Post your IQ

Post your IQ.

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Oh wait, that's my credit score...

seriously??? I got 65

great mind think alike


Are you niggers?

ur lying

im white and proud bitch

141 clinically tested

Are you blonde?

y u keep asking me question???


Picked totally random answers without reading the questions.

you're iq*



1435 no bs

I got 145 in a 10 hour learning ability iq test when I was 12

Because you're a randomly smart person.

That's why you're here.

why do you ppl think having a higher iq makes you smarter

it doesnt

Damn, did you need help posting that?

I got 161 last time

how do u no??

Lol. Intelligence is the ability to solve problems. It's not book smarts. People with book smarts don't necessarily know how to use them. Intelligent people use what they know in creative ways.



Is this test reliable? I've never taken one before.

>online iq test
>is it reliable


that twig branch question got me
and the one with the preferred number


piece of shit redneck

Beat this, retarded Sup Forums faggots

go cry and suck on daddys dick because you are inferior

also, check 'em

I tried the same and got a 75. I'm sure that's not a good number.

uh my mistake, now check 'em

These are 100% reliable

Tested twice in the military and twice at Mensa.

worlds largest genuis hear

145.. does it matter that my eyes are tired from needing sleep?

I'm 14
Fuggin ban me already, I don't care, I just want to prove to you adults that you're all retarted

105, clinically tested

Nice HTML modifying

The IQ is not important, Einstein had an IQ of 160 and the asshole couldnĀ“t talk until age 6

no i memorized the answers, gave a minimal age then gave all of the answers quickly

>implying iq tests don't scale with age
>implying online iq tests count for anything at all


bitch it doesn't let you go above 160

I actually used my brain and got a 160+:

When you get over 160, it says "160+"
190 is not possible.


Yes, implying that.

Same with jeremy bentham. Didn't talktalk untill age 10 but could read 5 different languages by age 6.

FUcking liars in this thread think they ARE SMArt saying they got more tha 100% but I got a 85 which is a solid B and know your all liars

try again

look somewhere else my pal

wtf you mean

look at the yellow you fucking 3 year old faggot

Shut up faggot

Have been tested at 150


what is intelligence?

deep thinker here. I can like unlock the uinivevers with my brtilliancfe


174 here.

look at your dick you piece of shit, see how tiny it is

jesus fucking christ

Probably inaccurate but whatever.

Brainlets all round me


thinking you're smart is the biggest mistake you could ever make. there is always someone smarter, which in turn makes you stupid comparatively. what is stupid you might ask? a lack of intelligence? are you intelligent because you can point out a person that is supposedly "less smart" than yourself?


Haha nigga how do you get 150 that's 50 points over 100 are you seriously saying you got 50 points of extra credit haha nigga where did you find the extra credit problems? You dun goofed retard.

And yet all the Sup Forums neckbeard claiming they have a high iq have accomplished fuck all with their "intelligence"


this is the only correct answer. tryhards go home.

didnt get some of the number ones

Experience and social skills are infinitely more valuable than intelligence.

Does this count as an "accomplishment"?


I think this site is a bit too generous

forgot pic

ITT: Arrogant dumbasses losing their dignity

pretty good

wew lad indeed

Sup Forums brilliant!

look how fucking smart I am! as a proud poc I beat you mayo skins

Test is flawed. I got all the questions right and got this


IQ Test

Over 8000. I took the Japanese version.


nigger do you even?

It factors how long you took to complete as well.


fucking kekking right now

forest gump is that you?

literally the funniest thing I have seen all year lol

But not really, of course, since anyone with an IQ at least one standard deviation above the norm should be able to figure out how get the badge for four standard deviations.

I chose the first answer to every question.
Just like in high school.

5 inches nigger