So Sup Forums can you name a better robot that Hypnodisc?

So Sup Forums can you name a better robot that Hypnodisc?

>Pro Tip its subjective

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Oh fuck I miss watching Robot Wars you couldn't make this show in 2010s. Hypodisc was my favourite robot, always loved watching it rip others robots apart that were made out of a Rose's tin,

Gimini man. wish they lasted longer.

Sorry but razor was actually the best

Razor. Fucking nuff said.

the little flipper robot called chaos if i remember right.

That fucking sofa with eyes that was forever on fire

I used to have a windows game where you could build and fight bots. I forget the name and the graphics were barely tolerable but holy fuck I wasted countless hours playing it

Chaos 2 man, OP here, I recently discovered in UK on Sky its being streamed on 'Challenge', take a watch of a few episodes.

This guy

Battlebots, tripsfriend

Diotoir was its name

You do realise they're bringing Robot Wars back right?

Forever loyal to Chaos 2.

That OP fucker made the battles look easy.

The whole reason I made this thread.

Not certain if this is correct website but i think you can go and watch it live if you pay and shit here for new season or stuff.



whatever happened to phillipa forrester?

i used to fancy her like mad

Nope found it! Robot Arena.

Razer destroyed Matilda once.

Fucking this. Hypnodisc was a beast but god damn once razer got it's claw into you it just kept going to the floor regardless of what bits got in the way.

Thanks user. Did it always have the mounted spike?

No clue, I know it always caught fire and had an excellent flipper, but I personal didn't care too much to notice much about it.

Bitch please Razer destroyed one of the house robots or whatever they were called.

No Craig Charles? Would be good to have him on as a guest for nostalgic sake

No we need to select the best house robots..

>Sgt Bash
>Dead Metal
>Sir Killalot

The rest are shit tier.

i can't listen to jonathan pearce do the football commentary without thinking of robot wars

That was a good death.

Best robot? Pic related. Driven by a pair of morons, but fucking marvellous machine, full of character.

>PussyCat Vs. Razor
you guys have to watch this shit

Mr Psycho and Cassius Chrome can diaf.

Growler was a brilliant addition to the lineup. Matilda was only ever any good after her upgrade following Razer's touch.
Dead Metal, likewise, was only really any good after his upgrade.


God, forget how good that commentator was.

>Dara O'Briain and Angela Scanlon are hosting
It's fine senpai I didn't want to watch it anyway.

This was that time.

she turned into a huge bloater

Good guy Dead Metal

do you understand how retarded you sound right now