight is retarded cunt

Timestamp that cut bitch.

I just want you to make me hurt. Before I go. Do your worst.

She's an attention whore and nobody in real life wants to deal with her shit anymore. So she came here because it's full of lonely fags that worship all women and act like life is sooooo hard.

they care.
it seems you've convinced yourself they don't.
you're the one that doesn't care.

No timestamp, no tits.

Fuck off with your crap OP

It's possible that he knows, but just has very poor reading comprehension.


Well go on bitch! I was trying to waste my time even thoo i have to learn for tommorow graduation. But there is nothing that there will be for you when you die.

You should just kill yourself you attention-whore dipshit

Yikes that's deep. It will probably get infected and cause you a great deal of miscomfort. Enjoy

I read at a 3rd grade level. Your move slowtard


Stream it, faggot

I dont get such people. I understand that se does this for attention. Even when somebody would take her as gf or whatever. She would completly fuck him up before he would realise that hes 5 and hes verry suicidal

Meh, hard to tell if real or not.. people have made me skeptical of the truth. But yeah, don't give up or whatever.


Im a fem as well...tits & timestamp or Gtfo attention whore

aww what a cute little boo boo, maybe next time try cutting the other direction and abit deeper

Good work now let's see those tits

LOL at the comment. Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Atleast say where are you from.

Tits or get out bitch

Tits or gtfo

lose some weight. you might not dread life as much

She's not asking for advice

show the gash you were born with instead

.see pic

Not I it dont even count Sup Forumsro

Listen here whore, get on tinychat show your tits and an hero. Otherwise feel free to fuck right off


Since when does advice not equal tits or gtfo?

>Im a fem as well

Yeah you do, you pointed out you were a chick

Wrong way attention whore. Also refer to picture

When are women going to understand this very simple concept: we don't give a fuck that you're a grill. The minute you announce it, we only care about your tits/ass/pussy -- that's it. It's best to just not say anything and blend in with the rest of us.

No. Think long and hard about what death means. Living in a dumpster with your own thoughts beats death. Really fucking think about it... Also dont harm yourself, your own identity is the best thing about you even if it is "bad". I am a psychopath. I manipulate and use people. I dont see them as complex humans like me. But know what I am and I know what people are even though I cant see it. So take my advice. I could give 0 fucks if you die. But if I can accept the monster I am you can accept yourself also.

Make sure the cuts are somewhere those scars will be easy to see.

It saves a LOT of time when you know a chick is a fucktard without having to date her first.

I don't know what to say, OP. I never have the right thing to say in these types of situations except offer plattitudes, but don't give up.

Psychopaths are actually the least complex humans. Most of them have been proven to be bordering on full blown autistic too.


>this much brown nosing

Autism attack

Generally speaking, you can't think your way out of mental illness. Your own idiot train of thought is what got you to that place to begin with. Either get professional help, or accept that you're riding the train to its destination.

Nope. Channel that self loathing into something productive. Feed the homeless, volunteer for the poor, fuck the ugly, get yourself some help, just do something other than hate yourself. Giving up seems to be the easy answer, but then if it were easy, you wouldn't be here.

You are probably thinking of a sociopath. They are the retards that cant act. And most of the shit you here about psychopaths are myths.

OP, many people care, it juts don't seem like it at the current time. thats what is shit about depression - people aren't always there when you need it most because they don't know, don't realize, or don't know how to address it

Op. Not looking for anything. Just feed me your hate.

Ffs you worthless pig get on tinychat and cut

Do it now

tits before death?

Just post your fucking tits and we can talk like reasonable human fucking beings.

Whining at your mum until she gives in doesnt really make you Hannibal Lector.

An Jesus

>OMG. not enough people like me the way I want them to. I guess I'll kill myself.

Fucking emos...

What the hell has happened to America? We used to have an independent spirit, that would spit in the eye of enemies even in defeat. See: the Alamo, Bastogne, and Guam. Shameful.

Oh man. Slowtard almost learned to post tits. Good job. Yaaayy OP. Do you not know how to fucking read? All we care about is tits, sharpies in poopers, and people killing themselves. Do one of those or fucking leave. You're wasting all our time. Don't you think you've wasted enough peoples time in your life?

You're looking for attention, apparently you're looking for negative rather than sympathy which is fine but ffs show your tits already

cute braid OP

Do sharpie OP

If you cant fix your face then off yourself.
Seriously though if your this weak then do yourself a favor and go on tiny chat and slit your wrist. No room in this world for the weak. Either get strong or fucking do it.
....The psychopath lul
Tried to help but your a weak fucking bitch seeking attention. PLEASE stream your suicide I want to watch you fucking die. Think about it? You are weak, ugly face. You will get no where! And look at where you are now? Just do it. End your suffering. You wont survive anyways. Happiness isnt in your future. You are to mentally weak. Post nudes then stream suicide.

Cute vagina faggot

Cut Sup Forums into your tit OP. Deliver

emo bitch, noone does care. you're a middle class white emo. stop acting like a self pitying fuck or kill yourself


If youre going to kill yourself at least post the goods.


Definitely. :^)

Just stream it already, you fucking whore

show ur damn tits for fucks sake yeah we all have problems and shit porbablu oir bitth ass neeeds JesusCHRIST.


Since of Mericans of living of an exigency/emergency of a technology so I am of communication of spiel of technology of text of:_"-------\_
Three/3 communications/explanations/informations/texts of a technology:
1/One: body muscle movement caused/since of energies at human caused/since of energies sent from machines far of miles/kilometers;
and/or/an-other-communication of 2/Two: human of technology of machines...machines transmit/send at/striked/hitting metals in human...metals moved/ of in of body so...body muscle flexing of human of living of tensing/slackening of muscle;
and/or/an-other-communication of 3/Three: STIMULATION OF BODY-MOVING/LIKE-SENSE SINCE OF ELECTRICITY OF CAUSED OF IN OF BODY SINCE 1. tiny metals in human 2. metals moved since of energies striked/hitting metals 3. energies sent/from machine far/distant/not-close/no-nearness of miles.
I got/received a text of communication/question/ask of technology of body muscle flexing caused of energies of machines far of miles:_"\_ Everyone knows this already. How do you fix it. _/"_:-_ . I am of communication/answer/reply of letter of word of language of text of:_"\_ Humans of policing/military live of:_[\_ slackening/tensing of muscles of earlier and later of slackening/tensing of muscles since of brain of body of since of human of living of brain of body of since of sense/sensation of communication/text/speech of computer program software of language of words of anything/everything/eachthing/allthings of human of living of _{-\_[-\_ slackening/tensing of muscles of earlier and later of slackening/tensing of muscles _/-]_{--\_[--\_ and _/--]_ and _[--\_ or _/--]_/--}_[-\_ flexing of muscles so of living of muscle of nearer and and or farther of muscle _/-]_/-}_/]_:-_/"_:-_ .

Do it
Just do it

Don't let your dreams be dreams
Yesterday you said tomorrow
So just do it
Make your dreams come true
Just do it

Some people dream of success
While you're gonna wake up and work hard at it
Nothing is impossible

You should get to the point
Where anyone else would quit
And you're not going to stop there
No, what are you waiting for?

Do it
Just do it
Yes you can
Just do it
If you're tired of starting over
Stop giving up

Ugh this is disgusting. You aninal, how dare you post such a disturbing picture. It only makes me think even less of you than you try and make youself sound. Kill yourself

Here you go b


Hey nice tits


Shes just gonna kill her self.
She probably wont stream it though. She will and has gave nothing to the world and is to weak to survive in it. Someone like that will leave nothing behind. Not even a suicide video unfortunately. Even though its the smart thing to do. Should at least go out with a video circulating for a few years.... Leaving a vid of your death to the world you were to weak to live in is at least something....

well done

Timestamp whore, fucking timestamp

How stupid are you

Post tits first

pepare you P.O for some shekels

post moar, with timestamp

thx op

now keep posting more,

Timestamp with sharpie in pooper slowtard. Guys is she actually retarded? Here, like this kinda.

Fucking gross.
Are those stretch marks? Only some 0/10 fuck who jerks of with his sisters panties in his mouth would like those. Enjoy your shit life whore. Ha!

Let's see some pussy

Here I fixed it for you

post asshole and soles

>Guys is she actually retarded?
Appears to be

Honestly OP just get on stream and an hero there's no point in carrying on

You fixed nothing. Still no sharpie in pooper, still no timestamp, still no an hero.