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I'm in love.
Pic related.

Anyone got nudes?

I know what you mean. She's so cute, when she wrinkles her nose like that.

Who is she?

frauke petry
from the german right wing party afd



I'd like to right wing party with her, if you catch my drift.



And Germans rather vote for Angela Merkle?
Are they all blind fags?

Who is this guy? Why is he standing so close to my lady?

Edward Snowden


in my opinion politiks has nothing to do with looks, you dont vote a cancelor for being smoking hot as well as you wouldnt expect her/him to do porn movies. if so you might caught politic wrong and schould watch the old but perfeclty accurate movie -idiocracy- to learn how far it can come if looks is the main reason for beeing successfull

It's Sigmar Gabriel. Secretary of Economy and stuff.

oi m8 are you blind. if shes the right wing whore he must be the left wing pimp. stupid fuck


Totally right!
E.g. Trump: He might look less than average with this strange hairpiece, but he is definitely the best candidate for presidency!

Vote Trump!

don´t talk shit about my waifu she is pure


I've heard he had an operation and calls himself Chelsea now?


no, that's the kardashians


Luckily Kim had an unisex name anyway.


But Beate Zschäpe look good too



So I actually found myself attracted to her and, incredibly, Storch as well. Something about women who are not afraid to speak the truth is a big turn on for me.

So damn sexy

No, I'm not a racist asshole.
I'd just vote for her, so I could see her more on telly.

von Stauffenbergs buk-cake action

Just imagine this smooth look in bedroom, and then she softly whispers:
"I'd like to shoot a refugee baby, if it tries to cross the border!"

Boner alert! Right?!

Hitler 2.0

I just jizzed myself

Very right

This is cosplay of Curie from Fallout 4, but way, way more hot on the attitude side.

There are so many right-oriented politicians that were called Hitler 2.0. Approximately, we're at Hitler 7468.0.

Right. Hitler would not shoot refugees crossing the border. He would gas them in their home countries.

Petry is a humanist.

Petry is actually worse than Hitler! Hitler was a national-socialist, while Petry is a national-CAPITALIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stalin and Hitler were both socialists!

The nationalism was actually the one good thing about Hitler.

Petry is right with her fuck-the-poor-attitude. Most poor people are poor, because they do not try enough.

Most injured at work, simply did not pay enough attention. Why do I, as an employer, have to pay insurance, to cover stupid workers asses, when they hurt themselves?

Also single-moms. Most of them are sluts anyway. Why should they get the taxpayers money, to continue breeding with multiple mates?

I don't know. Do they have to try really that hard to receive Hartz IV?

I don't know the politics or the situation, but this is a look of gliding by. She's either really disgusted on what's going on and doesn't want to be there, or is listening to a book on tape and is just generally disgusted.

She is sitting in EU-parliament. There is foreigners from poor countries all around her. Of course she is disgusted.

Git tu de chopah

That might be reading into it a whole lot

Nice trips, doggo.

And you're from fucking England, right?

fockin ingland m8, i swear on me nans gryve


Nein, aus Deutschland.

Damn Germans. Keep calling almost all people from other countries 'poor'. From 100 years ago to this very day, you're literally what's wrong with Europe.

Let me use our shared language then

If you're thinking about your hidden crimp of whompedash where the notes be stored, aye, leavin a global whompdoggery wifout anover whompdoggery ABLE to support the move is just daft, mate. you're notes will be shit for an import island when export drong-a-drongs are expected to take a loss

Three times dubs in a row. Just sayin'.

Germany is the top net payer in the EU and pays almost double the amount the no. 2 France pays.

So every country in the EU sucks money from our pockets.

And you guys still push the EU concept that hard. No wonder you stupid fucks all followed that mad Austrian.

Kohl wasn't Austrian but Palatinate. But I have to agree that tearing down the Wall was an mistake.

Wasn't it Hitler first to try to bring as many European countries as possible under German control?

No, that was Karl der Große.
Most European countries profited from it.

And that justifies that you Germans pump all your money into the European Union?

You're like a beggar who accuses you of stealing from him after you give him money.

That's a nice and proper answer. Didn't even take you long to post. Do you really consider me to be European?

Do you really consider me to be German?

Yes, your answers are direct and factual, yet you easily tend to sarcasm when confronted with facts you don't like. You also complain about something while justifying it on the other hand. This is exactly how I imagine Germans would be these days.

Wrong my son. Germans have no sense of humour and therefore are incapable of real sarcasm.

Obviously you have never met Germans. Nice, hard working people, but damn boring.

> Nice

You guys force other countries of the EU to take refugees while your own people burn down the refugee camps. Do you really expect me to stay away from newspapers? Nice try, sauerkraut.

>You guys force other countries of the EU
At least the gubament does.

>>Anyone got nudes?



Your government sucks and your new alternative right-wing party sucks just as bad.

>while your own people burn down the refugee camps

Those are economic measures. If you build a refugee camp and burn it down, you have to build another one. Thus more jobs are created and the GDP grows. Quite obvious, when you think about it.


And that GDP flows directly in the EU, so German people can stay mad. Brilliant! So this is how all your democracies end up in world wars.

Didn't I just say that?


You said nothing about your new party. You were referring to the German people.

But they have a marvelous sense of humour. Just look at their logo. They have taken a Nike swoosh and made it look like a penis.

It takes guts to make this your logo as a political party.

Literally posting cancer.


I don't like their ideas, just like I don't like what Donald Trump says. But oh boy, I gotta agree on that. I hope they both get elected in each of their countries, it will make hilarious news and mad liberal leftists.

You're a mad liberal leftist yourself.

Sadly the AfD will destroy itself in internal disputes as everyone want's to be the new Fuhrer.
Just like every promising German right wing party since '45 destroyed itself.

Nice dubs. I personally don't care too much about politics. If they bring billions of refugees more or just send them all back wouldn't affect my everyday-life either way.


But don't forget the world war before that.

I can't hear you either, at least not anymore. Produce your memes faster, goddammit.

Englisch ist a stupid language anyway.


Your language never made it beyond Europe, with the exception of some little parts of Namibia. English, French and Spanish are spoken in vast parts of the globe. So go choke on some sauerkraut, bitch.

No, I talked about AFTER '45, so I obviously didn't talk about the NSDAP, but about parties like REP, FAP (kek), NPD or the DVU.

Liberalism as seen on tumblr is also new to this age. Maybe they keep lasting this time.

> Valuing quantity over quality

Zum Werke, das wir ernst bereiten,
geziemt sich wohl ein ernstes Wort;
wenn gute Reden sie begleiten,
dann fließt die Arbeit munter fort.
So laßt uns jetzt mit Fleiß betrachten,
was durch schwache Kraft entspringt;
den schlechten Mann muß man verachten,
der nie bedacht, was er vollbringt.
Das ists ja, was den Menschen zieret,
und dazu ward ihm der Verstand,
daß er im innern Herzen spüret,
was er erschaffen mit seiner Hand.

> Arguing your language is of quality

Your grammar and also your pronunciation are terrible, people are joking on the internet about how terrible it is. Nice poem, btw. Maybe a little bit useless as a statement, since I may not speak your bitch of a language.

>people are joking on the internet about how terrible it is
and yet, people keep coming.

>You also complain about something while justifying it on the other hand
come again?

Compensating micropenis with coprolalia?

I'm arguing here just like you are. We're both wasting time insulting each other, our conversation is pretty much what this thread has become. We both keep coming, you see.

Actually the last two answers to your posts weren't mine.

Compensating micropenis with pompous words?