/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico

Philadelphia Collins Edition

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Suicidal Californian Slav

as funny as it may seem Some people get their kicks stompin' on a dream, That's life

baby bait and hook

So what are you faggots doing tonight?

Playing Byzantium again

Go after France.

Drinking by myself and listening to music

I'll go after them later. First I need to conquer the Levant, North Africa, and Italy.

Just had three(3) hotdogs for dinner

I've been digging through the snow looking for my vape.

Pretty sure that I've seen this post before.

I am 20 yo and I see everyday the corruption in the media, the superficiality in the youth and a general indifference to the greater good which is the betterment of our society as a whole.

I already tried to kill myself once when I was bluepilled. For me it was harder to accept the reality of the bluepill as being correct. Now I've taken the redpill, and for me things have improved. Things still aren't great as I still have a lot of problems with my life, but I will keep fighting to see where I end up. Don't let things make you depressed, stay angry if you cannot manage to be positive. It is much easier to deal with than spiralling depression. Lift weights. Eat right. Read to keep the mind strong. Improve yourself in every way possible. This is what I'm going to do regardless of how bad I may feel sometimes.

I want my children to grow up in a better world, when I have them. I also want to advance humanity to a level wherein corporeal desires and degeneracy are abandoned in favour of virtue, love, and personal and scientific advancement

For the most beautiful and powerful race the world has ever seen. For my ancestors and my descendants.

East or West Montana?

I had left over Panda Express for breakfast, some rice for lunch, and nothing for dinner

playing my autism simulator stardew valley

only 4 days left of winter

t. Ching Chong Jr.


Pretty sure your fatass already ate all the hot dogs last night. el gordo

West Montana

No, I just don't have much money

Ah I see

Oh okay

t. Juan Juanson Jr.

who /vaping/ rn?

I am NOT a spic.

desperately need a girlfriend


>who /vaping/ rn?


Ah, my mistake

t. DeAndre White Jr.

>the most beautiful race the world has seen
hairless ape

Nor am I a negro


t. Ehawkula Smith Jr.

ETA of the 3rd annual /cum/games tonight?

hawt tanks

Usually around midnight. Guy who runs it was here earlier

you don't


Yes I do

Nothing is better than shitposting on several versions of Sup Forums and in several languages on a Saturday night.

what do you want
what do you need
do you really know about yourself

I have great respent for the East Asian races. Even if we were to go extinct they could carry something on.
They are by nature very racist and could be great allies of the White race. I am not opposed at all to allies with the Northeast Asian races.



What do you think of my dinner, /cum/?
no u

not bad

It ain't hotdogs


What does your fat ass put on his hot dogs anyways?

>tfw I have the dogs but no buns

primary fact: women are born with severe mental disabilities

onion, tomato, mustard, jalapeƱo and ketchup

why why why why I want to die FEELING OVER

I hate the sight of the American flag. Modern American patriotism is an absolute joke. People pretending like they have something to be proud while White people are being murdered daily in the streets.

Many veterans believe we owe them something for 'protecting our way of life' or 'protecting our freedom'. But im not sure what way of life they are talking about. How about we protect the White race and stop fighting for the Jews.
I will say this though, I myself would have rather lived in 1940's American than Nazi Germany, and no this is not ignorance speaking, it is just my opinion. So I dont blame the veterans of any wars up until after Vietnam, because at least they had an American to be proud of and fight for.

>I hate the sight of the American flag. Modern American patriotism is an absolute joke. People pretending like they have something to be proud while White people are being murdered daily in the streets.

>Many veterans believe we owe them something for 'protecting our way of life' or 'protecting our freedom'. But im not sure what way of life they are talking about. How about we protect the White race and stop fighting for the Jews.
I will say this though, I myself would have rather lived in 1940's American than Nazi Germany, and no this is not ignorance speaking, it is just my opinion. So I dont blame the veterans of any wars up until after Vietnam, because at least they had an American to be proud of and fight for.


Hispanics are obviously a huge problem for Americans. But there are good Hispanics and bad Hispanics.

I remember while watching Hispanic television stations, the shows and even the commercials were more White than our own.

They have respect for White beauty, and a good portion of Hispanics are White. It is a well known fact that White Hispanics make up the elite of most Hispanics [sic] countries. There is good White blood worht saving in Uruguay, Argentina, Chile and even Brasil.

But they are still our enemies.



Unlike many White naitonalists, I am of the opinion that the majority of American and European Jews are White.

In my opinion the issues with Jews is not their blood, but their identity. I think that if we could somehow destroy the Jewish identity, then they wouldnt cause much of a problem.

The problem is that Jews look White, and in many cases are White, yet they see themselves as minorities.

Just like niggers, most Jews are always thinking about the fact that they are Jewish. The other issue is that they network. If we could somehow turn every Jew blue for 24 hours, I think there would be a mass awakening, because people would be able to see plainly what is going on.

I dont pretend to understand why Jews do what they do. They are enigma.

Please forgive any typos, I didnt have time to check it.

you seem lost

i'm a mix of french and spanis

any save bajachan's nudes?

I just want a ditzy gf

>the actor who played Phil Collins is dead now



I forgot how to dance

you just want to fuck a ditzy pussy

growing 200+ potatos now

i think i'll make over 40k


>Tfw love nazi music but not a nazi

at the library part now bud
waiting for the clown to show up

nigger-bitch ultimate

"the clown" has a name, pennywise

Montreal or Toronto?


do they show the kid orgy?

Good news, /cum/. I found hotdogs buns and grilled myself a hotdog. I but some barbecue sauce and mustard on it and it was delicious.

what game is this?

ello govna im losin mah marbles

>barbecue sauce on a hotdog
they're best dry

would like to have sex with an ASEAN girl

Your opinion is wrong.

>they're best dry
like your asshole huh

meat, cheese, bread
that's all you need

Who the fuck puts cheese on hotdogs?

>Toronto winning

>he doesn't smother his hotdog in nacho cheese

Clearly the superior city


starting to get bored of my current brand of autism

/cum/ is slow tonight

I want to learn Hebrew, move to Israel, and have kids who will be part of the international Jewish conspiracy.

What makes you say so?

Montreal has better architecture, history, and as far as I know Toronto has far niggers/bad areas.

why would you move to israel to do that?

california is a hot bed for international jewery

>better architecture, history
Montreal speaks French which is pretty much the language of west african niggers and haitians

Socialism is inevitable.

Californian kikes want socialism and spics in their country
Israeli kikes want to keep nonwhites out. They only let the Ethiopian Jews in and they still treat them like garbage.

>Montreal speaks French which is pretty much the language of west african niggers and haitians
That doesn't change the fact that there are more white people in Montreal compared to Toronto.

ok ive been constipated for about a week and i just vomited what looked and smelled exactly like feces

israel wants is too

they international jews will create the mulatto underclass to serve the jews in the future

the world will be globalized into israel ruling all and brown servants tricked into thinking that they are living in a perfect communist state when actually its really shitty and the jews are all living in palaces in the desert