Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

Claim your waifu and discuss

Obligatory claim.

Other urls found in this thread:


I just took a nap but I'm still sleepy ;-;

you are all virgins

Rory-sama claimed.

Short break from work, about to head back in.

drunk claim made.

still here edition


fucking autist sister listening to music while she's in the shower

Rikka dropping in!

Kyouko claimed.

I was late.

das me
but im 11 so its justified



Ooh okay

Kek, how bad is the music?

>who wants a second round of hugs?


They're alright until their 30s or so. Age hits them hard after the fact.

What's she listening to?

Miho claimed


kagami claimed!!

>I gotta HAND it to ya though, that's true dedication

Hey Miho!
>tight hugs


*hugs again* careful though ;-;
hey kagami ^0^

Asuka here

I think one of the users here is engaged.

Heyo, adorable.

Family members, sure.

Don't mention it, man. It's the least I can do for you.


virgin here

Really fucking bad

I don't even know
I'm so out of touch with the music of today the last current artist I gave half a shit about was iggy azalea

Kud claim~

>in for the night edition



Sure no problem
>careful hugs

Hey Asuka!
>tight hugs


>>I gotta HAND it to ya


Rumia claimed

Hello, lovely. I was waiting for you.

I need to go to sleep now, that I've said hello. Thank you for being around.

Heyo handsome (the lame pun)


Heyo Miho.

i-is that you konata????

I really can't fight that claim, yeah

I can't nap worth a damn. I don't know why, just never really could. At least not intentionally. If you just put me somewhere sunny I'll fall asleep in no time, as long as it's not in bed.

Maki is so cute
So so cute

Hug please!

I have never heard of this waifu prior to you posting here but she is a real qt

I'm hereish


It's alright, lovely. I'll let those puns pass.

What you up to right now?


Are we talking Justin Bieber bad?

Hey Kuddo!
>happy hugs

How are ya doing buddy?
>more hugs

Heh, I was hoping you'd see that one
How are ya doing?

Hey renge! What's up?
>happy hugs

Yuuko a qt, Hand bud.

Best Waifu and best PM coming through.

ah!!!!! oh god....


Really fucking stressed out. Thanks for the hugs.

It is! ^-^ I'm trying out a new look (and im bored)

Milinda claim.
>Im waiting for someone edition...

There you are kyouko! What're you up to?

Thanks Renge! She's a super QT, glad you've been exposed to her cuteness.

Always room for hugs, Prinz
>tail-wagging hugs



only the cutest fam

I'm going to bed now guys, been fun drunk lurking, Speak to you guys later

Not much, just watching the thread and listening to music, as always.

What about you?


This game is GREAT

not much really
>more hugs
dat boy

Nothing really, just chilling out for the evening
>tight hugs

Don't be stressed Miho! You have these trips!
What's on your mind?

What the fuck am I looking at

Ooh, who is it?

How's your day going kud? What have you been up to?

Fuck off you stupid faggots


Post music nerd

Night Maki! Sleep well
>also hot damn
>like damn son


Where are you at in the story??

i-i like it...where'd you get it????

>I see everything
>spooky hands

I'm doing fine, just relaxing. How's your day going?

Indeed he is, you included.

Hmm, living the life of a cutey as usual. Not shocked. Glad you're having a nice time.

Might play some vidya soon, just relaxing right now same as you.


Ah that sucks... Is there anything I can do to help?
>more hugs
>you're welcome even more hugs
I'm glad to see ya here buddy

Aww okay
>more and more and more hugs

Me too buddy
>tighter hugs

you're an ant!::O
oh you know >.>

Good job buddy, you did it. With this clever and well thought out comment you have single handedly made these threads come to a screeching halt.

glad you're having fun megumin

I need to make 1k by the 5th that's whats on my mind.

Nice any image you fucking inbred Tasmanian.

thats a picture for ants renge
here's full sized


Just got out of solitary confinement~
Goodnight drunk beauty~
I'm at home~
>kill me

I don't know
Are we talking 2011 JB or 2016 JB?
2016 JB is a huge improvement over 2011 JB but considering I hate 99.99% of music today (inb4 some user comes and says "youre 13 and just discovered Nirvana youre a faggot) I wouldn't know how bad JB is compared to the other stuff

Konata is there a name for these pics?
I think someone else posted them a few months back

I hate the hatarake monsters!


Put some clothes on and go to bed!

o shit

It's going well, I just got done with dinner and taking a shower, so I've got a pretty open night of drinking ahead of me.

Glad to have you here as always Prinz! nice trips

It may or may not be a member of my ship...

Hey Miho! Whats new?


Here you go


>Hmm, living the life of a cutey as usual.
So flattering, as usual, not that I mind anyways!

>Might play some vidya soon, just relaxing right now same as you.
Hope you enjoy your time Hand!

That sounds rough.

This picture scares me.

spookasa, they mainly focus on tsukasa in wacky scenarios, theyre pretty great

i want kyouko for my ship
thanks bye

o-oh!! but i don't want too!!!!
>it's hard to talk to a ghost!!!!

No sweat my dude. Do you have any source of income currently? Also what's the money for, if you don't mind my asking?

Thanks, don't know why it's ant sized

What are your plans for the week, cutest cruiser?

Eyyy, you and me both bud. What are you drinking?

I honestly have like no idea who that would possibly be.

I'm a rood dood. Also nice, I haven't listened to them in ages.

Oh okay so just in the beginning still, its only just begun friend!


Me too. My days been Great! I beat some highscores in some arcade games

Both. I hate a lot of current music too.
>tfw I have a twin sister so I gotta hear that shit a lot

Trips, yay!

School and school and some more school. Fun.. You?

cya, hope your hangover isn't too bad
>nice trips hugs


Can't help flattering the adorable ones. Just a reflex by now.

I hope you do the same, beautiful. Enjoying my time talking to you right now, that's for sure.

Ahh, nice. Glad you had a good time at the arcade, buddy.

where's the ship master when you need 'em???



Uber and Uber is shit. Got turned down for 3 jobs. Got to pay bills along with tags for my truck and personal property tax on my car and truck.

And im all ready in the red......

Trying a few kinds of Sam Adams. Grapefruit IPA and a Double IPA.

What about you, Renge?

Sup Rikka? I'm back from dinner and other errands.

Care to elaborate at all? You're not going o end up with broken kneecaps are you?





Pretty great taste, Kyouko.
Haven't listened to it in a while.

It just seems to me like a lot of the new stuff has no/little meaning (mostly talking about new rap stuff)

It's only gonna get better~?

Jesus Christ that's awful
Go figures



Hello Yuuko-chan

Oh, right! What kind of stuff did you play at the arcade? Also work, work and more work. Not much better.
>tfw parents are only family

That really sucks man. I guess you just have to keep trying on that one. I just had to deal with tags yesterday. Any ideas on coming up with the money?

Still just drinking my wine from dinner. I like Sam Adams but I really don't like IPAs much. They seem all the rage right now but I'm not into hoppy beers.

This is pretty kickass Homu. I never really remember any of the stuff like this that I listen to, but I throw on spotify or youtube playlists a lot like this when I'm chilling at home, like right now.

kek Im waiting for Mirai. He wanted to see some pictures of my tank from this weekend.

Shit.... Im sorry friend.
I hope you get thing worked out

I didn't saw you when I was replying a second ago.

>Sorry image limit.

Hope you're been well, beautiful.

>Can't help flattering the adorable ones. Just a reflex by now.
I see, it's certainly something I don't mind!

>Enjoying my time talking to you right now, that's for sure.
I can say the same!
>Pats back

Thank you, Ruri.
Started listening to Gorillaz again in the recent days for whatever reason, I forgot how much I liked their songs.

I was just wondering were you where, good to see you Yuuko.

AH!!! oh....jesus megumin!! you scared the hell outta me....
don't turn into a ghost please!!!!

Awesome Kud what did ya eat was it good? I am so hungry

Oh its going to get better and better trust me!

hello 1 of the 3 similar looking waifus
Hope uber isn't total shit today.

Hello again ruri.
Image limit is worth losing to see your cute self.

hello, yes work is taking over. But that's a good thing i need the money.
How are you beautiful?