Would you have sex with this girl?

Would you have sex with this girl?

You mean that guy? No - his dick is too small.

i would suck her dick

Yes and would suck his dick too

of course

plus it can't be gay because it's impossible for balls to touch

I would have sex with that shemale, yes.

only if it wore that piece

Hell yes I would. She sucks a mean cock.

You should learn one thing newfag: Sup Forums always knows when a trap is a trap

pick one you diseased faggot.

I would pay a whole lot to fuck Sarina.

if the penis is feminine, then it's a girl

Yes, even if that lady has a dick bigger than mine.

Post more

No, I don't masturbate with other men and since that man dosen't have a vagina, sex is impossible.

Id fuck her even if shed had a dick


a Y chromosome is not feminine in any way.

Dubs of truth


Trips of truth

Nah, that's the thing about choosing within the sissy-shemale spectrum. You can have both!

Such a sad game OP.
Even if one day you fool someone into saying "Hells yeah!" and then go "Ha, you crave cock as much as I do!".
It is not the same, you seek the cock the other person you fooled it took a lot of work. Once they find out they are no longer interested and you still crave the cock.
So be a man and come out already. You get a great coming out party and once you are at the gay bar you can finally get laid.

that jaw belongs to a man.

Would been fucked and maybe suck

Oh man, you got me OP!
I thought was gurl but was guy
Now I am faggot!
Epic win bro!

Men with tits are gay

Nice meme and nice dubs.

you must have a mircro dick

no. this is like a coke sitting on a table, telling people that it's water.

This bitch is fine as fuck

In that it tastes much, much better than water while still being refreshing?

That bitch totally looks like a man.


nice quads



Faggot just go to literally any porn site and search him.

Kalindra is so fucking fine


it's like you don't grasp the concept of an image board


It's like you're trying to be cancerous



Op still loves that dick I see

Not the case here moron

Sarina Valentina. Yup, she has a dick. And yup, would fuck.

I want to be like her

I hope you're young and have a lot of fucking money. If you fit that bill, no time like the present to start.

>accept muh definitions


>hang the infidels

There you go

yes to the first, no to the second

The one on the right has a flat ass and a ugly pussy

do it sissy boi

>ugly pussy
There is no such thing

I'm not a tranny, just a dude who'd fuck a convincing tranny thanks to Sup Forums (no homo) but I'm pretty sure you'll only get halfway there without a good bit to spend on surgery.


uh yes here is most are here is an example of a cute pussy

halfway there is enough to make it easy to find someone willing to pay for the rest :)

maybe if it was easy, but i'm not a fan of fake tits, fake nail/bimbo aesthetic so i wouldn't do much effort to achieve that


Good point.