Feels thread

Feels thread

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sharing this because it makes me happy




I'm just here for the pepes

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How are you, guys and girls?



This one is saddening, get ready for extreme feels infiltration, Sup Forumsros





>im sorry



Okay you ruined my night

> be me
> be divorced about 9 years ago
> get nothing much done, since then
> just watching 'Her' movie
> crying my heart out
> end of story



Fuck that movie...

>My wife left me in February.
>Left me because I was opening a business my stress caused me to become reclusive the last six months.
>Started seeing someone 14 years older than her because he was more "stable" (2 ex wives and 3 children with three different mothers)
>Everything went south incredibly quickly.
>Her friends said I was stalking the house and that I had broken into the house on xx-weekend.
>I was 400 miles away.
>She cuts ties completely and I lose the rest of my family
>We haven't spoken since end of February.
>Be last week looking through some old tech and find my old ipod touch.
>her emails logged in

>tfw no bed so sleeping on blankets on floor

You'll all get a kick out of this one
>first day of college earlier this year
>girl with ginger hair sits next to me at canteen
>she's really cute, kind of chubby but really pretty face
>we talk for a bit and she adds me on Facebook later that night
>I'm in love
>can't get the guts up to speak to her (I'm a pussy)
>for the first couple of weeks she smiles when I walk past
>I write out an entire Facebook message asking her out for coffee
>don't have the balls to send it (leave it as a draft)
>months go bye and I start talking to a 9/10 she's really nice and she wanted to go out but i turn her down because I really like the original girl
>it's been nearly a year and last Friday I got the guts to go talk to her
>one of my friends wants to see her Facebook
>I show him but then I notice the relationship status
>a day before I was going to ask her out she started dating some rich retard
>I feel like shit.



Not earlier this year I meant last year

Why? Pics?

You know, I've realized something. Always coming back to these threads when you're down is a good way to get a new outlook on your life. When you realize that despite your hardships, things could have been a lot worse.

So, fellow Anons, let me say just one thing. Don't give up. If you're the antisocial, socially awkward type I used to be, try. Find a small anonymous group of people and just chat about things for a few hours, then try to find one where you can build an identity for yourself, maybe even try meeting up and chatting IRL. Then finally just go out to social events after you feel confident enough and chat people up.

I used to be a wallflower, but these days I developed my social skills over those few steps. I've found common interests with people whom I now consider some of my best friends. Every one of you probably has some sort of redeeming quality or skill, no matter how small. built it. gain experience on it. Find people who are similar and share experiences, idle banter, ect. Just explore yourself and explore the world around you. You can focus on the negative or focus on the positive, it's not too late, just try user. Life is precious, you're precious. Don't let the negativity get to you, adopt a baby cat or kitten, give yourself something to care for and a reason to live when your negative thoughts get you down. Find a goal and work towards it, remind yourself of it constantly, and before you know it you'll be so wrapped up by that goal that you won't realize the pain you've been feeling is missing, replaced by thoughts of that goal. Don't give up user, live on.

saw it for the first time. actually its a very good movie. but it is way too much about me and my shit

I recently moved and can't afford one june. Pinched nerves everyday.

Do you really want to see a pic of a room with no furniture and blankets strewn about?

Yeah this one is pretty bad man

Don't worry you wouldn't have asked her out if it can help you. No bullshit about "the day before" or something, you were too late, you wouldn't even have asked her the next day, don't lie to yourself it's useless.
That's the terrible truth.

Too relatable, user.

There's lots of girls in college. Unless you go to my college.

What a bitch

What's your situation, man? Open up.


Nice try, wannabe-anonymous basement dweller.

It was online, and we met a couple times, so I know nobody here will take me seriously

aha oh man I'm so fucking pathetic lol, legitimately I bought a rope on thursday (I odn't see myself ever using it because I'm too much of a puss) but it's the only thing that keeps me going you know, the thought that It's near the end

no man it's cool, the girl I fell for is in my college and sits next to me everyday in biology and we often get lunch together, but all I am is her bestfriend and it's been 3 months and it hurts just as much - tell me about you tho user, love is all the same

Nah, bro. I feel you.

I met a girl when I was living abroad. Fell for her hard, she didn't feel the same way at all.

She moved to another country a few months back. Still remember hugging her goodbye and watching her walk away. Still feel the emptiness.

Thanks user, I needed to read that. You made my day, seriously.


I have a bit of a short, peculiar feel, that for some reason I still think about.
>be in secondary school
>go to one of the top ten schools in the country (I'm not bragging, it's relatively important to the story)
>one day, notice a girl who has been in my year for five years but whom I have never really spoken to
>find out she has a YouTube
>watch some videos
>really become infatuated with her personality
>like most people here, I'm a bit timid
>she's a bit of a social outcast in school though, so I'm not really intimated by her as I was other girls
>assume she's going to be staying the whole 7 years at the school, so there's no rush to speak to her
>find out in the last week of school that she's leaving at the end of the year to move to fucking Rugby
>absolutely devastated
>despite only having a week to even talk to her, I don't do anything
>absolutely no reason for me not to talk to her
>feel like shit for months
>still think about it now and how I never got to try and talk to her
I don't even know why it bothers me; I didn't even know her. I wouldn't even class this as a proper feel, but still, I do really wish that I had spoken to her.

Alright Sup Forumsros, I gotta go to sleep, but here's a greentext story I wrote a little while back. Little poorly written, but I hope you understand.

You guys are just getting caught up with one girl too much. The have to be talking to several girls all the time so you don't feel so depressed when one girl doesn't feel the same way. Thereso literally billions of girls and they're all pretty similar, so you're gonna be OK. It can also be a lot harder to experience the rejection when you havnt had much acceptance, so again, increase the number to increase success.


Easy for you to say, by the sounds of it you can actualy GET more than one girl, us on the other hand, can barely get one, so that's what leaves us in this right mess.
At least, I assume the majority are like that, I might just be speaking for myself.

You shouldn't feel so bad. You built up a fantasy in your head when in reality you never knew her or what it would have been like

Thanks user

Jesus fucking Christ that's terrible. Puts my pathetic problems into perspective.

Good night friend.

I get it, man. It's just that this girl was the first to make me feel that way. Time heals all wounds, I hear.

That could be what made him feel bad. The fact he never knew how it would have turned out.

It's not something you can't help. You can do it. Even if you can't approach women irl you could use online dating to practice on lots of girls in your area. It sounds stereotypical, but it really is a numbers game and with some practicw, you can do well with women too.

I feel you. The first girl I ever was in love with died. We went out like twice and knew each other for a few months but we talked every day for months over the phone and it felt like the world was ending. Eventually you'll get used ton shitty stuff happening with girls and become more resilient.

More stories and less chit-chatting, shitheads

There's one girl I work with, we met after she got married and had a child. We've never done anything, but we are each other's what could have been. That one person you'll always wonder what it would've been like to be with. Extreme feels edition today.

mah nigga

ok so
>5 years old
>live in the middle of nowhere
>go to lutheran private school, 7 other kids in class
>be the shy outcast
>come home from school crying everyday "i have no friends!!!"
>mom eventually just tells me to shut the fuck up
>her and her boyfriend are always drinking and playing loud bullshit country music
>never get any sleep, a fucking mess because of it
>go to school and sit alone at recess
>one day the others gang up and throw dodge balls at me. dont get in trouble because they told the teacher they were just trying to include me.
>go home and now mom and bf are fighting every night
>he hits us both. i have to play pity card and call him "daddy" to get him to stop
>one night its so bad he takes an axe through my moms care engine, throws beer mug at her. theres nowhere to run or hide, its a small trailer.
>i call my grandma to come get us
>grandma shows up, we're pulling away in her car, i look back
>he's got my beta fish in his vase, Mammoth, in his hands
>screams something at us, throws the fish in the gravel-covered driveway
>that fish was the last thing i had from my dad before my he died
>mom still took us back to him.
>and it didnt get better.
>he said he liked how much i looked like my mom.

You need to get the fuck out, it's called a feels thread for a reason.

Holy shit I didn't recognize it was from that book, thanks.

Damn, that's me

>The first girl I ever was in love with died.
Jesus dude, that's terrible. But you seem to got yourself together pretty well.

Hope all is and will be well with you, friend.

if feels you need spurdo jump game!!!!!

Keep going bro. I would've killed myself already if I were you. You have strength greater than most.


Why does the end of this comic always make me happy?
I'm not suicidal or anything, I'm generally happy. My life is good, school is going good, have great relations with my parents but something is off. I loved someone Sup Forums, now I'm stuck with this weird pain in chest when I think of her. It's not really pain, it's numbness. I do still have a lot of friends, they make me laugh, I make them laugh but it's mediocre now, I don't really feel it. Then I come home to Sup Forums and feel at home, I can't go through the day if I don't visit Sup Forums
I'm trying Sup Forumsros I really am, I have to go on I don't want to feel lonely anymore, I want to be able to be the little happy boy I used to be. I'm not looking for attention, but for you who gave me some, thank you and may the odds be ever in your favor

Idk, man. Maybe it's because you understand the person's pain and know that despite the fact that they've killed themselves, they no longer have to endure that pain...

The heck with that masterpiece
I can't listen to the soundtrack in public now, I can't hold my tears

my older brother used to be the only person in my life i loved so much
>he had severe autism though
>when we were kids he was no different than anyone else
>he had this great pokemon obssession
>to this day, he owns almost every pokemon game made, even perfect condition game boy colors with those old pokemon games hanging around
>we would play pokemon all day
>we were inseparable
>when he got into puberty, he stopped wanting to be around me all of a sudden
>i tried to hug him once
>like i did every day when we were kids
>he didnt want me to touch him
>i told him i love him and tried to hug him again
>he punched me in the face
>stopped wanting to be around me
>whenever he smiled, i looked at him and he immediately stopped
>develop bulimia in order to cope with my fucking pain
>bullied at school for being fat
>this goes on for a few years
>to this day my brother hates my fucking guts and i cannot for the fucking life of me understand the fucking why
>my mom always said that he was going through a phase or some shit but the truth was she didnt give a shit either way
>depression gets worse
>i pretty much lived alone because my parents were always working early and my brother went to a school for special needs kids, so every morning since i was 8 i would get myself out of bed, make my own breakfast, make my own bag, and go to school myself
>12 years old, cant find the energy to get out of bed
>stay out of school for a week straight
>some class nerd had my home number, and the teacher made him call me to tell me that i was going to get into trouble

How do you even start crushing on a person you have just met 1 time and made deep eye contact with. Not even talked to?

Why didn't I go talk to her? I couldve talked about the artsy bullshit I met her at. Instead I decided to stare, to think that there will be a 'second time' that I meet her just because a female friend of mine knows her. How stupid I feel. I could just add her on facebook but she'd not even remember me. It has been weeks and the worst part is not that I didnt have the balls to go talk to her. The worst part is that I already feel like giving up. Because something inside me says that maybe not even trying is always better than failure. And I hate it.

Where is that passion I once had. The hope of a hopeless lover.

>i didnt know what to do so i panicked and told my mom that i hadnt been to school in a week
>i told her not to tell dad
>she said dont worry
>i trusted her
>the same night my dad beat the shit out of me for pulling that crap
>no fucking remorse
>my mom just sat there
>and after he was done, she told me that i caused it
>my brother once had some friends over and made fun of me about that time my dad kicked my ass
>they all laugh
>this goes on for 2 more years

I love you. That comic is so relatable, user.

Now come here and hug me.



Just made this picture in my bedroom, this is my view every night. Should I turn off the light so it can only be darkness?

That ice cream must be really good


9 years....

I get you. I have been on that situation a lot of times, but hey you still have a chance, if you know her fb or you could just ask your friend or something. Anyway not doing anything or failing is still the same ending, cos you will probably never see her again so there is nothing to loose

Why the fuck is this generation of people so fucking emotional? And why do they always feel obligated to proclaim their emotions? Keep that shit to yourself because I dont need to know how much of a pussy you are. Deal with your emotions on your own.

Hurry up.

> i stop eating barely anything anymore
>a few weeks after my dad beat me my parents took me to a therapist
>i remember thinking of how much of a fucking faggot he looked like
>i lied about everything he asked me
>never told him about what had happened with my dad
>leave 45 minutes earlier than he wanted
>after that, i just started eating less and less and started running everywhere
>barely eat, and just run until i wanna throw up almost every day
>become borderline anorexic
>parents stop caring about me altogether
>the only difference between me being alive or dead is who would walk the dog
>nobody begins to notice when im present or not anymore
>it makes no difference
>i try to say something to people, and they just dont listen to me
>it feels like im fucking invisible
>people everywhere just fucking ignored me
>i just wanted fucking friends and not fucking bullies
>i had no one to talk to
>my own house felt like it wasnt a place i should be in
>i was so fucking lonely
> i saved up some money and called a psychologist, and kept it a secret from my parents
>she told me she couldnt accept to see me because of legal issues (your parents have to give consent to you visiting a shrink)
>rejected from even that
>well, fuck this
>i have no one Sup Forums
>no one
>how the fuck do i manage to cope
>i dont know what to do
> i just want my brother back
>i just want him back


thanks for expressing your anger

now fuck off


I have been thinking about doing that one. But my problem is not approaching girls, I can easily do it, but what I feel is that no girl ever wanna know me really like 6 months ago I was dating a girl, we had been dating for 3 months and we went to her best friend party, I could hear some of her best friends telling her stuff like "nice guy, he's sexy where u met him.." and then some one asked like hey what does he do for living, and she was like I got no idea. That broke my heart, I asked her some questions about me and literally she didn't knew a shit, it was like every time we spoke she just didn't pay attention to what I said. I should have seen that coming as she was always chatting wen we speak, and we barely spoke on phone.
It's been like this for a while now I'm really tired of this shit, getting laid is not fun enough anymore for me, it feels empty now

Cont, you better hurry up with the next.

>seeing a couple holding hands today
>reminded me of her...

I don't even know why I come back to these threads, they just make me depressed even more...

>shit soaked life user

>I'm 28 years old
>I have no friends and never had a girlfriend
>Sometimes I think nobody wanted to be with someone my age without experiences into relationships
>I think to give up definitely trying to date women and stuff like that
>I'd wish I were asexual and asocial

What's wrong, anons?


Shit user, you're making me cry god damn it. I haven't shed happy tears in quite a while, thank you user. I'll give you a bro hug back.. no homo