Hey Sup Forums, why is that today many people take politeness and respect as a sign of weakness...

Hey Sup Forums, why is that today many people take politeness and respect as a sign of weakness? I'm tired of people taking advantage of me when I show them nothing but respect.

What am I doing wrong?

fucking this

yes you are. you need to stop being polite and respectful and start being a 'right fucking arsehole'

you're probably giving respect to ones that don't deserve it.
that's pretty much everyone

you need to be able to convert yourself instantly

i'm incredibly polite and respectful, but as soon as someone tries to be disrespectful or abuse (and for some reason guilt tripping me does this too) you need to go full apeshit on them

I mean for fucks sakes...the other day I show nothing but respect to this one person for some product. I bought coca cola $250 worth, and they gave me coca cola that's only like 15 to 20% coca cola.

I mean, why so much disrespect when I show them nothing but respect?


this tbh family squadron

you have to be able to do both

Exactly this. I have bent over backwards to be nice but its time to end this scourge for good

Keep being polite OP until everyone knows you're exactly that.

Then throw the biggest bitchfit the next time someone fucks with you.

Trust, a significant amount of those people will not fuck with you and treat you with respect.

fucking niggers are walking all over me. they are chimping out

Basically you need to be both polite/respectful but also carry discretion. The two are usually mutually exclusive but there are some with both.

they are shameless
they have no shame
they have no self respect
how do i do this?

they keep coming back like hobos.

>what am I doing wrong?
You are being polite with people who don't deserve respect

how do i put them in their place?

they have no style
they have no grace

you might be misreading the atmosphere and being polite when you should just be a "go with the flow" guy

for example, being polite with "hood" black strangers consists of making sure to gesture if you make eye contact (which you should), speaking with a drawn out lower (but louder) tone, and laughing when they ask you for that dollar

also don't smile

are you implying another insufferable lunch/dinner?
god i fucking hope not.

Its simple
Don't be polite, Be rude

already did this.
they are too thick headed to get the message

then i had to hear an earful of shit because of it even though i was completely in the right.

uhh..show only those who deserve respect respect?

quite frankly I have been respectful and nice and fair for long enough.

fair is no longer working. Its time to be unfair

Also don't smile

2 hr maximum

also, the overlords cant pressure me into anything or reprimand me for anything

Also don't help them when in trouble

scratch that
literally what i did last time
this is fucking bullshit imo
there is no question asked and everything is under this bullshit layer of its just friends meh..
If she asks me a question specially related to a relationship. not playing sports or doing some activity.

everything is bullshit. she has to ask the question and the answer then is the answer that stands. The question has to be about a relationship not playing sport or some other activity of any kind. You can do it in private.

After i say no then. that's the last i want to hear about it.

and if you dont ask too bad. there is no second shot.

wait if you are talking about drugs those people have no soul, and it destroys you, they need to "be mean" so they dont get ripped off and beat up/killed

you can stop doing drugs and then you wont have to interact with those shitty people you would never interact with oterwise