New Zealand Maori thread?

New Zealand Maori thread?

Why are IDs even gone?

your thread a shit.

Too busy fucking sheep

i approve of this thread.


Te Na koto katoa

Kia ora bro, have a bump

Mixed but close enough

dw guis she's of age


fuck off posting this creep shit.
fucking mouth breather.




Different girl


Damn look at those big ol tits and thick ass legs hnngg

Mauruuru iwi koutou
You never dissapoint

Your maori aint shit boi


moar post them maori bitches


Looks polynesian rather than maori but why not

Same shit



Should I continue

So that's what Maori pussy looks like.



Anyone have Katy zander? Or rhiley Palmer?

pls dont


I think she's South-East asian, doesn't look Maori at all


Seconded, nose is too pointy

What a biget. She identifies as a Maori that's good enough for me

Go vote for trump you racist

This thread is about the venerable and celebrated Maori women

Yes. A thousand times yes


You got it.. Friend

Im not racist, im a kiwi and know what maori's look like. Sorry for any offence


Thanks buddy

she doesnt look maori, she looks more north of new zealand, like it though, wild

First you try and deny her her ethnicity now you go and call yourself a fruit. You need help my friend.

Got a few more.. Anyone still interested?

Celebrated by who ?

Definitely not

im in love, jungle poon

could only fuck, no breeding, could have some coconut son, there dumb as dog shit

I want to see her ass

What's that beast...

Kek, you must be trolling

Your son would be a proud Maori like his mother

i can see this is going to be an awful thread...

Just no
Get these shitskin tar babies out of my face


Any good stories bro?

>venerable and celebrated Maori women

Her tits are depressing

lets see some pussy

but she isnt maori, you cant generalise, tongans are samoans, hawaiians arnt fijian

This is a good thread

>be retarded
>hate brown people
>enter brown girl thread
>see brown girls
>comment about hate for brown girls


those tits are something else

nice, keep going user

Kek, looks fillo in my opinion

Yea I've been with two Maori just like pic related. I can tell you anything you would like to know

You are generalizing. You think all Maori look like what you think? People look different Juan. Don't be ignorant. I happen to know with certainty that this woman is more Maori than you could ever be.

>When niggas doubt your Maoriness


Bro, im Maori

If you're fucking girls like pic related I wouldn't leave the house.

the titty fucking possibilities

What was she like in the sack?

I can tell a fence jumper by the way he posts. Tell the truth Jorge, are you in Texas or new Mexico? Just because you are a Mexican doesn't mean you can disparage the proud people of the island of Polynesia. You could never understand their plight. Go eat a taco Flaco

For sure she's jungle asian, Cambodian/Thai/Filo

certified jungle gook

More bigots more racists.. Makes me feel like vomiting. Just leave this thread you ignoramuses

what the fuck

For love of god more jungle chow!!!!

more please

koutou kaumeĆ” ko te kairau
Get her to translate that bitch

She was incredible. Just like all Maori women. Lots of jumping and sidebending they enjoy animals and fresh soil, gets the juices flowing. Titties are so firm and pussy is so wet. Also they like to do it as physically high up as possible. I'm talking invest in an altimeter.. Not joking

That's not being bigoted u SJW retard, it's just calling it how it is. If that's the case, i'm a fat white woman that identifies as black.

i dont think she would like that very much

Thats a filipino you dumb fuck

>mfw dat ass


you lucky bastard, keep posting em

Bitch nobody has time to talk texmex with you hector. This is A MAORI thread if you didn't notice. Go start a slam pig thread if you want to fap to a mexican

And I identify as GOD therefore I am God.

>NZ Maori thread
>No Maoris

I will never stop defending the women of Polynesia. Even from you sjw trash. Go listen to Alanis Morissette

He's Mayan dumbass

OP is either retarded or trolling or has never come to New Zealand.



Lmfao I just realised this girl was posted in another thread u lying cuck.

Keep 'em comin'!

Cunt, that's maori. Not fucking texmex

It really isn't.


Last post I'm out of here I got tons more though, I may start a new thread in 20 minutes or so. Love being able to post my Maori Queens. Remember to hate, hate.