I told my boyfriend that my brother took my virginity which is true but now he is acting different towards me and he...

I told my boyfriend that my brother took my virginity which is true but now he is acting different towards me and he has not had sex with me since I have told him

Its been 4 days now and I am worried he will break up with me what should I do

Here is my boyfriends ex in exchange for answers

who has the bigger dick

Explain you were joking.

post your vagina with timestamp and i'll give you advice.

This is not really he ex, but I really do need answers. Whenever he comes home from work we engage in small talk like the normal routine, and heads off to the gym.

I dont see why it matters but my brother had the biggest dick.

then post your tits instead, and we might help you, you know the drill..
pic is my ex

did you learn a lesson? don't tell your next boyfriend that you fucked your brother, let alone that he took your virginity.

you're stupid and yes, he is going to dump you. If he doesn't he'll slowly hate you more and more until it comes to a boil and you have a huge horrible break up filled with drama and rage.

Guess you thought since you have a vagina consequences don't apply to you. stupid bitch, you're fucking disgusting. fucking your brother.. that's really messed up.

On top of that he claims that he is so drained, but before I told him, he always had enough energy to have sex..

you will pay with timestamped spread pussy and tits if you want answers. the more explicit, the better the answers.

we can help you.. but you know the rules, tits and timestamp. not so hard, is it? this situation can indeed be saved.

Your brother will be around basically as long as he's with you and it'll always remind him. He's going to leave and at this point there's not really anything you can do except learn from it.

Was the sex with your brother consensual or did he rape you? Also, how old were you when it happened?

Tits or gtfo, really

faggots, awaken and request proof of a vagina in MY Sup Forums.

Yeah, gonna need a fuller story than this.. Happy to help though.

Who said I'm a girl?

You didn't think telling him your bro took your virginity might endanger your relationship? OP is dumb nigger. Learn to lie...

Me and my brother have a healthy relationship, and we certainly do not have sex AT ALL. He has a girlfriend so those times between me and him are long gone, sorry.

I just think that hes just going through a phase right now. I am just hoping he will come to terms with what I did, and then we can move past it. He is my boyfriend and I dont think its fair to keep that from him, if he cannot accept that then I guess we cant be together...

That really is not important but it was consensual. He asked me when I was 12 if I knew what sex was... and from there.. yeah.

How old was your brother? You can't really give consent at 12.

Fake and gay

your brother is a disgusting pedophile with mental issues, your bf better leave you for good, because your family is fucked up.


Kiddo, this is not an incest thread. Help the lady out
Break up with him. You see he is acting different. That is a CLEAR sign that he does not want your company anymore. If you live in his house he will most likely kick you to the curb. Find a place to live. Unless he accepts what youve told him.. Then you have no hope.

This sounds convincing, but it sounds fake too.
Details please.

The boyfriend is maybe not the only problem here. If she was a victim of sexual trauma, it might be a bigger cause for concern than her boyfriend.

tits/timestamp fucktard. then receive helpful advice

lol unless u were raped by ur bro, ur a dumb as to even bring it up. dumb shit. op

Lol whore ass bitch, to backpage you go. If youve done incest I'm never gonna dick you unless I'm a trucker that's so fat I can barely get my dick up because the cholesterol is clogging my veins. Seriously tho that's some fucked up shit.

What makes you sure OP has a vagina?

That pic Is of OP's boyfriend's ex - boyfriend is now tired of same-sex relationship with OP whose anal virginity was lost incestuously.

Boyfriend has returned to wanting hetero sex.

how in the world did you and your brother end up having sex?

Yeah. The point is you think you know better. You thought you could tell him safely. You were wrong. I'll give you the possible ways this could end up: He kills any combination of you, your brother, and himself. Or, he might give you an ultimatum. Him or your brother. Or, he'll realise his place and where he sits in relation to you and your brother, take some time to understand the truth (which it sounds like he's doing) and then leave you.

Silly girls aye.


I want reddit to leave



honestly, you're a dumbass for telling him. He didn't need to know. it happened when you were 12 for christ sake, you technically got "used" by your brother, you didn't know better. There are some things in life you aren't proud of, and its okay to keep those to yourself. You couldve just made a fib about it, and let it go.

As the saying goes..

"what momma don't know, won't hurt her"

>him, or your brother
lol, sounds like a highschool novel.

You did a pretty good job of implying it. Posting a picture of a girl as your boyfriends ex, and saying your brother has a girlfriend. Doubt both of them have changed their sexuality.

Why would you let your brother fuck you? Why would you tell your boyfriend?

Learn from your mistakes and don't tell anyone about it again other than a therapist

all these fucking newfaggotry offering anything that isn't tits+timestamp...

fuck you white knights