Second chance thread

second chance thread

I can haz 2nd chance?

What happened to my first chance? I want a refund on my first chance.

There's an old saying amongst us medics. Pain is the patient's problem. If they didn't want us to miss they clearly should've worked out more and drank more water

There are no refunds at the Chance Market


Then I want an exchange.


I like this saying

All sales are final. No Refunds, no exchanges.
As do I. And I'm also saving that picture

Fine. See if you're invited to my Party.

There's going to be cake.


do you have a preference that I should post?


Fine I'll make my own party. With Blackjack and hookers
Good evening. How're you doing
No preference. It's all good

hot guys it is




Keep it coming

will do

All the guys you've posted are great.
All good

it's what I do


Good to hear. Have fun with vr paining?
And it's a great service you provide


more fun for me than posting gfur

I want pizza

Give me pizza.

just going to leave this autodumping while I have a shower


I quite enjoy your collection
It's too late for that

I like how they've all got muscle but still look human.
It's good. but i don't have a room i can use it in properly yet.
I had a mates over and it blew his mind.

Man... I bet it'd feel pretty awesome to get your tail pulled when being fucked.

I said I want it.


Get any running in?
It's too late to want pizza

No it isn't.

It'd sure feel like something.

Sadly no, it's been raining. i went and saw the avengers movie instead.

Give pizza

Unless you can make a pizza it is absolutely too late to be thinking about pizza
I've been rather lackadaisical myself. Not running as much as I'd want to, no good reason though

anyone know how I could deliver a slice of pizza to a person that is 6 hours away in under 30 minutes?

I love that it fucked up after I got two posted

why thank you, almost all of it came from tumblr








Sorry Luc, but pizza was eaten last weekend. You gotta just make a pizza with what you got in your house.
Yeah that's how i feel now it's getting colder.
He needs to just make pizza, but from non-conventional ingredients
That's 100% correct, thanks for clarifying for the rest on here.


Who knows. Maybe I can make it.




I'm not sure how he could really do that though.
Well at some point I will be able to just give it to you personally~

Be the Flash
Fit>Average Joe≥Bara>Twink>Femboy
How cold does it get in Australia?
Yes you can. A pizza by your own labor shall far outstrip one delivered to you

Give it to me now.

I have tortillas, pasta sauce and block of cheese will be the best pizza.

Cookie base, bbq sauce, and cheese on top.
Bake at 350F for 10 mins. Let cool for 3 mins before consuming

These skinned dudes are ok and all.. but do you have anything a bit darker in shade than 'Chad'?
Also, any poses that are not 'looks like I forgot everything but underwear, again'.

happy to be of service

they're both equally shit

I can't do that though, I don't have super powers.
Pizza or me?
I think he wanted an actual pizza though.







im not gay but I'd totally suck that dick.

looks good and shit.




Well a desperate man, make desperate pizza.
Says the fag, lurking a gfur bread.

I would be willing to try coming over and bringing some pizza with me, but it would take a while.
I suppose so

it's barely gfur though

Do it
You make a convincing case
Go acquire some

How's your new job BTW, it's been awhile since i last saw you here.
Yeah you're right. ah well i like them both.

glad you agree

are there really people who only like gfur?

How do I do that though?
It's okay, it's annoying a bit sometimes. I am being looked at for going to supervisor but it doesn't come with a pay raise so that sucks. I was offered a call center job offer for 13 an hour but the hours can be anywhere from 7am to 7pm and I don't know what the company is. The fact the person calling never told me probably means it was comcast and I refuse to work for that shit company.

I would hope that's not the case, they would never go out for real sex then. It would be heart-breaking.

It would be entirely their choice, so I wouldn't feel empathy for them

That sounds like an aberrant hypothetical. How could someone not like flesh and blood people unless they were Nibi?
Rolling around in nuclear waste
I can't imagine such a person existing. Or maybe I don't want to imagine such a person

I think I would probably get cancer first and that is not a "super power" I want.

I hate how companies these days just give you extra responsibility with no extra compensation. In fact that's not even correct, you still have to apply for it.
Yeah don't imagine such a person, they would prefer to be called a furson and the such :)

yea it's irritating, they might hire me full time. Keyword is might.

also I decided to start exercising again. But my legs are still hurting from two days ago.

Oh yeah, you said you going to slowly stop with the soda too. How'd that go?

I think you're right in that case, best not to think about it

I'm slowly working on it, I am doing some cheat days and what not but right now I'm focused on my legs hurting whenver I walk haha.

Give me the booty.

:) Well at least your doing it now, I've cut back to 3-4 cans per week now. However my caffeine intake has increased as well.
What's hurting most on your legs after you walking?

I will gladly give you this booty, you can have this booty whenever you want stud~
The entire leg? I'm not really sure how to describe it but I have been walking like a new born calf.

Good boy

Not sure of any other way to get powers
It scares me to think of someone who would forgo sex completely because they could never get a flesh and blood furry.
For your sanity you definitely should remove such a thought

more like this

goodnight all.

me too sleepy time

Good night

it's too late

sorry, that's the only one I have at the moment, I fucking love it so I'll try and find some more at some point


Oh so just general pain all over? Just make sure you do your stretching before and after, it'll go away eventually.
Haha, sounds like a certain someone that visit's these threads
Night dude.
Nice Luc.


this thread died all of asudden