Hey Sup Forums my gf and I are bored. Trips decides what kind of nude she takes. Creative answers are appreciated

Hey Sup Forums my gf and I are bored. Trips decides what kind of nude she takes. Creative answers are appreciated.

>pic related

parpie in the shooper

Shave your shit - post pics doing it.

We gonna need tits and a time stamp friend

sharpie in pooper... im not creative

damn Sup Forumsro! right in the SHOOPER? Fuck that's some next level shit right there.

trying to lick feet

Time stamp or GTFO


Timestamp that shit nigger, also fuck you asking for trips, ask for dubs or random numbers

Feet pics?

make her try to lick her own pussy

post results

Sucking her toes!!

Give her the Charizard

christ almighty, thought I saw chunks of smegma there for a second

fist inna da pussy boss

bro you're bored and you ask for trips what the fuck dude you're doing it wrong

Kissing toes with lips, no tongue!



shes got toilet paper balls all over her pussy

take a shower for fucks sake


virgin alert