Good evening Sup Forums ask a mexican pharmacy employee anything, I am working now, from 11 pm to 7 am...

Good evening Sup Forums ask a mexican pharmacy employee anything, I am working now, from 11 pm to 7 am, it's 1:57 am here so I have a long way to go...

Tell me a good joke

You must be West coast. I work 11-7 too but it's 4. Halfway done.

How easy is it to access good pharmaceuticals, I think you know which ones

do you sell pharms to cartel?

Will you mow my lawn?

Can you mail me some painkillers?

What is your favourite curtain material?

are you a mexican employee in a pharmacy or an employee in a mexican pharmacy?

your phrasing leaves that unclear

Do you prefer black beans or pinto beans?

How much more do you charge than street prices when a junkie comes in?

how much drugs make it across the border

OP isn't coming back. El Chapin must have saw this thread. OP is kill

You are better than 90% of the faggots who browse this board purely for the fact that you're a well rounded beaner.

I suck at jokes, laugh a lot but I can't remember any

Well, here we don't sell these kind of medicals, unfortunately Mexican laws are tough of established business selling that, complete irony...

Well, I have sold a lot of medicine to all customers, maybe I sell only to these kind of people without even knowing

Well, I work in a pharmacy, I hate these kind of works, even I am a shitty mexican

Maybe, but without your adress is impossible

I don't get that question.

Oh right, I am a mexican employee in a mexican pharmacy

Well, I am from the north of Mexico so we eat pinto beans, black beans are mostly eaten in the south

Nobody comes in, I give service from a little window, I am locked in just for my safety

I am just a simple employee, not a drug dealer...

I am having trouble posting with damn clover android app.

Cuanto vale el dextro?

Which material do you prefer to use in your curtains?

What is the best drug I can buy in a Mexican pharmacy without a prescription? Tramadol?

encontre al dr simi

Much appreciated

Dextrometorfano para la tos sale en $25 generico y en $120 el de patente.

En la simi los dan a 17.
Otra pregunta, ¿Por que cuando me tome una jarabe para la tos me dio mucha comeson y me salieron ronchas?

pop some xanax bb



Rate my fat Mexican girl friend OP.

Well, tramadol is damn easy to sell here, maybe stuff like clonazepan or diazepam or stuff like that is the only thing you need prescription... Ahhh, I heard Tylenol or Tamiflu is good stuff too and you don't need prescription either

No, de hecho somos de la competencia y no estoy tan gordo...

Hay gente a la que no le caen algunas sustancias, puede
ser que el ambroxol le sirva de maravilla a otras personas pero a ti te puede causar eso y hasta mas, es segun cada persona.



Pretty good, I like fat ones because I am a tit lover, usually fat girls have some awesome big tuts but I don't like that piercing so I rate 7/10,

What is your standard procedure to handle a robbery?
Also your job's address :)

Holy shit, that's a scary question combo........ Well I just call the police, I work close to a police station so not many robbers here