Is it a turn on or a turn off if a hot girl is very religious?

Is it a turn on or a turn off if a hot girl is very religious?


Off, unless her parents are dead. Then it's hot.

there are a lot of religions some mormonic girl would be nice

depends on her age u stupid fucknugget

Depends on the religion, tbh....

I can abide a pagan or somesuch, but devout Christians, Cat-licks, Mormons, scientologists, atheists (inb4notareligion, because atheists are religiously devoted to the non-religion, even moreso than most religious people), and especially mudslimes.... Not really sure about jews, never really met a devout jew girl before, but I'd definitely bang one...

>pic related, would kill to have a Dudeist lady-friend!!

Yes, if she's friendzoned you for 7 years because she could never marry someone who doesn't believe in God

Off, immediately, if she believes in god shes a dumb piece of shit. Even worse is when they're indifferent on religion but their parents give a fuck for some reason, so you have to do this little dance to pander to their stupid fucking ideals, never mind the fact they havent been to church in the 3 years youve known them. fuck Christians are stupid.

Neither. She can think what she wants to. As long as she doesn't push her shit on me, im cool with it.

You have to be pretty messed up to be turned on by retardation/down syndrome.

Turn on, if she actually follows then she's most likely loyal with a good moral standing.
And atheists are just cringe.


OP here. I think religious people are idiots too. But a girls intelligence doesn't always affect her hotness. It would suck if she never wanted to have sex. But I would love to convince a devoutly religious girl to have sex with me, and then dump her for being a whore. Shit would be pretty cash.

Like have her deny me for months because she wants to wait for marriage. And then finally convince her by saying we're in love, and then as soon as I finish, just be like, "sorry, I don't date sluts, you're going to hell now." And just walk the fuck out of there, and never see her again.

Not necessarily. I'm a stark atheist and I've dated my share of Catholics. It's really not that hard, you just have to respect each other's beliefs. I don't believe in God at all, but I've gone to a few masses because otherwise we're a great couple. Overall, religion is so insignificant to me, as is an hour every week. I've found repressed religious 'Murican girls are also the dirtiest. Normal girls won't let you switch from ass to mouth constantly and let you fuck them in public anywhere. It's really easy to make religious girls your personal cumslut, which is a bonus to me. I can see how this would be a deal breaker if atheism was super important to you, but to me, atheism is more about not giving a shit about religion.

Yes, I can't even get erect thinking about a girl with ranging forms of schizophrenia.

The only turn on would be trying to 'corrupt' them by exposing them to the lewd pleasures of life, and not drying your vagina for jesus.

also fuck semi-christians or 1/4th christians, fucking middle of the fence pieces of shit.

if they are agnostic or atheist then they live in my reality, and will do things for the now and not for the afterlife. This turns me on.

Turn off. They're total cock teases and churches use them as tools to convert horny bastards. Sure they're sexually repressed as fuck, but you have to go balls deep in the faith and marry them before you can get balls deep. Too much work.

You have seen so many people use that word and yet you do not know what it means.
So now the rough call is "

My girlfriend of 1 year is devoutly Christian. I'm an atheist. Honestly, when we first began talking I had no intention to take her seriously. It was a bit of a turn-off; not at all anymore. Her family, on the other hand, is different. The type who never go to church, quote verses they find on FB, and think all Muslims should be banned. Yeah...not very fond of them

>tips fedora

Not related, but OP's picture is hot as fuck.

most religious girls are total whores in my experience so its pretty alright i guess

Yes. The first girl I fell in love with was a "Christian" and also a dumb piece of shit. I would associate any other girl's religious beliefs with her.

> Is it a turn on or a turn off if a hot girl is ignorant and delusional


Well they wouldn't be the best to marry. But that doesn't mean dumb/crazy chicks aren't fun to fuck. There's different kinds of turn ons

Turn off because that means they are insane. Belief in imaginary friends is for toddlers.

Implying toddlers aren't hot

Na, they claim that, but they're the easiest girls to fuck if you're even slightly smooth. The biggest sluts I've ever met were 'saving it for marriage.'

... just make sure nobody finds out and they're your little whores.

>Like have her deny me for months because she wants to wait for marriage. And then finally
If they do not fuck me in the first 24 hours I friend zone (never call again zone) them.

thank you for the gesture, my good sir.
>rubs ancient book of drivel

No man, You gotta work that long con. You can always fuck other girls while you wait.

friendly reminder that a devout dudeist female would most likely have a giant bush

tips fedora
cringy asshole
dumb asshole
cringy asshole
super cringy asshole
slutty ashole
slutty asshole
cringy asshole

Is today the great 9fag night or why so many assholes and cringelords on Sup Forums ?

Newfag detected

You're approaching autism levels that shouldn't be possible.

Anyone using the word "cringy" that much is a pretty cringy person. It's like the guys who are so worried about anyone questioning their masculinity, they are always total beta fags.

>anything atheistic is cringeworthy
>why are there so many assholes on Sup Forums?!

Hey, Sup Forums and ifunny are different places for different demographics, you seem to have lost your way, young one.

Here's your ticket back to ifunny, have fun with good fresh memes!

>Newfag detected
You were close.

]This is not newfaging this is same fagging. Wait, wait, we could both be right it could be newsamefagging!

to be on Sup Forums and to be an asshole are two different things, asshole
>tips fedora
Yeah, I tought ITT we're talking about christian chicks but instead it seems to be a cringe thread and you're a paragon

Very? Off

Just religious? On if she's level-headed and off if she's boring.

Nobody be mean to this guy. He is obviously having a tuff time at home. He probably just got into an argument with his parents, and seeks to take out his frustration with strangers over the Internet. It's okay, it gets better, trust me.

As if none of you would :^)

>calling me an idiot
Why, because my religious views don't follow yours?

fucking summerfag

>pic unrelated

OFF ^ tell the silly biatch to grow up, there is NO god

Possibru, but I'd imagine a Dudeist female would be open to the idea of shaving, or at least keeping it tidy...

I'd find it a turn on if she was hot and Catholic; means she'd stay at home and mind the children.
Some Protestant denominations are also okay.
It's a turn off is she's a Muslim, Mormon, Jehovah's Witness, Jew or a euphoric Atheist though.
Me and my sister are both ordained Dudeist priests. She's in a relationship, before you ask.

>in a relationship
Don't care, post tits!

That's the problem with our society nowadays: to many smug, cocky, selfish assholes
someone who quotes Big Lebowski has to be an idiot

really, what you're doing on Sup Forums, there's a place for liberal scum like you:

mostly off. I've known very few super religious people that weren't that way just because that's what they learned and never considered/were afraid to question anything else.
It normally means they also have some predefined bullshit definition of what love and marriage are (not to mention bigotry bullshit, etc).

Narrow minded, shallow, and vain chicks always make my dick limp.

Turn on, I like wrecking them it's always the suppressed ones that are fucking naughty in bed just need to activate them

>Narrow minded, shallow, and vain chicks always make my dick limp
Well that explains why you're a limp-dick. It's because you're a narrow minded, shallow, and vain chick yourself

Why would I have pictures of my sister's tits on my computer, or anywhere else for that matter?
In case it wasn't obvious, the girl in that photo wasn't her.

Depends. If Jesus is getting in the way of the pussy, then no. I wish I was a good enough man to "wait" but I know myself and it just simply ain't me.

Also, if she pesters me to go to church with her all the time. I'm not an atheist so its not even a question of that, its simply that nagging me all the time is a great way to get rid of me.

That must explain why I'm a faggot too!

No, that's because your dad raped you with five.

Turn off. It's 2016. Jesus is only about 2500 years late. Also, there is no substantial proof for a god or gods. Religion causes harm.

It's not that I think religious people are dumb, I just don't like how middle-thinking is a big thing for them

I'm really picky with girls anyway, so waving off a qt that believes god is kinda a turn off. Would still fuck though. Just picky in relationships.

Fucking degenerate.

Not that guy, but, five what?


The dude abides


Time. A difficult concept for some.

The church is where music survived and books were written for a time. The printing press was invented for the purpose of mass production of religious script. The church can be thanked for spread of knowledge and the actual ability to spread knowledge as well. Some of the greatest works of art were inspired by faith. Religion itself can be restrictive, especially when people are narrow-minded with it, but, to say that all religion is bad because *some* people take things way too damn literally or refuse to think in a forward manner, or anything else that may be associated with religion, is idiotic and you're being no better than those bigoted people are. One could argue religion has gotten many people killed and started wars but, people, due to their nature as a group, would kill and start wars regardless and religion has helped save countless lives or at least improve them. I'm not religiously affiliated. There may be a god(s) but, I doubt it/he/she acts as depicted and that isn't the point of this. You're very plainly wrong here.

Catholic on. Muslim off.