So I'm interested in taking shrooms but I have schizophrenia that results in delusional thinking especially on...

So I'm interested in taking shrooms but I have schizophrenia that results in delusional thinking especially on marijuana. Is it a bad idea for me to try shrooms with my condition

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If your medicated for schizophrenia they will have a severely diminished effect.

I am I take risperdal

i have psychosis and smoke weed, drop acid and take mdma, just got to do these drugs while not on any prescribed drugs and with your condistion have a really close friend just to baby sit you so you wont go crazy, and you gotta remember, every thing is everything is everything

>Is it a bad idea for me to try shrooms with my condition
What do you think, you fucking moron?

Had a friend in collage that had the same condition, took shrooms with him. He disappeared for 4 hours. When he came back we found out he went into the wooda off campus. Said it was a really bad time. He was fine when we saw him but I dont know if 4 hours of hell is worth it.

That's a tranquilizer. If a person goes to the hospital on a bad trip, they give you tranquilizers.

They cured me

you prob shouldn't take if you have schixophrenia. thats the worst mental illness there is.

Your right man I just miss my druggin days

What were your first symptoms of schizo? And what age did they first start appearing?

>I have schizophrenia

Nah, you'll be just fine, buddy. Just have plenty of things to play with while you're tripping; power tools, machetes, firearms, etc. You'll have fun.

has no one else stated yet that those arent mushrooms?
truffles i think

I saw this transparent floating penis following me. Over the days, weeks, and months, it became more solid. The straw that broke the camels back is when it slapped me in the face.

I was diagnosed the next day.

18 and first symptoms was delusion thinking, but my first trip to the crazy floor was for pulling my pants down and fighting my brother.

you probably don't have schizophrenia, you know.

>he's right, I agree completely

It's a bad idea. I know a few people with mental issues and saw them try psychedelics. Paranoia and anxiety related issues tend to cause poor results. You're kinda trippy naturally. There's no guarantee you'll get much out of it or have any fun.

If you do try it, it's absolutely imperative you have a babysitter you trust and a babysitter who knows drugs. Maybe one of each if you don't have both in one friend.

>pulling my pants down and fighting my brother.

Sword fight? lmfao.

What do you mean by delusional thinking? Paranoia?


Absolutely terrible idea. Seriously dont.
If you are on meds they will barely work.
If you aren't, there is potential for a psychotic break.

As long as you have a sober chaperone with you that you trust, you should be okay.

Fuck yes, dont do it.
>source, i did it. regret, so much regret

Like real sexual thoughts with people I didn't want them with, when I was working at subway I felt people were just coming in to have sex with me

What's the difference?

Risperdal make me pee in my bed! Fuck Risperdal!

Those look like walnuts I just ate like 5 grams of fresh tai

Interesting. For a while I thought I might be schizo but after doing research and hearing testimonials about the schizophrenic thought process I think it might just be severe anxiety.

OP, as a guy who normally writes really cuntish replies just to annoy people, don't do it. You're rolling the dice with your mental health. There's no magical cure for that. You can go out, drink too much alcohol and get your stomach pumped. You can get addicted to heroin and go through horrific withdrawals and eventually come out the other side, but if you start fucking with your already fragile state of mind, you're effectively throwing your life away.
It's not worth rolling that dice.

I have no clue if risperdal going reduce your effect (or even kill the tripp) on mushroom, if it does then would be wast eating mushroom.

If you already decide you want take mushroom or other hallucinogen drugs, I just recommend have a baby sitter if it's first time you try it...

How bad of an idea is it to go out and pick them yourself?

It's actually not. It's more just an involuntary rejection of the dominant accepted social and epistemological frameworks. They really don't know the actual causes of it and just use drugs to relatively sedate the people that are experiencing it to bring them back into the social fold as somewhat productive (or at least not destructive) members of the socius

Kek underrated post

Thanks user I never knew there was a side of Sup Forums that cared.

Fuck that last part is so acid.

Read this on anxiety:

That is an extremely wanky and rather uninformed post.

Schizophrenia is the inability to identify the characteristics of reality, along with a kind of social ineptitude. It's not epistemologically related whatsoever.

And they don't give them drugs solely to make them functioning parts of society, they're given treatment because it's a horrible disease that can be helped greatly, and in some cases, even cure.

>you're autistic

Mine is cured with meds

To put it in simple terms, your "veil" between fantasy and reality has some holes in it, as opposed to a normal person's solid one. Psychs will basically make a normal person a temporary sort of enlightened schizo by making temporary holes in their reality "veil". In your case, if you're off of your medicine, your "veil" will theoretically become thinner or dissapear, you'll trip hard as shit, and probably in a bad way, regardless of dosage.

tl;dr >Don't do it, bad fucking idea.

Anybody saying do it, bad idea. Anybody saying don't do it, great advice.

Like the others said have a babysitter. Consider the possibility of things going bad and triggering an episode and how bad that could go. I recommend trying just a small amount like 1g. And seeing how that goes first.


Nah man.......u b fine

Glad to hear it user. Fuck drugs. I used to take a lot of shrooms and acid and thankfully I copped on before I did any permanent damage, but I can't say the same for a few friends. Don't go down that hole.

>inability to identify the characteristics of reality

which reality are you talking about? You act like there is a static objective wold that we exist in.

I guarantee that if a human were transported from today to 2000 years ago or the reverse they would be labelled as having a terrible mental illness or something like that (12 monkeys is actually a great pop culture representation of this).

Shit, most likely if I dropped you off in a remote culture even today they'd think you were nuts.

Unless you are schizophrenic, in which case do what you have to do to get by in this crazy society (i.e. take meds). Everyone does drugs anyways, from caffeine to antidepressants - we're all medicated.

Be Advised


>I advise you, a clinical schizophrenic, to take a gram of hallucinogenic mushrooms and expect you to be fine afterwards

>being this fucking retarded

It might make your condition better, you can use the mushrooms to analyze your mind.

You only YOLO once. Next time you are b&

i know someone with schizophrenia and the meds make him worse, his mind is decaying since he got on them. he says doing acid helps though. your unique experience isnt the end all

This. Everyone is different. Schizophrenia is not well understood, like most "mental illnesses". Say it's a chemical imbalance all you want. What is it that caused the imbalance? People need to read some Heidegger

>inb4 that bitch is a nazi

He was, but so was Freud pretty much

Delusion thinking. What do you mean by that? I had a bad acid trip like 2 months ago was my first time, it was a double dosed tab. Anyways like 2 weeks ago I got stoned af and had these weird ass thoughts, anyways I saw an armored car, like the ones that hold money. And I said lets Rob that car, and I grabbed the wheel, we probably almost died I dont really remember , it was weird as fuck honestly

>which reality are you talking about

Take your fucking post DMT, Joe Rogan loving ass out of here. We all live in a tangible world that we can measure physically. Healthy minded people like the overwhelming majority of the population of the planet agree on the irrefutable characteristics of life around us. Down is down, up is up, water flows, everything dies.

>if you dropped me off in the Amazon they might think I was nuts but that's because of cultural difference, not because they immediately assume that I have a delusional psychotic illness

fuck me

They were sexual but could be about becoming rich, like doing something real stupid would equal all the wealth I want

So what if Heidegger was a nazi? The nazis were right about most things.

what are some things that people you know with schizophrenia have said?

my schizophrenic friend said that he thinks people shoot at him while he jogs, he thinks animals are living in his air conditioner unit, he thinks the government manipulates pipes underneath houses in order to harvest 15 year old girls period blood, he said he thinks things are burrowing into his skin, he thinks drones follow him around, and he quit his job at the grocery store because he was afraid a nigger was going to steal a gallon of milk and he would have to wrestle with them and they might have a gun. im

"fuck drugs"

you didnt just mess up yourself?

if i hit my knee with a hammer i dont blame the hammer. if you catch my drift.


Strap yourself down.

I have schizophrenia and nothing bad happened.

I took over 7000ug of LSD and over 6 grams of shrooms, I strapped myself to a chair and waited.

Whispers in my brain, I tasted color and light, I smelled music and sound. I saw demons and angels warring in a realm that was created in my brain. I saw myself and I started punching myself in the face and I felt every blow as if it was real. Cuts appeared on my arms and my skin ripped open and blew away, and I was in so much pain that I can't experience in the waking world. I cried out for God, my mother, anyone.

My body melted away and my consciousness floated off into the abyss and I experienced pure ecstasy in a realm of my own creation where I was God.

I seen shit that I can't explain using any human language or any form of communication.

Craziest fucking trip of my life.

Do it OP.

It was really weird like I just had this thought that I wanted to drive while baked af too and I was thinking I couldn't get hurt, was really fucking weird honestly.. May just be the later affects of acid but Idk

I know a guy who flips out if he hears the blues clues song. Like literally try and kill you if you even hum it.

>I copped on before I did any permanent damage

I clearly expressed that the problem was my use of the drugs, not the existence of drugs in general. I didn't blame the drugs. We've all got free will, I'm not blaming the fucking drugs you jackass, I'm saying fuck recreational drugs because they serve little to no purpose outside of the initial experience as a growing adult.

>the overwhelming majority of the population of the planet agree on the irrefutable characteristics of life around us

mfw people have been saying this since people could say things.

Fuck DMT and anyone named Rogan, especially Joe. Go read Anti-Oedipus (after you read Nietzsche and some psychoanalysis theory at the very least).

I'm not disputing that the majority of humanity agree on certain things, I'm just saying that it is a collective delusion to think that what we collectively believe at any given time is actually a transcendent reality.

low quality bait

>I started punching myself in the face and I felt every blow as if it was real.

>Do it OP

That is truly excellent advice.

>fuck recreational drugs
>fuck recreation
>fuck fun

Why don't you read my dick?

that just sounds like and edgefag embarrassed adolescent. Tell him to stop being an idiot. Nobody flips out because of something like that. Unless he was raped to the song and it triggers him and he doesn't know how to deal with those feelings yet

the big thing is its different for everbody.

have someone you trust to tripsit you, be in a place you are comfortable in and play some calming music maybe too.

if you really care about exploring your inner self, you should be willing to risk at least something.

you need to weight it out, in how dangerous this is, and how much you believe this will help you.

id rather have the experience then read about who says its either bad or good.

id rather try it and mess up, than not do it and never know, hell thats life.

you break eggs to make the pizza pasta.

i didnt mean to make you angry. are you okay?

I had no one to trip-sit me, I spent more than 16 hours in a pitch black room strapped to a chair.

solid advice here.

Give this podcast a listen OP. Listen to part 2 as well

I don't want to get high or have hallucinations or nothing. But I want my dick to have hallucinations about all the crazy things it can fuck. Can I just rub the shrooms on my dick and have it get high without me?

i'm on risperdal. shrooms didn't do much for me. the psychoactive parts are inhibited by the medication you're on. you'll still get kinda high but nothing that would be the whole point of taking shrooms. which is a mindblowing experience. or so i've heard. I took shrooms once in a bad situation and i ended up punching myself in the face with a cop. read that again. i literally was the cop and i punched myself in the face. but that's just a bad trip. that was before i was on risperdal tho.

I have a serious mental impairment. Is it a good idea to take an unknown dose of a substance I have no familiarity with that has a primary purpose of altering my state of mind?

I'd argue that bipolar with psychotic features is worse. I've thrown things at other cars on the highway while going 30+ mph faster than other traffic and tried to kill myself, my schizophrenic cousin just rambles about necromancers

Had 2 friends in college who were schizophrenic
One a good friend who fell off edge of relity when he was 18, another was brother of friend
Did shrooms with both at different times, it was unpleasant for both of them

thats a guaranteed bad trip. hell that sounds like a torture tactic.

thank you

You're approaching this entire conversation from a philosophical viewpoint, which is entirely irrelevant. OP has a mental illness and wants to know will taking psychedelics worsen his condition and you're talking about the human interpretation of the universe around us, which has nothing to do with what he's asking.

I, personally, don't believe that we have a grasp on the extent of whatever realm of reality we exist in, but we do undeniably exist in some, as proven by you and I having this uncomfortable fracas

Stop trying to preach your ideologies (which I actually agree with to a certain point) in a thread where the subject matter is completely unrelated to what you're spewing.

last night I bond burgered your sister.

Hahaha man your schizophrenia is gonna be over 9000 eat like 5 grams and become super sayian

Read my first post.
It was awful for about 7 hours, but after that I was basically lucid dreaming.

After I had sobered up, I realized my pants were sticky, I cummed in my pants multiple times throughout the trip, especially through the demonically painful parts.

Not worth it if you dont eat at least 5 grams

hey. It's me (I know you know who) Your thinking is not delusional. The fact that you think it's a delusion is the real delusion.


100% yep.

I wouldn't even touch aspirin if I were you without consulting a doctor. I love when people are afraid to talk to their physicians about drug use. They're doctor's, not fucking preachers. If it's bad for you, they will inform you, regardless of legality.

I save all my shit in buckets in case I want to grow mushrooms at some point in the future.

You will die.

Not even kidding.

But do it, faggot.
One fucking drug-abusing piece of shit less.

You sound like a thoroughly well adjusted human being.


>already tripping on thc

>'hurrr, should i take these? lel xd'

Don't do it OP, please. Taking any kind of drugs that are not from a doctor will seriously fuck you up. Your shizophrenia is enough of a (bad)trip...

No, I am not. Hence the reason why I have severe delusional schizophrenia.

OP is just a fucking pussy and allowing his illness to stop him.

What you need to do is make sure you're prepared in case you get paranoid.

So you should strap weapons everywhere in your house, knives, loaded guns, chainsaws, vials of acid, whatever, so long as they're everywhere so that if you get paranoid you'll be able to find them easy.

Just remember where they all are so that an intruder doesn't get their hands on one.

This is precisely the point though. I do agree that I'm a bit off topic in terms of OP's question but I think this is a really important topic.

>from a philosophical viewpoint, which is entirely irrelevant.

This is something you should really think about. Everything we "know" is philosophical or ideological.

The issue is that you (and OP and pretty much all of us) seem to forget this. We simply accept that there is a certain base truth to reality and this is why we end up accepting things that we normally wouldn't. We do exist. Or do we? Do "I" exist? I mean, I'm having all sorts of thoughts from this very exchange and its changing "me" at this very moment. So really "I" from a moment ago no longer exist. There's just some socially mutated version of me, changing with each thought, each experience, each keystroke.

>Stop trying to preach ideologies

I suppose you mean stop communicating? Because all communication is ideology

cool, i can dig it.

but its deffinetly not something i would recommend to the average person.

i think that some people might just be mentally weaker than others when it comes to these intense experiences.

and they begin shouting danger danger im getting mentally damaged.

when it might just be you are really touchy with intense "groundbreaking" experiences and what not.

so yeah, i wouldn't recommend this to OP

Exactly, you're not a well adjusted human being, which is why absolutely nobody should take your crazy fucking advice.

low quality bair

Damn, touche.

If getting high brings up your insanity then you will most likely succumb to the voices if you take shrooms.

risperdal guy again. anyone interested in a greentext of me punching myself in the face as a cop story? not much to it but something to read. will post if anyone wants.

Don't ask, just do