I wanna know if people on Sup Forums have cold weapons at home

I wanna know if people on Sup Forums have cold weapons at home

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everyone does

I like those. Is it yours?

My weapons are all room temperature at the moment. I haven't fired them in over a week.


Yep, it's mine


I keep trying to think of a weapon that is a sure thing to work, will only be thought of as a defensive weapon, and would not easily be taken away from me and used on me (because the attacker could be more aggressive/strong, etc.
My 12 gauge is literally the perfect defensive weapon.


This is just fantastic. I'd still run from someone with that, but I'd be laughing the whole time. Or think they would fuck my dead body.

Do you have the strength and aggressive instinct enough to use it? Are you the attacker, or are you just trying to defend yourself, or just interested in cold weapons for no particular reason?

cold is for pussies, my weapons are super chill!

There's a collection of bottles, ashtray and other hard objects that will work fine as improvised weapons. And I am sure there is a knife somewhere in the mess.

Not necessarily for pussies, in fact you have to be stronger, more aggressive or skilled to successfully use a cold weapon, than a firearm.

the best weapon is something that's not commonly considered a weapon

LED or halogen?

or xenon, HID?

i have one that was used in the aftermath of 911

I have a katana. Yes, really, but I was like fucking 16 when I bought it. I'm 35 now.

A bokutō.

But what's more important is that it's durable and heavy (50 oz)

You could get arrested for having one of those in public in the UK.

is it all rusty now or do you still find time to oil it every few months?

Well, let's just say that my college ain't a safe place and I don't have to look for trouble

How can one be so autistic

It was made of the finest nippon steel and folded thousands of times, pleb. It doesn't fucking rust.

how about one of these?

Got brass knuckles that are only technically legal in the UK because it has a little latch on the back to use it as a belt buckle, that was supposedly a bear's claw.


As long as the Koran is in plain view the police should know that they would face being suspended from duty for racism if they interfered.

>implied you can fold more than five


>falling for a meme

Must have skipped school that day pal.

it's not hard

>and I don't have to look for trouble
This is something most people that have never lived in "unsafe" areas don't understand. They naively believe that if you don't go looking for trouble, everything will be fine.

They do not realize that you don't have to go looking for trouble; trouble is more than happy to get up, shower, get dressed, grab a large cup of coffee and come looking for you.

I got solid brass vintage ones no edgy cringe lord text on them

My KA-BAR is always at my side at home...

You didn't get it right ? I don't have to look for trouble, 'cause trouble will always come to me

Agreed. These are real deal.

OP's are scummy flea market made in China junk!

Do you take it with you to shit?

If you say so.

No, I got it. Was making a small point about the real world.

pic related, will arrive shortly next week

I used to have brace knuckles, but some mom-like girl took them from me when I was at her place and never returned them.

i love me my gaybar

>crim dnt sleep?
>Night Nurse?
>the ol' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1?
>Goldie drops?

This looks like some weapons grade autism.



3 collectors hatchets worth about 400$


Meme knife
Have fun going against the Geneva convention phaggot

shiiit man, that's the knife I've being looking for months

What's written on your kabar?

Teenage Mutant aspie turtle or BBQ dad

>ive got something to put in you
>I wanna take you to a kabar kabar

ITT: The most useless, tacticool, cringe, autism shit ever

Except for the flashlight dude

come at me fags

that kind of knuckle brass is a retarded thing to have, like its easy enough to kill someone with a regular one - you have to be extra carefull with the dull one, using that sharp fucker on at the pic will give you many years in jail too easy

Ya'll mothafuckas need more guns


Damn son! Looks like your ready for a riot to break down your door!
I like the setup tho.

Is the saucer sheild Kevlar?


You realize the Geneva Convention only applies to soldiers in war, not civilians, right?

In case any of you fags actually seriously need a weapon...

About $70 on amazon and Mike will tell you how to use it.

Boil the handle in hot water to make it rough like Mike says....


Kek that fucking song

knuckle irons are just cheap, if you are going to hit someone atleast do it with your own fist..

>electric six quotes on your kabar

The second knife from the top is meme-tier amazon product.
Care to tell about your experiences with it?
Pros, cons, etc?

>I've being looking for months
Well you've come to the right place, retard. It's called the internet.

Oh, thats because you haven't seen the furries on /k/

sweet trailer bro

nice presentation



But OP is trying to WIN the fight, though.

Noice, the only reason why id move to fatland would be to get a nice weapon.

How so?

Where are you now? I might agree to trade places.

I've got an air pistol. Pew pew.

>if I shoot you in the face you are going to A&E straight after grafting my place
>shot myself in the leg a few year ago after I was roosed by an user saying they will sting and ricochet off
>every single shot went under my skin
>had to dig them out with vodka and a steak knife
>forget about it and I'm due in court (years later)
>detector goes off, hand wand going off over my shin
>still have one lodged in there

ITT: children too young to buy firearms


Just looked up close at the edge on yer ka-bar!
What ya been doing with it? Cutting up nail infested old pallets or something?

i was waiting fr ppl to start showing off their guns so heres mine

Check this shit out

>is it?


Nah, it's aluminum. Ballistic shields tend to be tower-shield style and are markedly thicker.

Conex box actually. Good guess though.

This is making me wonder what happened to the black jack I got from my great grandmothers place after she died...

nah .44

I call her lucy

absolute madman

It's not sharp, it's just pointy

I'd call her Barb


it was exactly like pic

Handguns for the apocalypse. I is ready misser



haha, noice.