How do you uncut fags stop the damp musty smell that occasionally comes from your dick head?

>how do you uncut fags stop the damp musty smell that occasionally comes from your dick head?

I dont get it all the time but I would say 50% of the time I do. Sometimes I can be fresh out of the shower (maybe an hour out of it) and my wife will go to suck my dick and she can smell the musty smell.

>inb4 this becomes a cut vs. uncut


Ewww uncut fags are nasty

you clean your dick like you ought to

It makes no sense dude, some days I will half-ass my cleaning job and it comes out perfect, other times I can concentrate on cleaning it perfectly and it comes out with the musty smell.

uncut fag here, I'll be honest the few times it happens (no shower in 2 days will do that) the smell is debilitatingly arousing. And to answer your question, we shower.

I think this is just you.

yeah this

i get that aswell even straight out the shower sometimes

Quit Jerkin off all the time.

Fug, I do not understand what the fuck I could be doing wrong.

>pull skin back
>was head and around head
>wash off soap
>get out
>pull skin back
>dry it off 100%

Fucking musty smell is still there.

maybe it could be something to do with ur diet and what u drink? or maybe not enough water idk

Are you the one smelling this musty smell or is it your wife?

I jerk off, maybe once a week at most.

your "wife" is just making up shit to get out of giving you head

>damp musty smell
infection, shroom shit
girls get it too. cut fags too.

protip. shower.
>uncutfag, never had smelly dick here

Yeah I was thinking that.

Both, I will smell it so I wont even try to get head, other times she will be in the mood and go down on me and she will hold her hand up to my nose and I can smell the musty smell.

I do have a horrible diet, but I dont see how it could be that.

you have to get in there and scrub a bit and get rid of dead skin cells and shit.. just spraying it with water aint guna cut it.

Hey guys
I've always wondered as an uncut guy.
How come I can't fap without my foreskin, it feels way to sensitive even after pulling it back for a few horus to reduce sensetivity : /
its annoying I can't fap like in the porn, blow jobs also feel awkwardly oversensitive without the foreskin :'(

You do not use soap...You don't need it...
If anything take a rag that HAD soap on it and just squeeze it out if your feeling particularly filthy that day, Otherwise scrubbing it with your hand or a fine cloth is the best way to go, That and actually drying it off after you get out of the shower prevents the "must" from building up, Hope this helps.

>>butthurt cutfag posing as unmutilated master race
0/10 bait

Happens when your dickhead gets a little too close to your asshole. I'm sure it happens to cut fags too.

Also if you don't eat alot of fruits, Don't get enough water
your cum/piss, Aka the fluids your dick is around all day will smell like however much Mcdonalds you pack away

I may try this, I use to fuck a girl who couldent use soap on her pussy because it gave her bad yeast infections and it never smelled strong or had a weird taste

I normally so, I will get my fingers with soap on them and run it around the head of my dick.

Use rubbing alcohol on your cock, or drinking alcohol for your wife.

I need help. How do I fully clean my penis if I have phimosis?

I literally do not eat fruits. I MAY eat one apple a month tops. I also do not drink any sodas and drink a decent amount of water.

Get that shit stretched out.

use shampoo
Lather, rinse, REPEAT
>now your cock is soft and manageable

Any chance I should try to use unscented soaps on my dick?

I thought all uncut fags had a bit of a musty smell

Kek no.

I get you. If you wash your dick after sex, and when you shower, properly, you'll be fine. Just be sure to wash out all the soap.

Maybe I am not washing out all of the soap. I mean sometimes I can go like 24hrs and not have a musty smell, other times within an hour of showering I have one. I honestly do not get it.

OP, you have a bacterial infection (yeast infection). All it takes is a pill and maybe some cream. Go to a doctor.

I doubt I have had one for years.

Post your wife OP

Surely you eat vegetables then? Maybe try some fruit juice if that tickles your fancy more than just the odd apple? Apple juice...Pineapple? Orange? Even some healthy fruit juice mixed with like...What in bloody hell is that crap called, 5 alive? The sunny D looking crap could be worth something as a topper to some real juice if you don't like it that much.

Dont use scented products you will get an infection. If that doesnt help you may have chlamydia. Common sign is a bad smell. Go to the doctor for a routine checkup bro your "wife" is probably cheating on you faggot.
>inb4 Op is a cuck

I dont eat many vegetables either


Half of those arent even really vegetables either.

What the fuck is wrong with you...

I doubt it, I have dealt with the problem my whole life.

You cut your foreskin off you disgusting ant-eater dick

Cutfag here, dry your dick and crotch area COMPLETELY hefore putting on underwear, you get that damp smell if you leave the area damp.

You should probably kill yourself.

Suprisingly enough.....

Use Fem fresh, works a treat.
It balances your ph level which is the culprit, just don't get it in your dick hole (stings like all fuck)

I will start by focusing on doing this, then if it doesnt help move on to using unscented soap. In my whole life I have never used unscented soap.

Literally just dry your dick

Soap wont matter too much, if you arent drying the area your skin touches your underwear thats no doubt the culprit, happened to me too.

Did I trigger you Mr. Ant Eater

The odor only comes out if you peel the skin back, it doesnt smell if the skin is over my head.

This works sir'

No I was just suggesting the best course of action for you.



What the fuck.


It's the smell of pee/pre cum inside the foreskin.

Keep your foreskin back at all times.

-uncut fag

why? then you are stooping to the level of cutfags.

Everyone is different. When I used to live in a tropical area, I got the smell all the time. I guessed that it was the heat. I prefer to keep the foreskin over the head, so that the head won't get dry. But hey, solutions aren't perfect.


When I start jerking off and my parents disrupt me by entering my father always says it smells like fish.

Never had this problem.

How do you wash it?

Ok, this is how I do it (and I never have smell issues).

Use liquid soap.

> pull skin back
> spill soap all over head
> cover the soapy head with the skin again
> do fapping motions with the soap on
> apply water and wash off soap with the same fapping motion

I did sometimes mess up the washing and my wife said my dick tasted like soap. I am more careful now so it's not happening anymore.

It's your horrible diet. I can basically guarantee it. Your body is secreting what you eat.

What kind of soap are you using? Use odorless soap. Most of the people replying to you are angry cutfags who will never know good it feels to have a foreskin


Then dry your entire dick, it wont smell damp without moisture

its called washing your dick. which is something that 99% of b doesn't do

ITT: Newfags who don't lurk and read previous posts.

ITT: Betas who wash their dick cause their girls tells them