State you're job, salary, and age

State you're job, salary, and age

Chef at Wendy's

This is now a Wendys rule34 thread.

Shelf stocker @ target

Web Developer . 45$ an hour. 22.

welcome back

49.04 per hour. Getting a shitty raise end of the month. Lucky if it will be 2%


I've made as much as $95 an hour, but that was in CA, so you need that much just to own a home with a family.

when will it end

Bullshit, no one at Wendy's is a chef

Petroleum landman
$325/8 hrs

Unix Systems Administrator

>Self taught

Janitor at NHL arena/convention center


General Support at Scheels, AKA Menial Bitchwork Doer

25 yr old here as a loan office its pretty easy to make over 300k a year

>chef at wendy's

You must be new here.

Bullshit. No one uses Unix anymore except basement dwelling nerds.

Everything is Microsoft these days and no one gets paid close to that. Our MCITP administrator males $35/hr. Tops!

Not even A+ certified. Jesus man. Get on my lel.

Lol, Unix. Hahaha! Lies.

3rd grade public school teacher

Merril lynch intern

I respect this. Teaching America's uncorrupted minds by day, lurkin on Sup Forums by night

Everything is Microsoft...

Ever hear of OSX? Linux? BSD?

Substitute custodian for the school district

Pay is meh, but the job is piss easy and not as bad as you would think. Half the day I sit in a closet and play video games unless someone radios me to clean something.

Intellectual Property Analyst


Osx - apple
Linux - open source
Bsd - Berkeley source drivers

Your point? No one uses Unix for administration. You're full of shit


cs lead at game company

So you make shitty games for a living then.

gas chamber cleaner, i get to keep 10% of the money the jews had on them when they went into the chamber. 70k/yr

i swear i see the exam same thread with the same op everytime someone wants to know this


I run the store but I'm not a manager 9.25

$10.60 hr

Damn that's all they pay an EMT?

Live musician

Hey, Wendys bro. 8.23 20hrs.Don't kid yourself by calling yourself a chef. We fucking slap sandwiches together. Chefs actually cook shit.

Dental tech.

Take care of goats on farm. 10.50 an hour. Hours depend on what goats need done that day usually 5 hours a day to play with lots of goats.

IT support at a software company

Add to that what my wife makes working for a bank and life is cushy.

>Labfag at a chemical plant
> $60,000/yr
>I'll be 28 on June 7th

There's no vertical movement where I work so I'm simply using this job for experience.

live off my credit card and spare money in my bank account.
i haven't worked in 3 years but i really want to get back to it

Aren't goats aggressive? And can you eat lots of goat cheese?

Network Engineer
70/ hour

Law Enforcement
115k a year (give or take, depending on overtime)

I sell cupcakes on the streets.

Software Engineer (@Germany)
About 80 Euro (110$?)/hr

Testing Technician
29 yrs old, no previous experience nor educated, -High school diploma max edu.



man this is the 4th time i've seen this same thread with the same faggot op


full stack web dev, age 23


>Law Enforcement
>115k a year
Pick one and one only
I doubt you even break 50k

around 30k/year

do you enjoy it? Do you wish you had a different job?

I mined roughly 5k bitcoins in 2009 when I was 19.

I retired in 2013 when I was 23.

Vice President Software Development
$150,000/year + options

No idea what you mean by "pick one and only one. "

50k is pretty close to the hiring rate. A senior officer could do nearly 50k in straight overtime, but believe what you want.

>I'm cool because I got on 4chin and lie about how much money I make
What do you get out of it? We all know you're neets just trying to save up your good boy points

Resident advocate at a homeless shelter.

Uh huh


Just started working at Lowes today.

I hate this species sometimes.

I had this dream once as well.

I tolerate it. I wish I were a psychologist or professor but barbering gets me through. Also my mother was a hairdresser her whole life so I just learned with her.


Depends on the level. Emt 1 is about that. Paramedics are like 3 tiers up plus shit loads more school but even then they average 15 to 18 depending.

Bartender at a movie theater
$20 an hour

I make about $120 in tips on a good night plus $5 an hour
Got hired without any experience can't complain

In-house software developer for a biotech company. Software = lab information system (LIS) and production line control.

Average wage in bigger cities is 80k with a few years and a few promotions. Bullshit on 115k

Linecook at Wendy's
Age 19
14.50 per hour

LOL....MS admins are dime a dozen. I make at least $10 more per hour because I know Unix... only on my team that does. Well, my boss pretends to.

Being a Unix admin takes much more talent than MS.

SAP Consultant + ABAP developer
130k + benefits
32 yo.

Assistant Manager at convenience store

Groundskeeper for school district

>much more talent than MS.
>more talent

It's just learning. There's no "talent" behind it. Like most IT jobs there is not even talent required

You have no idea what you are talking about.

No really. You have no freaking idea what you are talking about.

But keep pretending that MS is where the $$$ is.

Wendy's fry-cook
8.75 hr.

Professional Chess Athlete

100k+ per year + travel/accommodation


How nee are you?
Anyway, Wendy's fag here, I make 10.25 an hour, getting promoted to sandwiches soon, I hate dishes...

Your bait is terrible because it's terrible.

Process Server & Paralegal


23 years old

Weed dealer....about 8k a month...25.....

Please, 115k is easily obtainable with OT.
SFPD top BASE pay is nearly 115k.

18 almost 19
$10 / hour

I started my career at MS, am now an Enterprise Architect, specializing in .. yep, MS.

If you specialize, there's money in anything. Just be good at what you do.

Oh, and 180K / yr + 20% bonus and stock

Dietary department at a nursing home.
$11.68 per hour, $0.75 after 3 PM, and another $0.75 on weekends

nightfill @ coles (supermarket in AUS)
$23-32/hr AUD

Engineering Student/Real Estate

Varies per year (150k+ so far this year)


Yes, my parents helped me out with learning the business, but the money I earned myself.

Commercial real estate appraiser
Did 125k pre-tax last year, set to do roughly 175k this year

How are germans backpacker treating you?

Semantics....I call it talent when someone that is a MS Sysadmin that can script.

But I will grant you that using talent is being loose. Best scripter on my team failed Security+ Cert 3 times. He learned to script. Compared to another guy on my team that has a mind that is a steel trap for everything no matter how long ago he did it. He certainly has raw talent for that isn't something he learned out of a book.

Agree that most IT jobs don't take talent - especially in the MS/vmworld. vmware has made the shit I know about hardware virtually worthless :)


doing engineering where you wont be earning 150k/year until you 30+, while your real estate gig will increase linearly until you die, whybother with engi wtf inb4 i like doing it

You must be new here

CEO of a small internet company

>Yes, my parents helped me out with learning the business, but the money I earned myself.

I assume that you have tot hank your parents for everything. Nepotism is a bitch.

>I earned all myself
You did not.

i dont understand? no one i work with is foreign except an Indian guy who was born in AUS, and we dont work during customer times


I've seen this thread before. its horrible bait

> chef
> 90k
> 24

>walmart runs a Unix system