Why don't you own a pistol, user?

Why don't you own a pistol, user?

It's highly illegal.

Why don't you moan in the bone zone and leave us alone homes

What are you talking about? I have two within reach at this moment.




thefuq is up with all these women guns?

Because of low quantity of niggers in my country.

because my state is full of liberal pussies and want to ban any and all fun

Don't want an easy way to become an hero

Lovely weapons my friends. Much better looking than my Px4 Inox.

Because I have a katana.

Shit. I just noticed.
Fuck you, OP.

Do you have autism too?

Manufacturing date code.

Because I'm not an Americunt.

Because I live in a country without niggers. I could legally buy a gun if I wanted, but I don't want to. Nobody has a gun around here, except for a few people who treat it as a hobby.

Cause I live in a civilized country, you dumb fuck paranoid murican shit

This exact same thread was made 7 hours ago. Go fuck yourself. I do own a gun.

The gun in that picture is shit too. Post a different picture at least when you make this thread.

They are illegal and my country wants to remove the army and let everyone come freely to live here


Claims there is no niggers in his area.....All your mouth holds is lies and cock.


i would have killed myself if i had one. fuck depression

Because I'm a convicted felon

>second amendment protects americans from tyranny

Because I haven't decided to commit a massmurder yet

Nice baby hands. You would be better off with a .38