Thoughts on his new mixtape? personally enjoyed it

thoughts on his new mixtape? personally enjoyed it.

>also general rap thread

A couple solid songs, but too churchy IMO. Also, I absolutely hate the use of autotune. That's the same shit that plagued kanye. I don't think any of his mixtapes will be able to top acid rap.

acid rap was better, and I had high hopes for TLOP, was kinda dissapointed


>mfw he released 30 new songs since acid rap

>mfw he's talking about Coloring Book you faggot

this guy gets it


sick trips

Acid rap was gold. But we should be comparing. His new shit is good in my opinion. We're in the middle of a change in rap. Majority of it is shit right now though..

Only thing that bugged me is he Incorporated a good amount of shit-tier rappers. When the album could have just been him. But we haven't seen shit like that in a long time.

Agree with this. He didn't need the publicity from wayne, 2 chainz, young thug, or future.

I think he had a really good idea with this but I agree it was weird to have some worse rappers. He's one of the constantly good rappers right now

yea the auto tune isnt good but, ummm Summerfriends is my fav then Angels, and like the whole 2nd half is good. Yea still Acid Rap Better

the features werent bad though overall.

Dont listen to nigger music


is it summer already?

>redneck faggot detected

Young thug is slowly growing on me.. It's a guilty pleasure. But it's the GOOD music label that makes him do that shit now I think. Something that kanye is involved in at least...

Rap is for dumb niggers, who can't think for themselves.

The same with me. Pusha and Kanye are doing things that aren't in the best interests. Seeing as Kanye and Chance are good mates I'm not surprised if it was Kanye's idea to get him even more popularity

I don't believe that's true, but I respect your opinion:)

The only rap anyone should be listening to is Riff Raff

i feel like coloring book was what TLOP should have been, since kanye said it was going to be a "gospel album"

Coloring book was p good yeah, I enjoyed it. But I can't wait for Q's album coming up and then hopefully ab-soul drops some shit

go to bed dylan

please be b8

Well it all comes down to is today no one will pay attention to an album unless it has features. Well in the rap/hip hop genre that is. Collaboration is just it now... Except for Kendrick. He has some. But his production works for him and him only it seems.

But man. Chance with gospel. It just works with his raggedy ass voice. Especially in Ultra light beam off kanyes LOP


Have you listened to Neon Icon? That shit is tight, for realziez. So what if you think he looks funny. I thought he looked goofy too but I'm glad i listened.

That is chance's style. You can't take it away from him

Miles ahead of acid rap in my opinion. This is his best work by far. There was a little too much straight gospel for me but he killed it with his raps and production. Acid rap is great for what it is, but this shows a true progression to me where acid rap was simple and kind of immature in a good way.

Were you ever a juggalo before a riff raff fan?

So all you faggots are white right? White washed beans are still white, don't count.

I don't know. Rick Ross (he's alright) sounds especially good with gospel. Some rappers got it..

Fuck that icp sucks

What race are you.

38 yr old white male



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