Any IT fags here? I threw my laptop againts the wall by accident and now when I try to play League this shit happens

Any IT fags here? I threw my laptop againts the wall by accident and now when I try to play League this shit happens..


Get a new laptop and don't throw it against the wall in a fit of league induced rage you underage autist

it was an accident you faggot. not buying a new laptop since everything else works fine

Go online. Find replacement screen. Take mommy/daddy's bank card. Order screen. Wait for it. Look up install. Preform install. Life goes on.

Rip graphics card

Kys for being a scrub?

get rekt cunt

daddy wont get you a new laptop you lolshit


Stop playing Karthus first off. Do you WANT to break it again?

GPU is broke good luck find a replacement better off getting new laptop, you could try reconnecting the GPU into the socket and

pending it's not an onboard which it probably is

GPU taking a pounding not something easy to repair.

throwing a laptop against a wall is an accident?

everything *WORKED fine before you went full betamax

lol retard rage

if it can't be fixed i'll just stop playing league then. no point in wasting my money to buy a new computer just for a shitty game.

thanks for the replies guys

no more league until you get a new laptop.
fuckn tard

haha fucking raging faggot

Warranty at all? I bet you could get it replaced if so.

accidentally threw it against the wall?

jesus, now you're a liar as well as a faggot

dude.. how do you even ACCIDENTALLY throw something against a wall

You need a new gpu

I am IT, i'm italian
Ama faggot

A GPU for a Notebook
by accident sure you lying faggot. you are a fucking gay league of legends player, this confirmes that you're are a 12 year old raging trap loving faggot

This. New GPU for sure. Maybe also try to delete System32 so that you can install new drivers.

First off, check that the input cable didn't get loose. Just look up for loose parts. After that, then it's GPU damage and you're fucked.

You do realize that some higher grade laptops actually have a GPU installed, newer ones have changable ones to upgrade.

It's his GPU, not screen.