Hey, lonelyfag here

Hey, lonelyfag here.
It's cold again and I've been thinking too much. Anyone wants to talk?

Other urls found in this thread:


About anything in particular?

I can talk about anything, as long as I know something about it of course. I just want to talk I guess.


I don't get it.

I don't know either. It doesn't look very practical, but if you spend your whole fucking day on Emacs, then maybe.

I'd rather not even bother with an emac in the first place.

Hello faggot, can you please stop.

Hi user. No I cannot stop.

Sup kitten

No, user, let them continue, I want to observe the faggot catboy in it's natural habitat.


That's not very nice.


I'm trying to be pleasant.
What a lovely shade of white you... are.

You seem fun

How was your day?

I see I'm not the only one freezing tonight. How are you?

I'm all grey inside.

>How was your day?

citizen of the Reich reporting in.
What do we talk about? Do we use vocaroo?


Well, of course I am. Anyone who says otherwise is a lying Jew.
We all are.
How was your days? Free from Bolsheviks?

please go to r9k

I'm still free to talk whenever.. don't feel like you cant.

But i'll occasionally look on here to see if you posted.

Take care cutie

I wish I had something to do all day too.

I'm lonely and depressed not mentally challenged.

Now sing us a song.


Heh, forgot to add a picture.

I mean, I can hug my computer monitor if you'd like.

ok this made my fucking day

Ordinarily I would say the same, but they seem better off than the furfags, and at least it isn't a trap orgy, yet.
Go pester the drawfag threads, they're the real tumblrites, until then
>Make them

Oh fuck, user's laying it down.

i'm sorry for telling you to leave

Heh, funny, I guess.

Thank you~

for all ze lonely souls, add ze german in skype:

You can trust me of course, I am just a simple german. I won't hide mein Gas chambers from you.

Well, I don't like to brag...

added you

I'll just bump one last time. But I guess tonight was a short one.

Eh, I enjoyed it.
Goodnight, user.

Is there a skype group or something?

Sleep tight.

So, user, I have a webm of that same Chinese telling some nigger about how they let Africa go to shit after the English left, would you happen to know the sauce?



its called empire of dust

also the english were not the only colonial power. There was france,germany,spain,portugal,belgium

I can't thank you enough, user.

True, I just wanted to save my breath. No matter how much money is poured into that continent, it will always be stuck behind. They should have left like everyone else.


No need to thank me.
Where are you from, good Sir?

The US. Only a country so desperate as ours could forge such extreme mentalities.
I really believe if we had one the war (Against the real enemy), shit would have levelled out. Adolf would become known as a kind Grandfather to the world, instead of this cartoonish caricature.