Looking for people who are actually informed on the subject to discuss it here.

What are the evidences for flat earth theory?

> What are the evidences for flat earth theory?

There is no evidence, only "theories"

No there is evidence for it. Whether or not that evidence has been correctly interpreted is another matter.

I have been as far north as Idaho Falls and as far south as Townsville-Magnetic Island, Australia.
If the polar projection of the flat earth theory were correct then either
>Idaho Falls would be a few inches east to west
from my experience it is ~3 miles
>Magnetic Island would be a few hundred miles across east to west
from my experience it is ~6 miles
how does your "theory" incorporate this data?

I don't even understand why all governments and scientific institutions would be in on a huge conspiracy which doesn't even really accomplish anything? "Wooo, we tricked everyone into thinking the Earth was a sphere!"

The only people who have ever seen the Earth from space are astronaughts

and when they see Earth, they might think its a sphere, however, a sphere is a 2 dimensional object when observed from any angle. Perspective wise the earth IS 2d and therefore flat


Look outside, profit

Yeah i don't get that either.
But i'm new to actually paying attention to what flat earth proponents are saying.

there is no evidence, just theories which interpret true evidence wrong

like gravity n shit: flat earthers believe earth is flying upwards instead of things falling down

flat earth refers to the 2D paper system we are enslaved by (the papacy / paper-sea). Crown corporation are acting as they own everyone and everything. Google legal name fraud

Of course that's one way of looking at it. I'm not a flat Earther in the sense of the shape of the planet. I don't know I've not seen it or verified others' findings, something we should all consider... but from my own research on scientific history and mathematics (what little I have done), the globe model seems most likely.

Listen to credible scientists. They are our friends. People believe idiotic conspiracy theories made up by anons but don't read and believe what reputable scientists have to say.

Retard, a theory is a proven hypotes

Not sure about evidence FOR flat earth theory, but the most damning and easy to obtain evidence that debunks it is that if you climb something tall enough, you can see how not-flat the earth is. You don't have to be a scientist, you just need to get off your lazy ass, climb a mountain, a tower, or get on a plane.

Anyone can ride a plane, jackass. You can see the curvature of the earth from any great hight. Go for a hike, sometime.

Unless you went into orbit from the "edge" (lol) then it would appear oblong. And then where's the middle of the earth, and why? 7 billion people on this planet, and billions more before us - where are the pictures of the edge? Or this giant ice wall? (serious lulz)

Also, you're totally either a shitskin or a white guy who loves drugs - which is it3?

> actually informed
> believes the earth is flat

8 inches per mile squared is how much curve there should be. It does not exist. You do not see a curve in an airplane or no matter how high you go. The horizon always rises to eye level. We are on a flat motionless plane. There is no spin independent of objects in flight.

God say so

Lmfao all you kids who think the earth is flat are actually autistic. please off yourselves

> (the papacy / paper-sea)

so what? theories can be wrong, even if they consist of proven hypothesis

This is absolutely not true. In a plane when you get up high enough (40,000 feet is really noticeable) the horizon curves.

Get outside of your mom's basement for once and take a look yourself instead of staring at your computer screen. Go to any ocean and you can see the curve of the planet.

My daughter's boyfriend believes this shit- he's not allowed in my house.

Because he is real

>Anyone can ride a plane
Plane windows are purposely curved to trick us into thinking the Earth is round.

Where's the fucking evidence then, nigger?

You're a good father. Although you should be concerned she's attracted to idiots.

The Earth has a radius of approximately 3965 miles. You would not be able to see the curve from any ocean.

if the earth is flat, how does a person keep sailing in an easterly direction and end up in the same spot again.....

Literally what? If you shot a 360-degree laser from the equatorial axis of the plane at cruising altitude, it would not touch the ground. What the fuck is this "eye-level" bullshit you speak of?

Ikr. And those chem trails too dude

Don't you ever fucking reproduce.

you stupid fucking summerfag.

the last thread maxed because the loaded question was 'what evidence is the earth round', you cant even troll right you fuckup.

Again, get out of your mom's basement and actually go look.

Experiments have been performed firing canons in all cardinal directions to check for Earth's rotation. If the Earth was really spinning as the heliocentric model suggests then the East-firing cannonballs should fall significantly farther than all others and the West-firing cannonballs should fall significantly closer than all others. In actual fact, however, regardless of which direction one fires a cannon, North, South, East, or West, the distance covered is always the same.

>What are the evidences for flat earth theory?
kill youself
>no evidence
>tfw pseudo-sciencefags don't know what a theory is

Oh yes, I cannot breed because the system will fail with more freethinkers like myself. Only sheep should reproduce or the conspiracy will fall.

Jesus christ, what the fuck is "eye level"? That has to the single most ignorant observation I have ever heard in my entire fucking life.

There are so many satellites orbiting in space, practically everyone can on Earth can see the planet is round. You're a fuckin retard, stupid motherfucker.

You'll get to your high school physics class eventually

I've looked. I live by the sea. I regularly sail out on a speedboat. There is no curve. If there was visible curve the Earth would have to be the SIZE of the ocean I'm looking at.

It's simple maths, how do you NOT understand?

what a fucking idiot. can i.kill him?

Holy fucking christ - you actually fucking believe airplane windows are there to fool you into thinking the world is round? I'm absolutely fucking speechless.

If the Earth was curved, the horizon would be below us when we travel above it, either in a plane, hot air balloon, on the top of a mountain etc.

The horizon is not below us, it simply appears to "rise" with us. From this we postulate that the Earth cannot be a ball as to rise above a ball it needs to be curved, not flat.

Sure, just make it look like an accident for her sake.

This is patently false. Long-distance ballistics must account for a very important physical law called the "Coriolis Effect," and without it, accurately predicting an objects trajectory across vast distances would be impossible. All very well documented and easily reproducible.

Have you ever considered ending it on your own terms?

sure buddy

Have you ever considered opening your mind and not accepting everything in the world as true just because it happens to fit in with your ignorance?

>Evidence that you've never been higher than that time you drank bleach as a child and permanently damaged your brain.

that is stupid. the strength of the cannon and the distance the ball covers is relative to the surface its fired on, not its overall distance in space. that's like saying a flea jumping up and down on a dog should move more on the dog dependent on the direction the dog is walking. you're retarded....

You didn't go far enough to see the shore disappear below the horizon, obviously.
The earth is very big, and we are very small and low to the ground. Our 12km-high atmosphere is in proportion to the earth as a film of condensation is on an apple. You are even less than that. You will need to travel a large fucking distance to see this, or your shore is really high up.

Well, yes. Why is that a problem? It's the same with NASA's "photography." If you did your research you would know that there is only one "photo" of the Earth, the rest NASA admit are composite images. The only photo they claim is of Earth is the famous "Blue Marble" from the 70s. It has been easily proven faked with Photoshop by many experts. You've been played, my friend.

This is important when blowing russians' arms off

Um, no. That analogy was terrible.

By removing Earth from the motionless center of the Universe, the entirety of astrology, a science of consciousness coveted and used obsessively by the elite, is made null and void. If the Earth is the center of the Universe and all the planets (ancient gods) revolve around us, then birth charts, alignments, and astrology are measurable, calculable, repeatable, and thus scientifically verifiable. But if the Earth is just one of billions of planets revolving around billions of stars in billions of galaxies, then astrology disappears into the realms of pseudo-science believed by our ignorant ancestors.

It's as dumb and a child thinking a portrait is 'looking' at them, where ever they go - it's an utterly meaningless measurement.

What about skydivers?

If you live by the sea and think the earth is flat, then you're even more retarded than someone who doesn't live near the sea.

What if earth and sun isn't round but light curves at great distances

What about skydivers?

>The Earth is round
>What about pigs?

Doesn't make sense. Please elaborate.

>there is only one "photo" of the Earth
There are many, a lot by astronauts.
>composite images
You refer to the satellites that orbit the earth and take long strips of photos. The fact that they are composites contributes nothing to your argument. They actually had to do composite images BECAUSE earth is a sphere, or else it wouldn't be an accurate representation of the earth.

Experts as in your dumbass middle school friends correct?

When doesn't everything else appear curved then

Empiricism my friend.

>If you live by the sea and think the earth is flat, then you're even more retarded than someone who doesn't live near the sea.

That last sentence didn't make sense.

>If you're a snake, you're dumber than a snake that doesn't exist that I know of.

Jesus....All you have to do to see that the earth is round is do what the ancients did literally 10,000 years ago when THEY figured out it was round.

Stand on the fucking beach and watch a ship sail off the fucking edge.



You sound just like my daughter's boyfriend...do you happen to have a neck tattoo about the size of a dinner plate?

>being this fucking stupid
Have proof?
Also, how come the rest of the shit you see isn't curved?

you do realize that the copy and paste you made has no relevance to your argument. using big words that someone else wrote does not make you look smarter...in fact it makes you look dumber, which is why you think the earth is flat.

I'm not even gonna answer that.

>Plane windows are purposely curved to trick us into thinking the Earth is round.

This is textbook schizophrenia right here.

Can anyone answer the question, "if the earth is flat where are the edges of the earth? "

Look up the Bedford level experiment.

If you had an infinitely powerful pair of binoculars, would you be able to see me if I stood on my roof and waved at you? The answer is no. Even if we were at exactly the same altitude with no intervening objects. Same reason you can't see every plane in flight everywhere in the world at the same time. Or that some people see other stars than you do at the same time as you.

Not everything is curved. Did the school system really tell you everything in the world is round and if it appears flat you're just looking to closely?

Wow, this society is really going to shit.



What about skydivers?

Not at all what he said. If the windows make the earth look curved it would also curve and distort other objects we see. But it doesn't.

The flat earth theory is bullshit, source: I am a pilot, ama

No. Get out


If the earth is round then its just like the rest of the planets we see in the universe and humanity is nothing more than a happy accident. If the earth is flat then it defies the laws of physics and must have been created by some form of higher being or god.

What ABOUT them? Why are they so cool? I don't know, maybe because they do things that regular people would be scared to do because of their lack of fear of heights.

fake picture

you will rot in hell stupid atheist

So why doesn't that effect literally anything else you can see through an airplane window? Like the wings, the tarmac, the people, or buildings. That's some high-tech glass, that horizon-seeking glass.

So do you nose-dive your plane every 5 minutes to keep up with the curve of the Earth?


If the plane windows were curved to make the earth round, the rest of the buildings would look distorted and curved, too.
You are removing the context from my argument and then changing the subject entirely.
Never, ever, reproduce.

jesus christ is a lie. go get on noah's arc you fucking lemming

Not true, gravity doesn't convex the Earth because gravity does not exist. The Earth is accelerating upwards.

>i hate captchas

We are an unhappy accident. You cannot just bring religion into the argument. Religion is completely unacceptable to argue with as it's just someone's beliefs just as your dumb flat earth theory.

I like this

To hide da fact that god iz real, of course.

What the fuck's wrong with being a happy accident, hmmm?

See but that's a basic physics error in thinking.
In that case, the earths rotation and the canonball both have the same velocity in reference frame, therefore, all canonballs will fall at exactly the same distance.

Ever wonder why something you throw forward in your care doesn't come crashing back in your face immediately?

That's why you can see all the continents at once when seen from space

No, because I can just reduce my speed so that my lift is in equilibrium with the downward force of gravity.