Does she like me?

Does she like me?

Is there any hope for me?

should i put on a diaper

Should i play Metroid or is it really just boring as fuck?

Will I get over it?

so i should then?

What color the sky?

fucks sake. should i put one on, yes or no

is this fucking bitch using me for her own means? that fucking cunt

im gonna go kill myself bye


Fuck u man

Will i ever get ze puss puss?

okay then should i put on a diaper

Will i succeed?

how the fuck do i interpret this, is that a yes or a no

fuck my life

will the urge to rape go away

When I die do I get to be with muh waifu?

Will she be my girlfriend soon?

When I die do I get to be with muh waifu?

Should I give up on her?

Close enough.
>pic related, muh waifu

will we fuck?

will i lose my virginity this summer


why there is no 0

Will she be my girlfriend this year?

Will it grow to goal?

Does she love me?

Is she going to leave him for me?

If I play it will I do good or possibly 100% something?

Will I gf anytime soon

do my friends like me

I want a yes or no question pls. I don't wanna consult a priest over a video game.

am i evil?

You didn't answer fgt. I said yes or no.


Should I have chosen the other one?

Is she going to leave him for me?

Should I have chosen aurora?

Is my life heading downhill?

Will I have sex this summer?

Is she stringing me along?

will it rain today?

Am I wasting my time with her?

Will Bernie the cuck Sanders be president?

Is she ever going to be my girlfriend?

is she actually interested?

Does she really like me?

Thanks for clearing that up. I feel a lot better o wise one. I guess I already knew that.. But the grass is always greener you know? Anyway thanks .

Will I fuck this year?

>become a holy man
fuck you, my quads say that I'm getting laid


Will he though? I support Trump.

is my friend a terrorist?

will this shit improve next year

Is he going to come crawling back




is this my fault?

Will she ever change her mind?

Will those flithy Mexicans quit taking our jobs and stay outside the wall?

Should i go to edc today


Tbh that's just all women.

Does she like me

Make it rain in Illinois


Faggot priest.

Am i going to edc tonight? I already went yesterday.

is friday going to be good

Look, I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense.

Will I ever get a girlfriend?

Will I reach 6'0"?

Does Rebecca like me?


Fucking quads hell Yeah you are u is gonna drown in pussyjuice

Is he just a jealous cuck?

Does she like me?

is the sage always right?

Should i go ?


What about Raissa, does she like me?

is the next post dubs?

Blank because of blank kek

should i stop talking to a?


is she focusing on school?

will i ever get a chance with her again?



will I get dubs?

Is she seeing someone else?


Did she like me before?

does she like me?

does she like me too

Did i ever have a chance?

Shall i sleep now?

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