Is this game worth buying?

Is this game worth buying?

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Except for being a bit too gimmicky it is actually rather well made. Quite cheap aswell.

I played it in the open beta last week and liked it enough to pre-order. If you were considering buying it, you should have played it so you knew what it was like.

I've heard it's good,but there are other mobas for free

Much more fps than moba.

yes it is ! check warowl review

>tf2 masterrace

Can confirm. Was in closed beta. Currently experiencing withdrawals so I reinstalled tf2 to get me through until release.

>paying for your games



It kept pinging me at 50 but it was laggy as fuck even in single player mode. I only played it the last day so don't blame it too hard.

Just felt a little too dumb. Could enjoy but needs good servers which it might get might not?

Wait a couple months.

is like Team Fortress 2, without private server and fun... pretty repeated

even the tf2 masterace thinks tf2 is shit

if you enjoyed tf2 then probably yes

literally the best game of 2016.

yes give blizzard your money

>Too gimmicky

Wow what an original opinion. Never heard that one before. please explain how this game is gimmicky. Pro-tip: you can't because you just parrot what you read on the internet.

>consider all other Blizzard content
>consider all PAID Blizzard content
>anyone who buys this game is dooming themselves to a good cucking

It will sell well, fail to garner any traction in the competitive/esports scene, will eventually grow stale while getting bogged down with shitty microtransactions. Will go on the shelf right up there with skyrim, minecraft, and other pleb games. The kinda game every 10 year old has played.

Yeah. I played it and had fun the whole time.

>skyrim, minecraft, and other pleb games.

Why so mad?
Actually i have never read anything about this game.

Think of it like this: if you imagine the gameplay on a scale from something like COD or battlefield to something like TF2 I feel it is a bit too much to the TF2 side.
Meaning that there is a bit top much strange shit flying around and too little tactical gameply.

This, however, might get better as people get better at the game.

>found the Bastion

all my computer can run is dota and rs so thats what i play

i dont have enough excess to allocate to these new ventures but from my scopings of this game it would be damn nice social casual entertainment but id rather play the new doom 4 high with a girlfriend in my own place on a new mean machine


Nah, never actually tried him. Seemed boring/busted.

It had the potential to be even though it never was.

No, just get tf2. Don't waste your money.

black ops 1 sort of is


Someones WoW account got hacked

cod is tactical, you're just too bad to know what you're doing

No one can be bad at cod

With all the counter picking opportunity and mixing and matching skills there is way more room for "tactical" play in Overwatch

It's not even slightly a moba

I hope so I got 4 copies prepurchased

Never lagged once playing this wayyy too much both on PC and Xbox One. Could it have been on your end maybe?

Perhaps 'tactical' is the wrong word. I was more referring to a slower and more position-centric gameplay and less running around and shooting gimmicks at everything that moves.

So who does everybody like to play here? I play Reaper like 90% of the time unless I have to switch to fill a needed role.


Do you want to play a game where you need to change heroes to get an advantage over the enemy teams comp?

Do you have friends who are willing to play with you?

Are you thick skinned and patient enough to go through the solo-que for both quick play and ranked play as other players will inevitably make you want to eat sand with the way they act/play?

Can you put your trust into others to be sure that everyone works together?

Do you plan to talk to use your mic in game?

Are you aware of the 20 tic rate for regular servers which will have you encounter moments where you die while behind a wall? (Note: Custom matches can be set to a 60 tic rate, but srsly Blizz wtf are you doing?)

Do you plan to play on PC?

Does the idea of free future maps/heroes sound appealing?

Are you willing to put up with the reactions of "elite" players who have only received 5 - 10 hours over you, and will actively demean you because you're new to the game with your lvl 1 rank? (There was a lot of this during open beta, expect it during/after release).

Do you have a job and $40 to burn freely?

Do matches which, on average, last between 5 - 10 minutes sound nice?

If you answered "yes" to any of these things, then maybe Overwatch is the right game for you!

sounds like you dont got the zkillz to pay the billz

yes I got it myself

Something about reaper triggers/tilts me of the face of the earth.
When I can I play soldier.

yes you can. you must be 13 if you think that

Do you like TF2?? This is about the same speed.

It really depends on what you like OP. I played quake and unreal tournament online religiously back in the day, and I absolutely still love a well done shooter. The list is running thin for those sadly.

I have nearly 1200 hours in TF2 and for a free game, that just can't be beat. Great shit right there.

Reaper is the faggot class for people who don't know how to play, Soldier is the faggot class for people who know how to play

It's actually a cross-over moba and fps faggots

And since your the definitive source on faggotry I'll take your word for it.

well its highly team based so if you have friends or plan to make friends then sure. played the beta and got the game, was amazing from what i played. some chars need a little balancing, but nothing extreme, few more game modes, and its perfect replacement for tf2

If you want to play a FPS Moba and you are casual as fuck, then yes this game is for you.

totalbisqshit says it's great he can't be wrong

It's possible, but I think it was more likely that I downloaded it in the last 7 hours of the game. I pinged at 55 which should be fine unless this game runs crazy on graphics, and even then.

What gives you this impression?

I would be fine with this if it actually required skill.

The graphic requirements are very low and your right a 55 should be perfectly fine. Maybe there was something else going on. Or it could just be Blizz servers they are not exactly known to have rock solid stability.

You'll be the faggot when Roadhog shoves his meat hook up your bum bum, friend

One change I would like to see in the game is the little dwarf mans turret, that shit should be more like the engineers turret from tf2 and not have a fiull 360 degrees of movement. Makes being sneaky really fucking hard when a loud ass turret with Aimbot is going to let everyone know your there.

Anyone else think reaper has THE cringiest voice lines ever? It's like a fucking 12 year old thought them up.
Like holy shit cringey as fuck

That's what Battleborn is. Literally nothing about Overwatch is even slightly MOBA-esque.

Unless you're referring to the game having multiple playable characters, which case GTAV is the best MOBA ever.

Because it is a moba, sure there will be people who play it, learn tactics work as a team, end up in the high ranks/leagues as with every moba, but 90% of the player base is gonna be casual as fuck just like every other moba, its only a matter of tiem before big titted "streamers" latch on and start to milk the virgins. After that the "omg I'm a girl gamer" and retards who don't evne learn the game but bitch about their team constantly latch on.

To be fair the "every character has their own set of unique skills" is slightly MOBA-esque.

Again, GTAV. Michael does his gun thing, Franklin with the cars, and Trevor rages.

Try again.

>the jews payed him for saying that

Did they put the ass celebration back in?

That's a deal-breaker for me.

Not half as bad as the way he runs. Can't even look at it.

I just don't understand this logic, when I think of Overwatch nothing of a moba stands out. It doesn't scream league of legends, or DOTA or Paragon, or feels completely different.

wow is a moba aswell

Why the fuck would you pre order once, let alone four fucking times?

life is a moba

Having characters referred to has heroes against each other makes a game a MOBA, didn't you hear?

Saying overwatch is a moba is like saying splatoon is like cod

Yes, when you can play with a friend it's very cool.

Isn't 90% of every games user base "casual as fuck" tho? For every one person who competes in MLG or whatever for games that are competitive there are at least 1000 people who don't.

Then you are blind, Blizzard made it specifically aimed towards moba players, it IS quite literally a moba with an fps view point.

This is a really bad example and Overwatch has a wide range of characters and they're divided in groups of Offensive, Defensive, Tank and Support which is very similar to what you would expect to find in a MOBA.

One copy on PC for me, one for my wife, one for my sister, and one Xbox One copy

D.V.A. all day baby

Most games have classes, still doesn't make everything moba's, game play, is nothing like mobo what so ever

See So now GTAV isn't a MOBA only because it has fewer characters? Alright, then WWE 2K16 is a MOBA. It has a huge roster, and each character is completely different!

>It had the potential to be even though it never was.

play some cod1, codUO or cod2...
wont get much more tactical than that if you play with a accustomed team where you can communicate with half words

Roadhog main :^)

Like I said games like League give me the Moba feel, games like Overwatch and TF2 give me a completely different feel.

Fair enough.

Roadhog is beast, one of my favorite things to see if him hooking pharoah out of the sky and blasting her away it's hilarious.

I was being sarcastic. But of course you're gonna get a MOBA feel from League, it's a damn MOBA. Overwatch and TF2 are class-based shooters, literally nothing like MOBAs.


lmao more like f2p shitter

What this guy said. What I hate about MOBAs is the idea of leveling up as you play each round. The characters in Overwatch have special abilities and yeah, their weapons are very different from each other, but it's more simplistic than a MOBA in my opinion, and that's good for gameplay.

I realize you were being sarcastic I was just trying to lay out more clearly what I thought was a moba and what was more like a team based shooter. No worries.

To be a moba dont you have to have lane pushing?

Did you forget to take your autism meds today? The question is not whether or not Overwatch is a MOBA, because it's not. But to say that it hasn't got any resemblance to a MOBA is hyperbole and now you're just grasping for straws.

Moba stands for Multiplayer Online Battle Arena I believe so if we try hard enough we can force anything to be a moba. But what is constantly marketed and referred to a moba involves things like lane pushing, leveling up, buying items, ect ect. If we follow the logic people are trying to bait out then:

Gta5 Online is a moba
Counter strike is a moba
Wow is a moba
Runescape is a moba
Tf2 is a moba

>lock in character
>push lane and poke
>minion kills to level
>pick a character every respawn
>fps with open concept arenas
>objectives are FPS based.
>do you level? I dont think so, but idk

No, no leveling

Smash bros is best moobu

Literally the only thing Overwatch shares with any MOBA is having a roster of characters that do different things. But that's not a characteristic exclusive to MOBAs, so saying it shares that trait with MOBAs is fucking stupid. It shares that trait with most games in general, not just with MOBAs.

Good point

Its fun but everyone is made of paper so playing a tank means you get 3 shot instead of one shot

That's why I like having friends who like to heal, running around as Reaper with a pocket Mercy makes you OP as fuck

I had fun playing it. Some of the classes are pretty cheap, but it's a good time if you have a good team.