Which was the hardest DarkSouls and Why?

Which was the hardest DarkSouls and Why?


I’m not great at action games, and my inability to stay calm in any circumstances, means I will probably never achieve the kind of zen flow you need to roll magnificently through even the nastiest of attacks at exactly the right time. Since every attack in a Dark Souls game (and Bloodborne and Demon’s Souls) is meaningful, getting hit, and not quite managing to hit back at the right time, makes combat stressful and deaths frequent.

DS2 because it wasn't fun

ds3 im ragin g so hard just lost 30k souls , im so pissed im making a new character any ideas what to make, i did knight and warrrior im thinking herald but im worried i wont have as much damage as a knight or warrior anyone know

this. only one i didnt finish. just completely lost interest near the end

Choose Deprived for some REAL fun

dark souls needs an easy mode

Kys, buy mario kart you damn pussy

Mercenary for that high dex and early dual wielding

This idk how they have fun from that or atleast stay calm during it

Assassin comes with stock estoc and Spook, which is a very useful spell.

Use that fear to dodge the attacks. For me it is mostly twitch reflex from not wanting to lose, and it is working through Bloodborne pretty well

Ds1 is hardest because it doesn't work

Works better than ds2

if you can't install dsfix, you don't deserve to play DS

Anyway, DS2 early-game was harder than any game for me because of the lower i-frames because of bullshit ADP, but then it gets boring as fuck and easy. No death no bonfire run was cake, and I'm fucking trash at the PvE in souls.

DS1 was probably the hardest overall for me, but that's because it was my first souls game. DS3 felt painfully easy, aside from the Soul of Cinder because he fucked me in the ass for a solid hour.

BB for worst soulsborne, DS3 for best PvE, DS1 for best lore/world, DS2 for best PvP, all other opinions are irrelevant.

It's not as hard as they make it sound.

Dark Souls is an RPG with a level cap of level 700-800.

You can always just grind or play co-op.

There are plenty of games that are more frustrating and difficult.

coop is for scrubs

dsfix is amazing. They should really make it official patch. I had no idea it existed until a friend told me 10 hours in.


Praise the scrubs!

Bloodborne is the hardest and that's coming from a guy that doesn't use shields and always rolls

be a pyro it's the best class

or just git gud

your opinion is literally garbage
PvP Das1>Das3>Des>BB=Das2

what the fuck are you retarded? that doesn't make since

>first DS1 playthrough
>100+ hours
>killed gwyn yesterday
>start a second playthrough,
>ring both bells within 3 hours
I really enjoy the feeling of learning the mechanic and the game, in contrast to the usual fucking RPG shit when you have a character get random points as a reward for wasting your time.

>bought DS2
>serial key is out of stock
shitty fucking site

Finish DS1 NG+
Great Sword run DS1?
wait for DS2 key
just buy DS3

Bloodborne was definitely the easiest for me


get a refund for das2 and get das3 and a ps4 and ps3 for Bloodborne and Demons Souls

they fucking aren't hard because you literally get infinite lives

/thread, forever and always

>git gud

you must not have done level 5 chalice dungeons or the dlc or ng+

BB and DeS not on PC?

I'll get a PS4 but not until July, relocating to a new country and can't buy more stuff now. Digital downloads aside.

you get infinite lives in most games user.

roll deprived like a real man

DS1 because it had most flaws.

dubs speak truth

2 sucks

prolly cause pyromancy is basically easy mode, not that I support their lame tossing around of git gud

demon souls was hard

eh not really every build is easy mode if you know what your doing pyro is the funnest build in the game

Dark souls 1's was 737 or something I believe.

Pshh, lost just over 900k souls while farming the other night. Got too high, and forgot Symbol of Avarice drains health.

you filthy casual
git gut

>git gud
i guaranty that i can beat any of you 5 times in a row on das1 if you have it on ps3

Dark souls 2 is on sale rn on the humble store. Should I buy it or start with ds1?

Dark Souls 2 is the worst of the series. Start with Demons Souls, then move on to Dark Souls 1.

>be me
>get super good at PvE w/ build that smashes most NG+ bosses in a couple hits
>decide to try PvP
>get my ass handed to me as soon as I invade someone
PvP is where the Souls games really shine IMO. I mean, there was always the chance that you might run into scrubs sitting around in the forest wearing full Havel's and ganking with 2+ Giant Dads or Havel Monsters. But when you start really getting into high-end PvP, that's when it starts getting fun as hell.

DS1 was consistently hard, doesn't matter what weapon you used as upgrades were balanced so nothing got op, DS2 is the easiest, you can go through the whole game with 13 dex and a rapier, DS3 is hard but STR weapons are broke as fuck and you can get the dark sword at the start of the game.

Pyro is potentially game-breaking in PvE. It's utterly fucking useless in PvP.

>nothing got op

are you sure we played the same game

exactly it's only really like that in das1 though

DeS = DS3
Rest is right.

DS2 DLCs were cancer af

Actually thinking about it DS1 Pyro is kinda op early on, but if you want to get op stuff you usually have to sacrifice stam and hp for dex or str

>doesn't matter what weapon you used as upgrades were balanced so nothing got op

>Get falchion
>upgrade it to +15
>get Darkmoon Blade and 30 Faith
>min. 40 dex
>have fun smashing everything and never having to worry about silly things like dying

This x100
You have actual downs


>taking the bait this hard

obobo build is silly and requires getting a weapon to +15. just speedrun the catacombs for the great scythe and jerk yourself off while you shit on everything even at +0

weak all you have to do is parry

he's talking about pve. it works fine.

Wow. God damn what a shit opinion. Demon's Souls doesn't even get a fucking mention. Just kill yourself.

for pvp a intelligence version with dark bead would be way better

anyone who thinks dark1 is hard needs to go back and play it again, keeping in mind that it was probably just their first game of that kind.

Why does demon souls keep getting mentioned?, there are only 3 options

Yeah. Oroboro build is stupidly overpowered in PvE. Hell, w/ that build, I was wrecking people's shit in PvP, too.
Great Scythe and Lifehunt Scythe were my favorite weapons for ages. Until I started doing PvP and couldn't hit anything to save my life with the scythe.

Dark souls 2 was the hardest because all the fucking animations were shit.
I haven't played demon souls so I wouldn't know.
Dark souls 1 pvp was by far the most fun.

leave you pc queer das2 is garbage and pc is overrated as fuck

ds3 is ez man, and i didnt even see gameplay of it be4 i bought it and ive yet to look up all the secrets/ things i missed

>current year
>thinking losing souls is actually a big deal
>you literally get souls from everything you kill
>git gud scrub