What Sup Forums thinks of vaping? Is it worth to start vaping and how bad is it for your health?

What Sup Forums thinks of vaping? Is it worth to start vaping and how bad is it for your health?

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You get the desired intake of whatever your vaping minus the pollutants released from combustion.

I think it's logical and practical, but I think smokers smoke because they know it's bad for them.

Vaping or smoking is bad for your health.

If you live in the USA the Feds are getting ready to put tough regulations on the industry to the point it will be impossible to sell their products. Something goes into effect in 90 days but not sure what it is. Believe they said within the next two years. Heard it is big tobacco pressuring law makers.

For anyone considering this, look up the levels of acetaldehyde and formaldehyde you are inhaling -- both known human carcinogens. Also look up popcorn lung and vaping.

Not only is it just as bad for you as straight tobacco, it has the additive effect of you being a tremendous faggot

Save your money, don't become a drug addict.

i switched to vaping.
I understand it's still not good for me, so everyone can just fuck off with that.
But, i was born with asthma, And my breathing (and the amount of times i use my inhaler) has gotten a TON better since i started vaping.

Mouth fedoras are for people coming off ciggies, taking up smoking to look cool is outright retarded for anyone with a mental age over 14.

This is the right reason for vaping, not fashion.

>tfw idiots dont know that that shit of vaping and e-cigarettes actually contains way more toxic shit than normal cigarettes
>picture related

Vaping is gayer than being a human urinal in the San Francisco gay pride parade on Folsom st.

*sucks on phalic death stick*

If you are using it to quit smoking its fine otherwise you are a complete faggot.

If you're gonna smoke, do it like a man damn it. Smoke up! I love Marlboro reds! And camel unfiltered!

Source? Or just talking our of your ass because it said so on those "truth" commercials?

I started vaping so I could stop cigarettes. My breathing has improved dramatically, and I don't cough nearly the same. If I had no physical dependence on nicotine, I wouldn't vape.

"Smoking looks cool but my mom won't let me have a lighter"

mouth fedora is right. they're worse than stoners who can only talk about weed. these fucks have opened 6 vape stores in my town. my town has a population of about 5000 people. we don't even have a taco bell, but 6 fucking vape stores because vape is all those faggots can think about.

it's 95% healthier and a lot cheaper than smoking

Went from half a pack a day to 18mg juice and dropped down to 1mg now, will probably quit alotgether soon

vapers and smokers are both faggots


dubs of truth

You're completely full of shit. Source or gtfo

Cigarettes are the only damned way to smoke, unless you're smoking cigars, cigarillos or a pipe. Smoke up! I love me some tobacco. If you're gonna smoke, do it right! Don't be a vaping pussy! Vapers don't deserve to live!

I find vapor dudes to be elitist assholes. They think they are living some cool lifestyle and think they are intelligent because of the mods they add. But really they are just pandering to another fucked up market. I smoke cigs, I'm not chill for it, but I enjoy them. The difference is I font care what people say, whereas a vapor head, you can't criticize them without then going into autistic traumas.

And you either, you cancerous faggot

Good on you man, but try not to give other smokers a bad name yah? Your not cool, and you spouting all this makes you seem 13

poor substitute for cannabis just look at the demographic user base

It's the same with me, I was always so depressed and without the will to go on, but ever since I started using crack cocaine it's gotten alot better I'm able to go out and be out all night.


Vaping is for faggots. It's like a fedora for your mouth.

Vaping is going to get fucked soon in the U.S.

It is a little better for you than smoking, but lacks the body that a good cig or cigar has.

It makes you look like a fucking idiot. Either smoke like a normal adult or just don't.

Not that user but if you only read around a little, you'd know. I've been wanting to get into vaping for a while because that's all I need now (Fedora check, neck beard check, atheist check, nice guy check)
But now I think I'll be going the route of no additive cigs

>inb4 smoking kills I want to kill myself

Just want to add, that smoking anything is shitty for you. Your lungs dislike smoke of any kind. They are designed to filter oxygen not whatever the fuck is in smoke or vapor. That being said if you WANT to try them out, you can because this is America, and that's your right to purchases these products. People just need to know before that its not going to bring good into your life, only a diminishing return in a slight stimulant sensation.

>have asthma
>smoking or vaping at all
You're a fucking idiot. It's just a choice between stronger or slightly weaker poison.

just inject marijuanas instead

cigarettes cause popcorn lung too, and way more often.

no one said vaping is 100% safe (if they did they're fucking stupid), but it's way better for you than smoking.

if you need nic, get it from a vape

It is fine for your health and is a great way to quit smoking.
If you are not a smoker why would you want to start?

enjoy a slow and painful death.

oh and while you're still alive, enjoy bad teeth, breath, and smelling like shit to 90% of people

Get out of here you underage fag

i hope your asthma just kills you already faggot

Basically, every single ejuice that someone makes will have to have an application put in for it before it can be sold. Premium juices will most likely still thrive, but local shops' house juices will go extinct. They will not take the time to submit an application for every one of their juices and then send it out to a third party to have them make it. It's bull Shit but that's the government for ya.

What part of "i understand it isn't good for me" Does your downy brain not get?

It's doing really well actually!
Haven't had a single issue since i switched to my vape.

Well, based on those pics it makes you fat as fuck.

The part where you continue to do it while even understanding that?!
Who's the fucking downy here?

They're like cigarettes but worse because it makes you look like a hipster faggot


Started smoking, was up to a pack a day.

A friend got into vaping and let me use it, I enjoyed it. I bought one for myself. I lowered the nicotine strength until I was vaping no nicotine at all (just doing it for the flavor). I rarely use it now, but I also weened myself off smoking.

I'm a diabetic as well, smoking causes my blood sugar to increase around 35%, vaping helped me get my blood sugar under control and as strange as it sounds being unable to eat anything with sugar in it, vaping sweet flavors helps me to get rid of my cravings for sweets... that's the only reason I even use mine anymore.

Because i'm a fucking adult who can make my own choices? This is basically telling every smoker ever it's bad for them, we know dude.

So i'm just going to assume you put NOTHING unhealthy into your body? No drugs, no alcohol, no cheeseburgers?

Literally the only chemical found in vape juice that has had any confirmed negative health effects is Diacetyl. This chemical is only present in some flavors and is already being phased out because the community quickly became aware of it's potential health effects.

Everything else is either proven to be harmless, or has not had long term studies done and can't be confirmed either way.

Educate yourself you faggot and stop making baseless claims.

As a smoker turned vaper, I can't recommend someone start who isn't already a smoker. It has absolutely no benefit to health. But since I switched over, I cough less, spend less, and feel way better than when I was smoking.

I'm sure it has some health risks, but for someone like me who just couldn't drop the cigarettes, I'll take the lesser evil on this one. I also don't smell bad anymore, my breathe is nice instead of nasty.

Even the sun is bad for you. I'd rather enjoy life and die at 45 then hate life and live to 108.

>It has absolutely no health benefit, but it does have health benefits

I used to get winded after walking around the store for groceries due to my smoking, but not anymore. Breathing much easier now.

This is the only acceptable reason to vape

It's slightly less harmful than smoking.

We have like 4 it's fucking ridiculous


I never got all the hate on vaping

Lolololol all you faggots took my obvious bait

Only if you combust the liquids, doesn't exist if you aren't a dragonkin retard

>being this stupid

If you don't smoke, don't start vaping. It is not healthy or worth it for non-smokers.

If you're a smoker, switch to vaping. It's better than cigs but worse than nothing at all.

Was that really such a hard concept for you?

>I was only pretending to be retarded!

Cote your sources that vaporizing these substances is more toxic than combusting tobacco

Nice trips
Kek, where I live there's a small avenue that has more than 7 if you count from start to end, it's not even that long, like 2 fucking miles.

Kek, I promise you it was bait, they bit so hard. I had just got done watching this video about a vegan saying non vegans don't deserve to live. I then got the idea to make that post. Boom, now we got some mad fags.

stop being a complete fucking faggot of a retard and do some research. go to the bottom this link and look at the sources you inbred mongo lung.org/stop-smoking/smoking-facts/e-cigarettes-and-lung-health.html?referrer=https://www.google.com/

Thats a thing?

A lot of people are trying to take advantage of a growing trend for financial gain?! Holy fucking dog shit, fuck my throat and call me sally. That's a shocker!

I'll be here for a little while OP i'll be happy to answer any questions about vaping/mods/juice you have

I've seen a video of a chink getting pissed on by a group of faggots so I'd say yes. Don't know if it was there or not but likely.

I'd probably have no problem with chicks using me as their urinal but I'm still a few years of Sup Forums away from wanting to do it with guys.

>This is basically telling every smoker ever it's bad for them, we know dude.

not that guy, but there's a difference between smokers knowing that smoking is bad for them, and someone with asthma doing something like inhaling smoke/whatevervapeis into their lungs.
it bottles the mind to think of how stupid someone with asthma would have to be to smoke or vape.

Yeah but why not pick your position better, It's not really smart business as usually the 2 with the lowest prices are the only ones getting any customers.

>"Hey hun you know that vapor shop we were wanting to open up, we're going to have to move it like 40-50 miles away from our home or just end up moving. Sound good to you?"

I pictured a head filled with softener

>PG juice
Fuck that, lel


someone post that pic of vape juce piss

Hi sam poster

any good recommendations ?

read more. those "test" were bunk.

for what?

>but I think smokers smoke because they know it's bad for them.

truer words on this topic never have been spoken.

you really are a faggot.. you know that correct?


What vape would go best with my fedora.

Google popcorn lungs


google aids clinics in your area

every kid that started smoking did it to look cool. lets stop pretending and slow our collective "roll"...

That's the thing though, even if inhaling glycerin and propylene glycol is safe, we don't know the long term effects of inhaling all those flavor additives. We'll find out though, I guess. Not to mention overheating glycerin to the point of combustion creates toxic chemicals, and those vape coils are apperently creating hot spots that over heats in tiny spots, slowly dosing you with the badness. But once again, we'll eventually discover these risks and work around them/accept them as we did cigarettes. Still seems like it'll be better in the long run.

been hearing this for years yet nothing has ever happened.

Apparently your brain wasn't working too hard.

I know i did.. I started smoking when I was like 16.. smoked for 10 years..Vaping the only thing that helped me quit


smoke weed bro you'll die anyways

not if the FDA has anything to do with it.. technically we have 90 days before there is a freeze on the market in the US.. and then two years before all current products start disappearing.

Ive vaped for 5 years now, started when it was a better alternative to my smoking, now its become some sort of fashion. Hate that about it.

"Hey look at me, i can blow big clouds"... how about you just go die !