God Tier Horror film

God Tier Horror film

Fucking loved that film


why do i feel like killing myself every day?

Outta here with that shit.

would have been better if she actually ended up killing the kid

Well me too but i'm in research of some other great horror film to look tonight so if you can help me i'll appreciate that.


Rosemary's Baby

Well thanks.
Did you saw it ? It was good ?

That movie was soo boring. It wasn't even scary and was not supernatural in any way. I thought it was pretty stupid.

OP, you can start at any time

OP is a doesn't know shit if he that the babadook was a good movie or scary in any way.

Babadook was pretty good but hardly God-tier

It was obvious for half of the movie how it would end

the witch was really good.
they really built a creepy mood. the whole tone of the film is super intense and interesting.

The movie was good... but is that like the scariest movie out there? It wasn't at all...

The Witch was a lot better than I expected it to be. I honestly expected it to be about as good as that shitty witchcraft series from the early 90's.


fun and sleek horror movie that was made by a pedophile and inspired by Spielberg's "Duel"

You start

Shit acting all around, but was legitimately scary, for me at least.


Best horror movie of all time
Most important horror movie
Best Modernized horror
>28 days later
Best slasher
Best Practical FX
>The Thing

top zozzle


Are you even trying, user? I suppose in it's time it was frightening, but nowadays it has the feel of a B movie.


Yeah first was pretty good. Can't get over the fact of how complete and utter shit the second was.


Are you some kind of film fag?

The exorcist is the best horror movie of all time. And the grudge is scarier than 28 days later. I think a nightmare on elm street is better slasher than Halloween.

I had to turn the second one off halfway through. The butchering was too much for me.

Also, pic related. Another movie ruined by a sequel.

The Babadook was boring, predictable, corny and annoying.

The descent was decent.

The British ending is better.

There shouldn't have been a sequel but the ending made me laugh.

Fire In The Sky

Let The Right One In


Lake Eden

I don't get why people love this movie. As a big fan of horror flicks I thought the Babadook was very underwhelming. What am I missing?

There weren't actually any scary parts and you just leave the film thinking "is that it?"

Fucking terrible movie and even worse "Monster"

Original poltergeist movie is God Tier. Followed by the sequel.

What happens in the British ending?

Best horror film all time is Scream.

had to watch it partly on my TV, on my phone and on my laptop. Not the best circumstance for a horror movie bad and it got me anyhow

great film

definitely deserves more attention than it gets

Oh god no, the second was disgraceful and quite honestly ruined the first one for me.



can't wait, till it comes to cinemas in germany, finaly





Pic related. So fucking good.



Anyone remember the Starcraft game type for this? Prolly my favorite vidya experience


> name the worst horror flick

>Overrated lame shit
The Conjuring

>Underrated good stuff

> god-tier horror classic
The Shining

>Slasher classic
TCM 1974

>Best slasher
Halloween 1

>Best zombie movie
Dawn of the Dead

she doesn't get out

in the american revision she gets out, literally because the american test audiences found the british ending too depressing lol


this is a good one

>the thing (original)

An American Werewolf in London

Blade 2

Shit didn't realize you already posted it.
Good choice man, watched it for the first time yesterday and even in 2016 I thought the effects were some of the best I've ever seen.
Just watched the remake now, God damn why didn't they just use practical effects.


the invitation

The Omen


You know OP, the best part of that, was when you finallly figure out that it's all just grief over the loss of the father, and that the fucking name of the movie is just "dadabook" with a few letters moved around.

It was pathetic. Nothing to it. The only good part was the last 15 minutes and it wasn't even that good. Half the actors were American but they laid the accent on so think you couldn't understand what the hell they were saying. Earnest goes to camp was better then this movie.

>checked again
Americans like to clap at the end of movies. It's no meme.

the director said it is actually "a bad book" with the letters moved around

They did. The practical effects were just rolled over with CGI because "it looks better".

Dracula (1932)

This fucking triggers me

my negroids, one of the best movies i've ever watched tbh

I love all the dead movies but dawn was probably my least favorite. I thought night and day were alot better. wonder why everyone loves dawn the best. the mall theme is cool though.

Yeah. My American friend said everyone clapped after the Avengers movie.
I honestly thought it was a meme and didn't believe her.

I don't get it. I thought the movie was terrible as horror, but fine as a thriller. At no point was I scared. I was tense throughout, but never afraid. Where was the TERROR?

The best of Horror is definitely the first Alien movie. Those dick-shaped fuckers be scary

M8 I think you fucked up..

as an american I cant stand people who cheer and clap during movies. fucking morons

The sequels were garbage...

I still don't understand what people liked about this movie. I probably need to try and watch it again.

I thought it was decent but not scary in the least.
He's just some faggot with a top hat. Also the kid was the most annoying piece of shit ever and an awful actor.
It wasn't great at all.

Because it did have an actual story and a twist

>mah nigga

Nigga aliens was fucking amazing.
Not in the same way as Alien was, but it was great in its own right.

the horror movie that scared me the most was original grudge, if you know some horror movies Asian or not that are creepier please give me advices,

The original was made in the '50's.

Obvious bait. No one really thinks this shit is good.

real good period piece the acting was spot on but the horror was pretty lame

still worth the watch

No. It was a poor excuse for a horror film and it used fucking stock dinosaur sounds for the monster.


If you want to be like that about it you're wrong.
The Thing from Another World came out in the 50's.
The Thing (original) came out in the 80's.

finally someone, i hate this fucking kid so much.



Thank you! The stock sound effects made me laugh aloud.
Fucking ridiculous how people praise it to the moon and back.

not who you're replying to btw

I don't think aliens by itself was a bad movie in any sense, it was brilliantly written, the imagery is sweet, and it's scary as hell. I think what people don't like about it is when you compare it as "the sequel". It's the same goddamn story as alien, the only difference is there are more aliens, the parallels are uncountable. It's an amazing movie by itself, but most people don't look at it by itself.

But they turned a god-tier horror classic into a CGI riddled action movie with fucking exo-skeletal forklifts......and then fought in "hand-to-hand" combat...why James Cameron...why........

so you think "b movie"=bad? idiot. and Nosferatu isnt b movie.

and why exorcist is the best horror movie? because of retarded critics? film is good but lacks suspense and shit. Psycho is much creepier, Psycho is a horror, dont deny it.

But Aliens didn't feature CGI. The third one introduced it.

If you liked the original version of the grudge then I recommend the original 1998 Japanese version of the ring. It's not as scary/jumpy as the grudge but its got a creepier vibe throughout the whole film

and that one is dogshite

Don't group Aliens, which is God tier, with the other ones then nigger