As the result of nuclear war, these dykes the last two cumdumpsters on Earth, and you're the last man

As the result of nuclear war, these dykes the last two cumdumpsters on Earth, and you're the last man.

What do?

turn to bestiality

The one on the right is all like "damn girl - why you eating that cake when you can be eating this pie?"

kill the fat one, rape the other till there's more cumdumpsters.


So the left one? Duly noted.

Kill one of those bitches so the other one will have to fuck you

Kill the walrus and force the other one to fuck until she accepts her fate and then more fucking

bring me that elephant ass

threesome and no child support



Slam tite, piggy

Allow our version of humanity to go peacefully into that sweet night. Hopefully the next iteration of an intelligent species won't be so retarded.

My thoughts exactly

Starve the whale till its skinny then 3 some.

Eat the fat one and rape the skinny one?

Build a taser out of scavenged materials, then I'm prepared to deal with the time between fuck sessions.

Say goodbye to humanity. Brave the trip through nuclear wasteland to reach Phoenix, Arizona where I will spend the remainder of my life living in the Bad Dragon factory sitting on silicon dragon cocks while fucking silicon dragon cunts.

I'd break the skinny ones neck and me and chubbs gonna go at it 24/7 fam

get to fucking obviously

I was about to ask "why kill fatty when you could just eat her" when I realized they would both look cute stripped naked and trussed up on a plate with apples in their mouths.

Also funny to imagine the last two women in existence used as food. So much for feminism.


Why/how break skinny's neck?

Sleep on the fat, sleep with the skinny.

nonstop fatty sex

The right one.

the fat bitch can feed the other two for a year just make jerky

Feed skinny cum til she gets thicker


What's the appeal of the fatty? Is it just the udders?

Torture, fuck, torture, fuck?

fucking slam pig

I said sleep ON the fatty, i would knock her over and use her as a bed to fuck her friend.

Impossible, whales can't stand the nuclear waves, they would fuck their entire body up

The skinny girl is an obvious lesbian. I don't want to spend the rest of my life having sex that doesn't feel good because the girl's not into it and dry as fuck.

And the fatty would probably try harder on that front even if the other girl liked guys.

I'd fuck the skinny whore up the ass while the fat one licks my shitty dirty asshole.

All of these answers become even more amusing if you assume that they really *are* dykes and are close friends.

Imagine the horror the other would have to watch her friend endure...

Make the fatty eat my ass, while I breed the skinny bitch

no, force skinny to please you! Are you a fucking CUCK??

Would being forced into being naked and knocked up make them look better or worse?

i'd fuck the thing in green. chances are she wouldn't eat the baby after she gave birth.

hot as fuck

How would you force her then, oh alpha god?

Make them my friends and watch cartoons with them. Hopefully one of them likes me and if not no biggie I can still die with company.

which part? skinny would look cute as a weeping breeder, with a big fat belly on that tiny dyke frame

With this faggotry representing the last remains of the human genepool, extinction looks like the best option.

I'm lonely

learn to read, you are the only man left DUH

i would porpose to the skinny one all day but still let fatty sucky ice cream offmy dick

seeing skinny take dick while fattie buries face in your ass.

I just want a friend

Nah, just lazy and not terribly motivated given the options.Since theoretically I could have my pick of the girls while they're in competition for me it's not worth my time and effort if one makes me work for it more than the other.

That does sound pretty nice. Also since the future of mankind is at stake im sure youll end up fucking at least one of them.

That means they outnumber whatever guy is left and can just walk away to live out their lives in peace, especially if they're dykes and don't give a shit about the D.


definitely keep fattie as back up if skinny starves to death.

Fuck them in the ass and pretend its a guy

Not the worst answer.

right can get the d
left has to work out first

you don't math? A man is more than cunts!

Find a goat

Fat one is going to be dead weight. Imagine having to listen about her bitch and moan on long hikes. Would need to find somewhere decent to settle with clean water and good soil, if she can't hold out that long I would probably leave her behind. Skinny one can follow or take her chances with the deadweight. No skin off my back, humanity is not going to be rebuilt by two people. Just have to carve out a decent quality of life until it's over. No need to breed. Why bring a child into a dead world?

eat the fat rape the skinny then continue to rape the children

she would look good with a preggo belly

fatty looks to have the downs and would have tard babies. And since there is only 3 people there isn't enough genetic diversity to create a viable population.

obviously fuck both of them

you want as many genes in that pool as possible

suck it up for mankind, bitches

also the minimum number of people for a sustained population is around 120-180 people, so your fucked anyway

The better question:

Which one would look hotter naked and collar as an unwilling post-apocalyptic sex slave?

Babies would be fucking freaks anyway because of radiation.

teach them to make proper tea & sandwiches

Slim fattie

imagine those tiny teats leaking milk, too

Well, I start smoking again, for one.

Two, since I'm likely nowhere near either of them, I guess I just entertain myself until I die.

fuck yes

distract myself by trying to create a sustainable environment for myself. probably work myself so much to ensure my survival that I wouldnt worry about sex until I was pretty well off.
>Find a Geiger counter
>Find a hazmat suit
>Start rebuilding
>Create a power solution
>connect about 20 different computers
>bring Sup Forums back to life
>post this thread
>find out what to do then

is it hotter is she (or fatty) is preggo and leaking milk as the result of a consensual relationship in the wasteland or if she's been raped into that state and kept as a pregnant pet?

Who is SHE?

Let the fat one suck my nutts while impregnating the other obv

samefag endlessly shitposting
>sounds just like Sup Forums


if they are the last cumdumpsters, does that mean there could be otherpeople still alive??

>I post the thread, no one posts for days.
>one day I see something
>"you got two chicks with you, nice lie apaco-fag!"
>jesus, another sign of life
>try to findout who it was
>bumps in the night keep me awake
>I cant stop thinking to myself it was one of the girls
>One of them called me a fag
>I didn't even Inb4 my own thread
>the thoughts echo through my head
>Skinny Jane comes into my tent
>she removes her apocalyptic poncho.
>her skinny body smells like dirt and sweat
>I can smell the heat coming from between her legs


Ideally there would be a small handful of women left - including these two - who I would keep just like this.

The entire history of the female half of the population ends with the last few women used like animals as toys and breeding stock.

Kill them both.

Are we talking about the slim dyke in OP's pic?

I could hear more.

Fuck them both once then have sex with my genetically superior children.

starve the one on left for a few days and fuck the one on the right. After the girl on the left is skinny feed her a bit so she can have energy to fuck and have a happy life

Force the landwhale to do exercise until she slimmed, and then remove glasses
>automatic 6/10

Put a bag over the fat chicks face and suck those cow titties like my life depended on it.

Fuck the right; eat the left. obvious and only answer

I can't believe no one has suggested just milking fatty's huge udders. That bitch would be a perfect cow.

Fattie will slim on her own. Keep both, sex, we are the last of humanity we might as well go out fucking and having fun

>then it hits me like a sack of dicks
>It was her
>she was here to test if I was an apaco-fag
>She posted on my Sup Forums
>she broke one of the most sacred of rules for camp survive-user
>she tries to strut in a sexy manor towards me
>Its like watching a retarded skeleton walk
>I reach for emergency knife #3
>she scoots on top of me
>"Oh user you're so hard"
>I scream "MUH Sup Forums!"
>knife directly into her neck
>she gurgles on blood to the floor
>"die newfag scum!"
>Land whale runs in, she wears a make shift corset and night gown
>"Oh god why, I wanted her to just help me sleep with you user."
>Covered in blood and fully erect I look at the land whale
>I'm ready for the hunt

Well, I'm hard, Lord Bolton.

>I run at a furious speed
>"You called me a fag did you?!"
>Land Whale stumbles as she tries to escape her fate
>I sink the knife deep in her giant calves.
>"INB4 you die!"
>I stab her into the back of the neck instantly killing her
>I arise victorious, my Sup Forums still intact

Either clover is infertile or a fuckin champion

>having eaten well for the last two days I log back on to my Sup Forums
>Notice a new post
>"asl fag, prove you got two chicks with you"
>read further down "Ill meet you in junk town user"
>walk for 5 days, make it to junk town
>see one lone man standing in the middle of the ruined town
>Mother Fuckin Cowboy Thomas

Fuckin what kindof near extinction level event would leave an existent power grid, tv, or internt? Even if there was some juice left in the grid you would be too busy scavenging for food and dealing with whatever bullshit killed everybody. If for some ridicolous reason was working wouldn't you be out there shooting guns, defacing monuments, driving cars you could never afford and generally enjoying all the things you'd never be able to afford/have?? no friends is, has, and always will be better then shit friends if you have more interesting shit to do. These look like some of the most boring people imaginable..

I'm sure they love Steven Universe

Something like this for starters....