Prove wrong protip cant

prove wrong protip cant

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OP is retard /thread

Sun too smol

According to your map Hawaii and Japan are way apart, which they are not. It's just a couple of hours flight

So we can see stars light years away but we can't see our sun at night because it's too far away?

Because it's even more distorted than the flat projection maps people use day to day?

Our method of measuring distance to the stars depends on Earth moving around the sun.

We use triangulation to measure the distance. Then we get a correlation between type of star, apparent brightness and distance and use that to determine distance for further stars where the angle is too fine to measure.

Explain the differences in seasons.

can you please repeat the question

Because on your map sailing around Antarctica would take longer than sailing around the equator, which is retarded.

Earth casts a circular shadow on the moon during lunar eclipses. Or what do you think eclipses are?

Easy. Find a friend in a different country, if you don't have any easy to find one on WoW or some shit. Both of you go to a flagpole that's the same height. Facetime so your dumb ass knows it's live, measure the shadows on both of them. Do middle school math to figure out that the Earth has a curve and even figure out what the curve is by yourself

How can the sunlight stop? if the earth was flat (protip: it ain't) then you would be able to see the sun from anywhere and the moon also.

Master trolls

The moon doesn't only come out at night


Eclipse, ez

This fails to explain the long periods of time when the arctic circle experiences periods of light and dark lasting longer than 24 hours.

1. The Sun isn't a spotlight. If the sun circled above a flat earth, there would never be a night.
2. If you go outside (a foreign action for you, I know) and take a picture of the Sun's location everyday/week, around the same time, and combine the pictures together, you will see that the sun moves in a tight figure 8.
This is due to the Earth's tilt and because the Earth rotates around the sun.
3. In order for a large body of mass to be continuously and uniformly flat, it must spin at an extremely rapid rate in order to counter the force of gravity. This would cause the Earth to become a molten disk.
4. The Moon and Sun are not always at opposite ends.

eclipse how

Op, how do you explain my morning wood?

>cycles of moon

daddy was working late the night before. that's why!

What is 400 years of science

nice shop fgt

Eclipses. Fucking Aboriginal Australians figured out eclipses, and they are litteraly stoneage cavemen who never did anything thing but sit around jack off kangaroos and slowly roast in the sun until they turned black.



>not understanding different cameras, lighting, and angles
kill yourself

how come you can see moon and sun at same time?
Atheists 1
flat worlder christian rednecks 0

But dad left 10 years ago



This is now a spiderman thread

>implying your definition of gravity is correct
>implying you weren't made to believe all things have gravity
>implying things you know about celestial bodies is true
>implying the artificial sun isn't a spotlight






But they have tho. Dats tru.

That's why Stargates don't work.



>That's why Stargates don't work.


no op. it's exactly that!


What about polar night, where the sun didn't show up for months.
That animation didn't considered it.




put an ant on a Frisbee throw the Frisbee if the ant is still on it earth is flat if not earth is round.

Also, the model from that top picture is horse shit, not that it's important to the meme.

That doesn't even answer the question

>implying you haven't told your parents yet you are a faggot


Youre going all out, I think its time you and your retard friends to stop posting.

post the sauce that says nasa used that image as their official earth image for those years

i tried that the faggot ant was on the exact spot as before. unless you have seen the earth round with your own faggot eyes please stfu

lol where did that second picture come from? It's the size of fucking Asia, that's clearly not from NASA.


the planets and the sun move in that way, its incredibly similar to the flow of a dna strand

people will tell you this is a coincidence lol


1. The Sun and moon are not right at the opposite of each other, especially when you consider that you can often see both at the same time AND solar eclipses require the moon to pass between the earth and the sun. In short: the moon isn't only visible at night.

2. Seasons: How would they work in your little system? Does the route of the sun and moon expand and contract? If so, how? On top of that, how do you explain 24 hour sunlight below the Antarctic circle? At Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station you get 24 hour days midsummer which wouldn't happen in your model.

3. Flat Earth (lol): If anyone wanted to, you could organise a trip to antarctica and go to the south pole. It has been done and people do it. Antarctica isn't closed. All you'd need to do is go to the edge of the "wall" and take some photos. So why don't you?

How do you get a full moon if the sun is never behind the earth?

When the sun sets it goes down, not just fades to the distance you inbred retard.
If you go up, for example, in a plane you see the curvature of the earth and if you launch a camera high enough you see the curvature turning into a sphere.
Kill yourself op.

>winter in the north hemisphere = shorter days/longer nights
>it also means summer in south hemisphere= longer days down there

>six month nights in the poles

yes, I've traveled

>there is no gravity

Why has the sun to fly in the direction of her rotating axis?

No, they don't. The guy who made the video that screenshot is from sourced his material from a heavily discredited scientist. We know for a fact that the sun doesn't pull the planets in its wake like a comet, because sometimes the planets are ahead of the sun, which couldn't happen in that model.

OP, according to your model, the Arctic should have Sun 24/7, 365 days a year - it doesn't - not saying you're wrong but...
>you're incorrect

if the world is round then why dont people fall off the planet into the sky if Antarctica is right at the bottom.
you would literally be standing upside down. think about it

>too retarded to use google

>implying you've sailed around either

pics or it didn't happen

Why do you fucking morans bother typing a serious response to an obvious bait thread?

Oh right, you're newfaggots.


i'm not and still replied, kek

Mariotehplumber, is that you?

how do you explain the sun moving so fast then

Because fuck you that's why

Proof right protip can't

What about the seasons?

>winter, spring, fall


don't have to. the burden of proof is on you.



You are correct, user.. But how does this argue against the fact that if we cannot see our sun all the time (unless there's a solar eclipse which rarely happens) then how come we can see other stars much farther away?

you forgot summer you fucking idiot.

So many people taking the

most pictures of earth are composites, which is stitching together several images

this is a non composite image, is the "real" one

What does one have to do with the other?

No, and the sun isn't visible at the same periods of time all year long.. I think he knows this.

At least he doesn't /thread his own post you dipshit

image of earth taken by Himawari-8.

Oh now this one is the real one.

Quit shilling, more and more people are waking up to the lies being told to them.

How could I forget summer? Damn.

Well, I guess it's a good thing you're here to remind me.

>implying there are satellites

>op literally couldnt even be bothered to type out a coherent sentence for his bait
>still getting all these replies


And you think that's the way it works?
Explain first what exactly should proof this animation.