Ok /b this guy wants me to come fuck his girl on front of him

Ok /b this guy wants me to come fuck his girl on front of him.
Should I do it?
> pic related


go get a piece of ass user. she looks like a good fuck

what the hell happened to her tits

Why is he wearing boots in bed?

Holy shit is he a midget, or is that a nanny cam embedded in a ventriloquial figure?

OP do you have any other pics or details on how you got in contact with her.

Why are her pants half way down?

You got nothing to lose user

Why is her head so blurry?

What is that tat on her leg?

Yes, but here's the twist when you show up fuck him in front of her instead.

Why a her twat crack so loooong?

Close up of her pussy

She looks like a tweaker, to be honest. Which would mean he is likely a tweaker as well.
Do wtf you want but be fucking careful, op.

Did you come across them on craigslist, or where? Any potential red flags that you've noticed? Any mentioning of "donations", "party and play", shit like that?

Found on Craigslist
Only red flag that I saw was that the do poppers

This. Could be hooker when get there. Also could be gay and she's gonna 'watch,' or be there next time.

That's pretty common, especially for craigslist fags, but not necessarily a red flag (tho everyone I've met that was into that was skeezy).
Pretty obvious, but if you decide to meet make sure you bring your own condoms and shit.

More details.

Hooker is always a possibility, the "be there next time" is as well but you'd think someone would use a hotter chick as bait.

Yeah, i wouldnt. Little sketchy.

fuckable, but youre probably ending up with one less kidney, if youre lucky

Looks like a meth addict. Stay away from them.

>The guy said he wants her to be a cumdumb and has been looking for guys to come fuck her.
>From what I've seen they've been looking all day
>Said they like party favors(usually meaning poppers)
>Also asking if I have friends who want to join in

There's probably a good reason that picture's so blurry.

They're look desperate enough to achieve that, that'd be suspicious to me.

her pussy probably has shit that science hasn't identified yet and melts condoms like butter

Where I live party favors usually means meth. People will usually say 420 for weed and poppers for poppers

are you implying poppers or did they?
Party favors in craigslist speak doesn't just mean poppers. They're meth heads, user.
Odds are very high that they're going to ask for a donation to fuck her.
If you're cool with that, that's totally fine, but it seems super obvious to me.

So... what other pics did you trade? What pics were posted on their craigslist add?


As long as I get my nut off; no shits given.


Scope the situation, we really can't tell you.

Are they shady as fuck? Does it seem like he's being put up to this and he really doesn't want to?

That pussy looks ratchet as fuck, too. Presumably, if he's a real cuck, he's let countless other dicks in there too, is it worth catching some antibiotic resistant clap?

I'm not doing it tonight. I convinced them to go to fetlife and try to set up a gangbang through that. If shit seems legit by then I'll take them up on it.

Gise what are poppers? Sorry 4 being a faggot

OP, don't do it. You're a young man and you have your whole life ahead of you

Those are a kind of candies.

poppers are these inhalants, forget the actual chemical. They're sold as vhs head cleaners and shit, but are mainly just used to enhance sex --- primarily for dudes getting fucked, as it will relax your butthole. It's super common on craigslist for the m4m to be into poppers.
Either way this situation is clearly meth heads and op should be aware of that. Tweakers getting people over to fuck, and reposting constantly on CL throughout the day, is common on the craigslist her (portland) as well.
I'm not the boss of op but I'd say it's a pretty stupid risk to take, it's not like fucking a tweaker is some golden opportunity.

Amyl nitrates

Heavy buzz, short lived and a muscle relaxant. Assfucking material.

I already Googled it.

You just got beaned

Say goodbye to your kidney

is that a piercing or can you see the wall through her pussy

Ok thx guys. I'll keep that in mind for ass fucking in the future.

Unrealistic. That dick is way too big

Those cross eyed titties

New pic
>her tits seem to have just given up

>you were right user
>they just asked for cash
>noping right along

ugh those kind of tits are the absolute worst. i'd rather fuck a sloppy fat girl honestly.
dude, you're going to end up paying at least 50 bucks either way (they 100% are going to ask you for cash). Why not just use backpage if you're that horny? You can find tits better than that for sure.

That's from the meth... She would probably be pretty hot if she got off the shit, got some sleep, and ate a few normal meals.

Backpage is less likely for scam
You don't want to hand over the cash and they scam you. Change mind or get violent