This shit should be fucking illegal

this shit should be fucking illegal.

fuck forbes and any site like forbes that does this stupid shit.

you entitled little shit.

If you care about the content and think it's worth something, disable your ad blocker.

If you don't think it's worth anything or want to take a moral stand, don't visit the site. You will help it slide to obscurity.

But whining about free shit wanting to make half a cent for it's content that you don't even have to fucking pay for? fuck you. fuck you and your fucking shitty ill-considered self-centered opinion.

well aren't you on your high horse you stupid faggot

hope you're enjoying your ad blocker free web experience, and all the trackers and shit that come with it. it's about more than just seeing stupid little ads, but your peanut sized brain couldn't possibly understand that could it?

sure, that's where the 'taking a moral stand' part comes in. you don't like what they're doing? stop using their service or commit an act of civil disobedience and work around the blocker. Both are fine by me.

But coming on here and saying 'this should be illegal'. What the fuck? That's a private website trying to monetize their content. You want the government to step in and fix a minor fucking annoyance for you because you cant be fucked finding the same content elsewhere and feel you deserve it for free.

I use an adblocker. I've stopped reading forbes and wired because of this shit, because I don't want to encourage it. Care to tell me what your plan is instead of being a whiny little faggot?

>You want the government to step in and fix a minor fucking annoyance

dog you clearly aren't looking at the bigger picture. for the record, you're god damn right i want the government to step in and take steps to ensure the privacy of its citizens.

but sure, your 'sticking it to the man' approach is certainly really helping the cause dog. i bet forbes really misses your visits to their site.

the bigger picture being:
1) You are running an adblocker to 'ensure your privacy'
2) A website doesn't let you use their site with an adblocker because they depend on ad revenue
3) Pass laws forbidding this because it is your godgiven right to get their content on your terms

That sound about right?

yeah sounds a bit right, but let's rephrase this just a bit...

>You are running an adblocker to 'ensure your privacy'
definitely not that simple but nice try

>A website doesn't let you use their site with an adblocker because they depend on ad revenue
>depend on ad revenue

>Pass laws forbidding this because it is your godgiven right to get their content on your terms
I don't give a shit about their clickbait content. I give a shit that the average user has to let these companies track them in order to access anything on their domain.

so in the event they categorically proved that their advertising in no way provided any identifying or tracking information to third parties, you'd be okay with them refusing entry to those with adblockers?

Shit sucks, get a custom host file and all adds will 404 leaving just the actual fucking content on the page.

>categorically proved
companies have been claiming to have 'proved' this for years, but it's not so. making such a claim will certainly please the masses but i personally think you have to be pretty naive to believe they've stopped entirely, if at all.

Motherboard and Wired do this too, I greenlist Sup Forums the only time it bothers me is when it is some stupid site like Forbes that glorify billionaires who profit from the death of children, no it is not moralfaggotry see: I greenlist Sup Forums.

That was not my question.

In the scenario where somehow they proved to your satisfaction that they were not providing tracking data to third parties, would you still be okay with them refusing adblockers?

i feel like that's still a moot question because i cannot fathom such a circumstance ever occuring.

Guys I have no idea what the fuck your arguing about because your both using adblock but my arm has been going numb all day and trembling. I havent felt my thumb in about 5 hours

breh maybe you should visit a doctor then.

I will consider that but I have a flight in two days for college and apartmenting hunting on the east coast

it's an abstract scenario to discern between whether you actually give a shit about what you say or whether you're being a whiny bitch and trying to justify it.

But I think I just found out the level you're capable of thinking at, have a good day user

Go to urgent care then.

what a waste of trips.

stop sitting on your hand

Legit though it started when I was driving to work and that shit never faded away it comes in waves I guess

if it's legit, could be a blood clot or a symptom of an oncoming heart attack. I'd ask a doctor.

oh fuck I'll definitely go in the morning then I'm underweight and have low blood sugar but Im not sure if either of those have anything to do with cardiac arrest or blood clots. Thanks for advice user

bad circulation and low blood pressure and shit can cause tingling and numbness too, but if it's something you've never experienced before it's worth seeing a doctor.