Get to see her tits again

Get to see her tits again

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she got a body double right?

No well at least in the first season not sure about now

Not her, she has a no-nudity clause in her contract. She used a body double here, same thing that Cersei did during her walk of shame.

CGI has ruined this world. Thanks, videogamefags.

Is Game of Thrones still a thing?

The trips that was promised.

Wrong. She confirmed in Entertainment Weekly it's her body.

Did they show her vadge too?


Whoo. Blonde average titties.

Fuck outtA my face nigga.


little bit from far away

Link to article:

no u

Huh, I just checked and yep, user speaks the truth. Thanks user, now I can fap all over that picture and add it to my collection

What does this mean

anyone got higher res and not blurry?

what a cunt

It means, if you don't have a clue and no rl friends to ask you should try Google instead.

I kinda just assumed it was her actual body. This one really isn't a hard one to convince her on.

"Remeber when you survived the fire the first time? We need you to do it again and be naked, except this time your 3 times more of a bad ass and an entire nation bows to you like your a fucking god."

Emilia: "Ehhh... Okay titties."

ego stroke-age


post plz

Ohhhhh boy those faces Thormund is giving to Brienne like "Holy shit that woman is bigger than me", I bet he fucks her bloody before the season ends

god, I hope this insufferable feminist cunt gets her head chopped off ASAP

>muh kelissi
>muhdor of draguns
>we shitskins bow down to womanlette with magic dragon powers hurrr

The show is good, overall. I just can't stand this cunt.