Has Russia installed a puppet to head your government?

Has Russia installed a puppet to head your government?


GOP are collaborators. Trump supporters are anti-American authoritarians.

How are we going to crush this fifth column?

kekkonen the commie

Hillary please stop posting on the chan.

Trump just likes 15 year old Russian pussy. And commies are our eternal enemies, so whatever, you have our guns if you wanna kill commies.

Traitor selling out your country to a hostile foreign power

Just go lose yourself in another drunken binge.

90% of Sup Forums and right wing cucks don't get it but it's all a part of russia's plan to destabilize the west

You have to go back

Go back where? I was born and raised here in Iowa.

A report on Russia favoring a certain candidate is different from them staging a coup to overthrow your government.

People actually voted for Trump. Don't spread this stupid boogeyman and off yourself.

Germans are the biggest Putincucks

No, Hillary supporters are. The administration she was part of actually sold 20% of the American uranium stock to Putin.

Getting desperate

I'm not a Hillary supporter

But I do love my country, so I can't support a useful idiot like Trump either

Not enough to betray my country though. That's why I have never supported Trump since it became clear he was a shill/puppet


Actually all me.

Dude the Russian hacker thing is fake just get over it


Yes you are


I am shilling for my country, yes

You're shilling for a foreign despot


Hillary took in hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign investors

So fucking what. How many foriegn elections has the US government tampered with exactly?

Plus, Hillary accepted $25mil from a Saudi prince. Fuck that. You guys did good.

Fucking amateurs

>b-but hillary

Literally incapable of defending your cucksavior

Hillary please, accept the defeat already it's over now.