Vote for or against the new trap board /trp/

Vote for or against the new trap board /trp/

We can do it





Voted Yes, because I dont want to see this shit on Sup Forums anymore. Worked with aswell

Voted yes for no more scat


>See thread about new board called /trp/
>think it's a trump board
>find out it's a trap board
same thing

bump for promo

15 hours since start
9 hours to go

post this on /qa/ so hiro can notice

i have got the feeling there wasn't always a voting thread since the beginning...


maybe you guys should keep a thread up in /trash/ while this gets sorted out

She is sexy

Disgusting faggot

Spiderman thread?

Trap thread!

And then there's spider faggits asshole

I dunno. It's not like we have infinite space, or the ability to remove the board if interest wanes


Sure faggot




bumping with tits :3


i want furry and futa also in this board, just like shota

i need to make some moar webms

>has THIS ever worked


/mlp/ board exists, doesn't it?

Is from Mexico, right now is 8:02 am

10/10 would rek

and what would be on Sup Forums if /trp/ existed?

i had quite a few but my old external hard drive fucked up and a lost a load

just not been bothered to re make them

>vote for /trp/
>trap posters move to /trp/
>no more trap threads on Sup Forums
>god tier trap threads return but are posted to /trp/

>vote against
>Sup Forums continues to receive trap threads
>scat continues to get posted in them
>trap lovers remain on Sup Forums
Is there really an option?

random stuff

As long as traps gtfo of Sup Forums I'm happy with it

That was ridiculous, not just some complaining fags and it wasn't some strawpoll either.
It's a random board.
Never happens


Actual stats


well here is the latest webm










>no futa
oh fuck off

futa is on /d/


voting yes just so i dont see it anywhere else anyomre



>/trp as thread image
>implying this poll isn't a case study on selection bias




sauce ?


pinkbubble on cb


Yea. Enjoy looking at it you closet fag. I bet it was soo "gay" you just had to save it so you don't forgot how "gay" it is. Hahaha pathetic excuse to lurk and ENJOY trap porn. Gotta love it.

ALL Sup Forums is trapland because everyone loves women, men make the best women, and gender is a social construct.

Would love to marry a sweet trapette, adopt babbybois and raise a happy trappy fappy family.

So would the rest of Sup Forums.

>people voting no

Are you people fucking retarded? This is good for every one.

marriage is haox, by religion, for the state


do it better then.
we spread it on other threads related to this (pro-trap/contra-trap), too. after 24 hours the result will be presented to the mods.

>This is good for every one.
Not really. If it got it's own board it'd be too slow.
So it's not really good for the mgr.
Moar posts, moar page views, moar cash for jackie Sup Forums.



Hope we get that board

Mods don't have a say in shit, only the admin.
>silly summerfags

684444444 we can





We need this

if so? bringing mods on our side is important to convince the admin.


the ending fucked up

How we convince them?
Feedback right

chanel santini

yes! we are the users, so they should listen to us if they care

Convince him of what? Making less money?
What little money is made are page views of ads, slow board, less ads, this is about making money, not accommodating some shitposting fool, who keeps driving pageviews and revenue.

>they care


They don't care, hope we can get it

A containment board for Traps? COUNT ME INNNNN!!!

Post the link in related threads, so we can get more anons

slow mo

thank you! also spread the poll to related threads, pls