Be me at 26

>be me at 26
>been dating my soulmate for 6 years
> we moved in together for about 3 months
>I was weak and cheated on her with this 9/10 girl. Soulmate is a 6-7
>been fucking 9/10 girl and soulmate every fucking day.
>9/10 is pregnant, soulmate finds out.
>soulmate doesn't want to see me and talk to me
>9/10 is happy is fuck and wants me. I don't.

My heart is broken, just because I felt even hornyer I wanted more hoes. But lost and hurt soulmate and my life is fucked up.
Quints decide if I commit suicide or not.
I live in statesboro, ga op will deliver.

STFU attention whoring faggot.

>muh soul mate
>but I cheated on her
>need quints to an hero

Just do it faggot.
No one cares.

This is why you always masturbate before making any big decisions, OP

Srsly. This guy.

Fuck your shame-on-me-bragging. Enjoy your situation, fix it or kill yourself. Three options. Notice attention whoring yourself on Sup Forums is not one of them.

Post tits of the 9/10

Trips are truth. Do it.

post girls tits

>got into a car accident
>have to use wheelchair to get around
>messed up life

Do it you piece of trash.

just fucking do it you fucking faggot and you better fucking deliver this time op

> Fucking 9/10
> Kind of person who asks Sup Forums for advice

Pick one



Buy a better holster.

Dont do it lets go get drunk stateboro is only a 3 hour druken drive from me :D

dont do it

Quints get

I say you do it m8

Take this faggot with you OP.
Here's another one to go along:

Rofl good advice lool

Quints are mine: better do it


Quints got

Do it faggot!

if your going to do it alteast do it in style with a nicer gun than that. use something to make it spectacular like a 10 gauge or a 454 casuall

Don't. Life is worth it, man. Don't end it over this.

Do it, cheaters make me fucking sick

Be a hero


quints get

I had a friend kill himself over some bitch who didn't want him


Dont do it...... post nudes instead.

news flash, you're a stupid fucking idiot OP

By the power of bait skull, I have quints

Not game, you wuss

Do it


Do it boi

>My heart is broken, just because I felt even hornyer I wanted more hoes. But lost and hurt soulmate and my life is fucked up.
>Quints decide if I commit suicide or not.

Dear OP, you're a beta faggot and should kill yourself simply for having an Uncle Mikes holster.

But please be creative and not use your gun. We don't need another suicide padding gun death stats for the libtards to use to push more gun control.

this is now a failed get thread

No need to Reroll, a .223 will take a head off nicely.

nice dubs, you should take this one too op

Matter of fact, come to think of it his name was OP, it was..

going for 44444

Of the quints I have recievethed

You dumb fucks are easily baited. Lmao. Sup Forumstards

Why does every faggot own a Shield?

if quints op kills self at 80 years old

I'm going to go with "yes." An hero, please. kthxbai


Kek. You did it to yourself you sack of shit. Nobody would empathize with you except for another cheater or a piece of shit.

Because Glocks are too le mainstream.




I hope I get quints to end your pain

OP Anheroes never die

we missed it, abandon thread



Let's see what we got

quints ya


Your own fault faggot. You brought this on yourself. Be a man, own up to your mistake and look after the kid, make sure he doesn't end up as big a shit head as his dad.

she wasn't your soul mate if you cheated on her dumbass. You're prob just sad you got caught.

Actually a decent answer for you OP

>be 26

>bitch is pregnant

have fun

I like to call it a wisdom fap

Double dubs


Quinta are in another thread, but the advice still works

damn.... *thunder*

Yes, you fucked up. Don't anhero though. Life will eventually get better. Maybe get therapy and try to move on.

That's why you do as I did, tell your main bitch you're finding another hole to fuck when she isn't available. Or when she is sick. Or doesn't want to. Or you're bored. Or the other one just HAPPENS to have come over for sucky sucky fucky fucky

soulmates are what children dream about
adults with experience know that soulmates
is utter bullshit Sup Forumsro go keep fucking more
hoes and dry your fucking ears faggot

Deep situation man. Emotionaly, psychologicaly.. try to get help, get a psychologist to talk to for real. real emotional shit. im serious, i think u'll be ok. no need to point out your mistakes they are obvious but well fact is fact - do something with this. no need to end it whatsoever. get focused, get control on your mind - focus. i mean it. go

Doooo it

OP should simply wait until the baby forms an emotional bond with him and the Anhero in front of him. Go out in a blaze of glory, scar that nigger for life.

don't listen to this wetback


Game over bro, just end it.

Just do it.
Dubs are enough. No quints needed.

Rolling, do it faggot.

I will keep this in mind. This is a very good advice. Words of wisdom.


Do it m8


dude, i just had my second kid
kids are easy man just wait till you smell their necks !

in fact kids will make you more attractive to more hoes so you win-win either way

stop fucking crying about stupid shit in life such
as females and children ...take that googled gun and shove it up your ass


That's awesome I'm expecting a child and can't wait to smell him.

Dubs are enoug. Do it fag.

you didn't care about her as much as you convinced yourself you did. save the exit strat for when your life really takes a shit. Man up and take care of that kid. Give it a chance at a normal life.

it really is the world's best afro-nigga-disiac
it's like sweat and vomit and innocence and milk

pure and utter GOLD ! nothing comes close
not even young tight wet pussy


Stick around for quint 5

>on your soul mate

cheating is just wrong desu

please just kill yourself

do it

No such thing as soulmates.

Your evolutionary instincts kicked in, your offspring will be more attractive than with 6-7 girl.

Kill yourself. You deserve all the disgrace that's happening to you now. It's genuinely your fault.

I think you shouldnt

Just an hero

Dont do it man.
Im going through some heavy shit myself and its crossed my mind more than once on a daily basis. But its not worth it.