Sup Forums, how do i get a bf/gf?

Sup Forums, how do i get a bf/gf?

by not being a fag

>blow yourself up
>taking unfaithful kufar with you
>72 virgins in heaven all for you.
but on a serious note, kys



By pooping for the camera


......lose weight. start taking spiro to lose that body hair. wax.

can confirm 10/10 works every time

will try thanks yall

Step 1 - Be attractive
Step 2 - Don't be ugy

Please do so



np, just tryna help a nigga out


That's a good boy yhere

gay shit

>tag her in every soflo video you see
>she gets the message
>bitches on yo dick forever

if you get long term payments but you need cash now call jg wentworth 877cashnow

go to r9k gayfag

