Wake up. See this. Wat do?

Wake up. See this. Wat do?

Ask how the fuck Onision's wife got in my house

Beat the bitch for sleeping on the job

wake her up and ask her her how did she broke into my property. if she doesn't have a proper reason, shoot her.
fucking burglars and thieves

She's fucking broke my fucking washing basket again. Fuck, stop climbing in the fucking basket! Get the fuck out of my house

no ones gonna give her a big bowl of eggs?

First of all, I would change the fucking socks to match, because this is crazy. Then I would make proper use of the items present in picture, namely a tape and a girl. Then I would fuck her bondage style.

Spin cycle

Then I'll see how clean ya arrre.


>Turn 360°
>Walk away

Rape first ask questions later

Begin wondering how the hell I put on mismatched socks.


Throw her outside of my fucking house.
But I would rape first, obviously.

Assume she got there under influence. Check her stuff to see if she has an address. If not cloth her and let her rest on the couch for a night then drive her wherever she lived in the morning... You know.. The responsible thing to do....... Or maybe I'd fuck her

This is always a good advice, btw

force feed her bleach and throw her in with the rest of my whites.

Put her in the washing machine

She fits in the basket, she fits in the washer. Time to do laundry.


Rape her

Well, the question is - is she alive or not? Because if she's not, I don't remember the killing and this is bummer

Sniff check to see if she's dirty. If she doesn't smell too bad I'd wear her again, if not, I'd throw her in the wash and find a cleaner one for today.

Throw her in the wash, she's obviously dirty, can't you see? She's in a fucking basket!

Too soon

You beat me to it! Kek


>Spin 360°
>Walk into her
>Fall and wake up dirty laundry girl
>Get sued for sexual assault

Make her a bowl of eggs?

This still happens after 6 years?

"Again? Shit, how do they keep getting in here?"

Wash her with whites, obviously

Put my finger in her bum and smell my finger.

Cute and tiny. Would wrap her in warm blanket from dryer and hold her on my couch, while petting her.

I don't know.

Nice. 5-star post user.

Fucking kek

Underrated post

Jesus bill

underrated post of the day

forcefully offer bowl of eggs


make her eat this bowl of eggs

Tell her to gtfo of my clothes basket. Today is washing day... fucking cunt

washer with the egg whites

appropriately rated post

put her back in her cage and ask furiously how she got out


>Go back to my dresser to rematch my socks
>Come back to chick
>Pick her up basket and all
>Place in oven
>Close door
>Set timer for 10 minutes
>Grab a cup of coffee
>Sit at my kitchen table and wait for lulz

arm myself, wake her up, ask her what she's doing in my flat. depending on the answer probably throw her out and demand money for the ruined basket.

introduce her to my friend

Best way I ever found to trap pussy. Set a box out and wait.


Start cleaning and put on a pair of socks that match

Spot the american


Spot my neighbor, ha ha.

there is no way he is american with that horrid grammar