I'm an atheist. Try to convert me

I'm an atheist. Try to convert me.

No takers?

Here is my stance on morality.
Murder is neither wrong or right.
Rape is neither wrong or right.
Abortion has the same value.
There is no difference between wrong or right.


bump anyone? I'm sure there's theists up here.

Can you stop being atheist?

I would really want to stop yes

John 3:16

Why tho? I mean I get why people want to be religious, have something to hold on to and whatnot. I still prefer to be atheistic, or, rather agnostic.

Why would anyone care if God exists or not anyway? Why yes or no? How about neither.

Jeez, and people argue about God all the time. Time is fucking money folks.

I want to be in someone's great plan, someone who knows what they are doing, I wish there would exist an ultimate morality where everything has an intrinsic good or wrong.

There is no intrinsic right or wrong. Those are merely abstract concepts. Pretty useful concepts though, otherwise society would be shit.

If you wanna believe in God, maybe try a less restrictive religion, or make your own. I'm pretty most God's hate faggots.

The chance that any entity has such a plan is real fucking small tho. So you don't even want the rituals, churches and all that shit?

I don't think there's anyone/anything that can figure out your life for you.

Yep. If I were God, I wouldn't necessarily have to care about the people in my world I created. Hell, why would I even want someone to worship me? To increase my ego?


>>I don't think there's anyone/anything that can figure out your life for you.

I want it there to be,I want to believe in this. Convince me there is.

Just the Abrahamic ones, as far as I remember.

Also, the majestic comma doesn't stand for "LOOK OUT, here come's an S". Don't punctuate plurals, dipshit.

Can't convince you of anything I don't even believe in. If there is someone with such a plan then it's a real fucking asshole

Try not giving a fuck instead. Get a proper education, an actual job and work on yourself instead of posting about the various beliefs of magic skywizards on a tibetian yakherding forum.

There's a difference between atheism and moral nihilism.

Nobody but you can figure out your life because nobody even knows what your exact thoughts are. Seriously, you wanna live stream your entire life for others? And if God did exist, why would he necessarily care?

Yeah, I could just create a world for the lulz. I mean I'm god, so why not.. And watch those fuckers kill themselves over their beliefs.

Who says "god" needs to be a nice fella.

I am a physicist at the university of Colorado, what I do is important for humanity.

How many scientists are theists where you work? Bet not a lot, and they probably don't have any fucks to give

Why the hell are you equating God with morality?

I'm not, OP is.

>pic related


If I drove a knife through you, you would probably cry out that murder and violence was wrong.

Not related at all, but some theists claim that since I do not believe in god I do not know good from bad and it is true.
However I know what is good for the survival of our species and the environment

I would be sad, but ultimately it would be bad only for me and perhaps someone close to me and the human species.
It is neither good or bad in the sense of the reality.

Whoops. My eyes are playing tricks on me.
>>a is not no

>some theists claim that since I do not believe in god I do not know good from bad
That's bullcrap tho. I never believed in god or any religion for that matter and I know very well what's good or bad. Any decent human being does.

>and it is true.
That's just your fucked up brain. I know lots of atheists or agnostics, most of my friends are. And they, as well, know pretty well what's good and bad. Theism doesn't equal a working moral compass, or all these children would've went unfucked.

>It is neither good or bad in the sense of the reality.
It tends to be bad as soon as you start to hurt another one, that's not that difficult.

bro, do you even moral error theory?

Not yet no, but I'll look into it

That's an apostrophe. Close, it was a good try.

Then why do you hang out on literally the worst place on the internet? Do you truly seek advice about the oldest philosophical question known to man on fucking Sup Forums?
