TFW 22 years old loser

>TFW 22 years old loser
>TFW never graduated highschool
>TFW no drivers license
>TFW shitty, minimum wage part time job
>TFW fat dyel
>TFW low testosterone
>TFW kissless virgin
>TFW trying to lift but it's hardly working

Please help me...

How can I become normal?


pour coffee and go under water

become a girl

I'm not much of a fan of coffee, I prefer caffeine pills.

I do drink coffee occasionally but I'm not crazy about it.

Is that even possible?

Is there functioning vagina and ovary transplants now? Can a man birth a child these days?

And what would be the practical benefits of becoming a woman?

do caffeine pills work? I tried them once a few years ago and they made me feel bad for the entire day

It is the exact same caffeine as in a coffee but just easier to take.

Not really sure how it could not work besides having high tolerance, or how it could make you feel "bad".

Do you mean like jittery? Take lower dose or try with L-theanine.

>TFW trying to lift but it's hardly working

Is this new from your copypasta post? If so, congratulations.

Lifting can be slow in the beginning depending on how you get into it. For beginners, programs like starting strength or Stronglifts 5x5 are highly effective, as those compound movements can have a big impact on your muscular growth that mere bicep curls and lat raises will not target. Follow the program religiously at first before you start experimenting with additional exercises, and try your best to increase weights on all your lifts every week. And make sure you're getting lots of calories and at least 0.73g of protein per pound of bodyweight. There's some evidence that you can only process so much protein at a given time, so try to split it up over the course of the day, like after a workout, during your meals, and in a shake before you go to sleep.

That part had always been there.

But anyways I'm not making the gains I should be. I have low testosterone which is almost certainly the culprit I've been meaning to address.

I formed some sort of knee and hip injury from SS. Got pretty bad frequent patellar tendinitis and my hip is fucked, kind of stopped squatting as a result.


>Go to /fit/
>Read the fucking sticky
>Eat better
That's basically it

Stop being a fucking pussy

>jus b urself

Thanks captain Normie.

Any more brilliant advice like "dress well", "talk to girls more", and "Learn to hold and captivate attention in a conversation"?

Damn normies these days...

Stop being a self pitying fag and get help

stop being autist you leaf

Oh look at mr. Smartass normie over here.

What else should I do Mr. Normalfag? - Maybe I should keep a daily planner and take a pragmatic approach to bettering my life?

Huh normie? Is your next piece of genius advice taking a pragmatic approach? Gee wow

What else? Reflect on my progress in areas I want to improve on? Fucking normie

Great advice, normalfuck.

Stop going to r9k and being such a whiny bitch

>Dude just stop complaining and whining because it's just annoying and no one likes people who complain

Good piece of advice, normie.

What else should I do? Get haircuts more often and brush my teeth? Get the fuck out of here normal

Would you rather hear that you're worthless and can just give up? That you should kill yourself? Because you might aswell if you're not willing to improve.

>inb4 you should shower at least once every two days

When did this board get so normie? Back in my day we used to ban people who brushed their teeth, had basic grasp of social norms or admitted to showering or shaving regularly.

Times really have changes, normies have taken over.

The best advice I can honestly give is to stop using the word normie

To be honest, I don' think you want help. I just think you want to complain.

Everything apart from getting a gf is extremely fucking easy. Fat? Stop eating so much and eat better when you do, you don't even have to lift. Shit job? Maybe you should save up and go back to school in a year or two, learn a trade or something in demand

"Oh a bloo bloo bloo i have social anxiety and autism im special I dont understand normal people when is my cute anime gf gonna fall into my lap"

No Im just tired of this bullshit advice.

Just tell me it normie.

Spill the beans.

Cut the Fettuccini.

Slice the pizza.

Give me the fucking cheatcode to getting girls and becoming successful. What's the 6-digit number and ritual I need to perform to get a gf?

tell me it.

What's the secret code? Is it two codes? Why do you keep it away from us

Go back to your containment board if you don't like the "normal" presence.

>Dude just work on yourself and ur life will improve lmao!!

Dumb idiot.

If losing weight was so easy, why are so many people fatasses dying from heart disease and getting their feet amputated due to type-2 diabetes (the acquired kind from slurping on gallons of soda and stuffing candy into their mouths)?

Typical normie

"Dude u need to work hard to get good results" lmfao what a joke

You're a normie plain and simple.

I KNOW there's just a cheat code to life. But you fucks wony tell me it.




Well I don't know either but you're going nowhere with this negative defeatist attitude.

>ritual I need to perform to get a gf

You're in luck, I happen to be a veteran of such rituals. Just follow these easy steps.

>pretending to not know

Why did I expect anything different? You normies are all the same.

I fucking know for a fact there's just a secret phrase you have to say three times and you get a gf.

I KNOW that you know it. But you wont tell us, because apparently everyone who isn't like you doesn't deserve a gf huh?

fu k u normie. Piece of shit

Give me the code. tell me what secret code I need to enter in order to get a gf and get rich.

Just be yourself

Yeah you're right, I know the secret code.
But I'm not telling any leaf nerds :^)

what does that even mean

What is "myself"? Is it possible to change yourself?

I mean I know for a fact all billionaires just got lucky and woke up rich one day but is there more to it than that?

Is life more about the choices you make rather than pure luck?

>Dude just work on yourself and ur life will improve lmao!!
Unironically yes, it's called an investment. You go through shit now to see rewards later. At the very least, can you say what you're doing now is working?

>If losing weight was so easy, why are so many people fatasses dying from heart disease and getting their feet amputated due to type-2 diabetes (the acquired kind from slurping on gallons of soda and stuffing candy into their mouths)?
Because most people, like you, suck. Perpetual children with no self control

>Dude u need to work hard to get good results" lmfao what a joke
so how do you get good results? Wishful thinking? "Oh fuck I just woke up one day and had a six pack nice"

>You're a normie plain and simple.
Just out of curiosity, what is a normie to you? I have a feeling you're proud of being a piece of shit and don't actually want to change. I bet you tried a little bit and realized it would take a lot of effort and time, so you tell yourself you put in work so you could feel justified in QQ'ing on Sup Forums

kill yourself and hope reincarnation is real

>lying like a typical normie

Everyone with a nice body or lots of money just woke up like that one day. Everyone knows this.

I know for a fact that normies just sit at home and girls come into their home by breaking their window and sucking their dick while they sleep.

I mean those bodybuilding chads probably don't even go to the gym.

Read 'how to win friends and influence people'. Gives you a good idea on how to improve social skills