Ask a very successful musician/celebrity anything

Ask a very successful musician/celebrity anything.

who are you?


How does it feel to suck corporate cock?

why do you think that living in a 1x1 metre room in los angeles or new york can be considered being a success

why do you think earning

I can't say mostly for security reasons, the minute someone hears I browse Sup Forums TMZ or some shit will be calling me up, but I can tell you the band I am in is very popular and has sold millions of albums.

What do you think of this physique?

Is Taylor-senpai back?

You can change your life if you try.

seems legit

i bet some forty year old kike writes all your music



Give us some hints, fuck tmz.

say the band but not your name?

In what ways were you getting yourself out there from the very beginning? Phone calls to bars for karoake, event managers? Or would you get an agent and let them find you work?

No, I know Taylor though, don't think she browses, not to mention shes kind of a bitch.

Would you give me a job? I'd do anyting for a bit of money

What genre?

will you sign my dick?

Can you name a song Top Kek so we know you care about us?

Get outta Sup Forums brett favre you old fuck. Go fuck another jimmy truck muffler

Are you well known by your name alone or do most people just recognize the band

I'm an astronaut but can't prove it. Ama.

>ask me anything
>doesn't answer anything
So you started a thread to not tell us who you are but want attention anyways?

Fuck you OP. Sage this thread

Well, first I'd say write good music and not shit, you want to appeal to the music scene in your area, if its a punk scene play punk etc etc, also PLAY LIVE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, Dont worry about making a CD to sell at your first gig, noone is going to buy it, play live as much as you can whenever you can so your name gets out, eventually good things will come your way when you notice people are asking about your band.


Astronaut from what?
NASA doesn't exist...

how many underage girls have suck your dick?

We have proof she already came here multiple times.

Both Id think

Nice try, Tim. I know it's you. The Hitler picture you posted gave it away...

-Another celebrity..

Alt rock

Before you garnered fame, would you have rather been able to travel and play at an unfamiliar location and get all expenses paid for but receive no money from it, or be paid to play at a local spot?

is it one of those gay fucking bands that would be at something like coachella or are you more like red hot chili peppers type alternative

None, married.

Please please please tell me you're with Nickelback... Idk why the internet hates them so much, but it would give me such a kek boner to know you didn't give a shit and you still loved us.

if your in coldplay im taking my gf to your concert, you should give me backstage passes so i can get a confirmed bj from her

Imagine Dragon

What's your balance in all your bank accounts combined?

Take money always, fuck all expences paid.

Highly suspect.

I don't know, we don't care about the money that much, but we all make enough to not have to worry about it anymore.

Are you one of those obscure ass bands only Danny Sexbang could pull out of his ass?


Betting on this also

>implying anthony kiedis
>dave navarro
>or flea
give a shit about TMZ or what people think they do on the internet

Best way to connect with someone that controls alot of event announcing? I.e big functions in need of an announcer ? Do many bands use announcers before/during their shows?


I mainly go on independent travels. But can't reveal any details whatsoever as it might blow my cover. Again, ask me anything, just nothing specific or interesting. Only things that allow me to talk about myself and make me feel special.

What kind of music do you do?

Make friends at every place you play, talk to everyone.

how many members are in your band and are there any niggers in your band

are you this guy? i don't think your that popular since not a lot of people listen to heavy metal

Are you going to play at Roskilde Festival?

4 and no.


Maybe sometime

4 including you?


>be OP
>be d-list celebrity
>biggest accomplishment is meeting paul mccartney once in the shitter
>go on anonymous imageboard
>make ama thread
>reveal identity
>TMZ, fox news, cbc, pbs all send helicopters to the scene
>panic occurs, twitter swells with angry tweets
>riots nation wide because backup singer for unknown band went on Sup Forums
>anarchy everywhere
>small children eating eachother in the streets
>government has to shut down
>china invades taking advantage over national crisis

Do you think many of us will say "Oh shiet you're realy from *nameofband*?! dayuuum NOIIICEEEE" if we would know your band's name? Or we would be like "hmm.. ok cool i guess dowge"?


Dave Grohl. Please be Dave Grohl.

If you are succesful and celebrity, why would you waste your time here? You do realize it's not 2008 anymore right?

what about nuclear fallout?

Because it's not that fun being famous, its just like my old life but with more money and people know me.


Just tell some cool shit (if you can). Why make us draw it out of you? Tell cool stories or fuck off.

I'll start you off

>Be me
>Be a successful musician whose sold millions of albums
>YFW I'm about to tell you something cool or fuck off
>Well, one day...

Give money or kill yourself

theres 5 members of foo fighters faggot

I'm not dave grohl, I know him though

Please be Bono, please be Bono...

OP is full of shit and you all are a bunch of marks

R u harrystyles? U fucking british prick... Also IF youre not harry styles are u american english australian or what?

Alright, Here is a hint.

Kid, don't lose your cool

This, why would you believe him, he hasn't gave any prove

What do you think of his damn fine legs?

Harry Styles is actually pretty cool...

Op is acoustic, lets just sage this thread

Yes, I am Dave Grohl, let's just try to keep this a secret
Checked for the dubs, idk who this guy is but he's not OP I am

also before anyone asks Kurt Cobain was an asshole and a pussy, I am so fucking sick of answering questions about that little crybaby
ask me anything else Sup Forums


OP is a shitty house DJ named King Cuck

Not op.

>Red Fang

Who is that even?

Lets pretend youre Grohl... How many times did you gangbanged that hoe Courtney?

>Kid, don't lose your cool

red fang

Linkin park huh

Ya because of you told us your name then media will jump on that because some guy on Sup Forums said he was someone. Faggot

What instrument do you play?

op guzzles teenage jism

Honestly this is good and bad advice. Haven't merch (CD and t-shirt) are great and pretty inexpensive if everyone works in your band. The cds dorm need to be professional, best given out for free or in t-shirt cd $10 deal. You won't make much but you will have people wearing your shit. I work at a venue and there's no way I'm going to pay $15 for a single print local band shirt. $5 to $10 sure. Stick around for every band, espically the headline act. I'd you don't stick around, no one will give a fuck to play with you. You should be playing once a month when you first start off. Once you get some real following like 50+ people, start to only play with big name bands/fest. If it's a local thing, make sure its wild/crazy theme. Ice seen tons of locals drownd becssue they okay all the time. People get bored with them and they never have merch. If you can hand a kid a CD he'll listen to it with his friends.

What the fuck is a red fang?

Holy fuck red fang

Weezer sucks

he's autistic, but damn can he play a potato

do you fuck fans? if so how often?


Finally someone got it.


If you really are from W then fuck you for everything after Pinkerton