What kind of Girlfriend do you want

What kind of Girlfriend do you want

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"one who exists"

the one I have

one who wants to beat the shit out of me

One that loves anal

im suprised that took 3 posts.

One that has a dick cause I'm a nigger feggit

An honest, loyal one. The hardest traits to find in a woman.

a polisexual genderqueer cucktress

One that doesn't fucking cuck me...

A real one.

One thats 3D

I insert my schwanz into the OP's fantasy girlfriend's anus.

hello OP

I ejaculat powrefuly
the OP's fantasy girlfriend explodes from the force and volume of my seamin
A tear roll's down the OP's cheek
I defecate

Ahhh it is good to be the king! The schwanz king!


fucking. fuck.

god damn it.

I mean the thumbnail is spook but you click it
things get REAL


Your mom

too spooky.

Someone should start up a spooky thread

Beggers cant be choosers


One that isn't a trap. OP is a faggot.

A hot trap to wife, adopt babby bois, and raise a happy fam of traplet Sup Forumstards with.

Gender is a social construct, and men make the best girlfriends.



U ghey son

A trap

One that doesn't leave me after three and a half years and a ring, to go fuck my neighbor.

ur pic, cant be a trap

Nice trips m8

>U ghey son

Nope. A delish boiclit is not a penis, and boipussy is make for love (and fisting).

O ok

Show us boiclit NAO!

There was a study I read about once where a hetero relationship works best if the woman is roughly 27% more attractive (how the fuck you measure that, I have no idea).

So that's a start.

I want a musician gf. Preferably in to similar metal as I am so we can jam, form a band, get famous, etc.

Also need a girl who has had some fucked up relationships cos I'm fucked up and certainly not first bf material. I'm fuckin endgame bf with my bullshit.

Don't really care if they're educated (I'm 27 with a useles AA in fucking music), but intellectual would be nice. I want to talk about more than the weather or how cray cray this party is bro.

One who knows the meaning of, "Hey, hit the highway!"

A deaf one

U fooken wot m8

A dead one is better

One that has a pussy abd doesnt talk


A hippy chick, 95 lbs, with big gauges and a few ancient geometry tattoos. She plays with poi, hula hoops, and glow gloves and loves to be in nature. We go to music festivals together often and dream of the romantic idea of living small, organic and off grid. She lives to please me, is very submissive, and dies what I say. She's honest, loyal, and not into smartphones/twitte/bullshit. She likes to call me Daddy when we fuck and lets me suck her feet when I plow her missionary style. She blows me in my car when I drive, and always rubs my cum on her face as a "facewash." She let's me play with her asshole when I eat her out, and likes to put up a fight when we fuck to fulfill her/my rape fantasies. Loves to buy new sex toys and lingerie to surprise me when I come home from work and loves to please me with food, especially Mexican. Is clean, organized, hygienic, and great with children.

Her name will be Shannon, Miranda, Ashley, or Katie. And she will be my hippie piece of ass that I fuck until the sun burns out.

Deal with it, betas.

you uh, have this planned out pretty well

> hippie
> clean and organised

Sure, buddy.


exactly what I thought

One that won't talk about us to her middleschooler friends. Preferably with small, still developing breasts and a hairless pussy and isn't fat.

Obvious b8 is obvious

Just because you don't agree with it, doesn't make it a troll. We're all posting fantasies that will never happen, so why not?

Jesus Christ user, just kill yourself

A qt thick little Latina, preferably Mexican or Colombian with a sexy accent, who will cook me food and won't cheat on me. Almost had her once...

Dude. You're fantasising about having sex. With kids.

Morality is purely subjective.
The fact you have to coerce others to abide by your standards of approval under threat of law or violence makes you a fascist.

a nice one

honestly the gf (fiancée) I have now

>white (best trait)
>green eyes
>tight ass because she's a runner like me
>medfag like me
>plays video games like me
>always horny as fuck like me
>virgin when I met her
>not a prissy bitch but also not a disgusting slob who doesn't care about her appearance
>absolutely disgusted by niggers as a whole, thinks they're loud and ugly with no worthwhile qualities besides "muh dik"

God bless kid I hope one day you realize women aren't like this
Actually nobody is like this. Stop watching so much fucking porn and movies

A female one.

Dude. You are fantisising. About having sex. With children.

You know, I honestly had a chance to be with my dream girl but I was dating another girl at the time so I didn't. Dream girl was a ginger girl with long legs, nice pair of tits, and likes asian culture (I am Japanese, sue me). Even kind of had a summer fling with her but it never went anywhere because I wasn't going to fuck her simply because I was extremely into her. Oh well. The GF that I was with is still my current GF and she is great too I guess.

One just like this girl. But that's because she already is my girlfriend. Btw that brown hand on her left is me.

We are both weabs, she is japanese shinto and I am indian shitskin Muslim. We are a rare but lovely combination.

She gonna leave you nigga for a nigga wake u p fgt

> all those things ending in 'like me'
> virgin

Soooooo you want you with a cunt instead of a dick? That's homogay.

And sodomy was punishable by death.
Or am I being too absurd at this point?

A white girl that's not a huge bitch and is over a solid 4/10
Man I've been alone for so long I think I should just drop my standards even lower

yes, basically. don't we all? it's great to have the same interests as your significant other.

Reeked of faggotry


Look, user. I'm gonna set you straight on some things.

> age of consent should be 25 cos literally everyone is fucking retarded until that age.

> ALL marriage should be illegal cos all marriage is wrong

> Sex should only be in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation

> failure to abide by all of these at all times should definitely be punishable by death

So are you gonna kill yourself in the name of justice now or should my lynch mob come find you?

Some common interests, yea. But you basically want a fucked up xerox of yourself. How the fuck you supposed to grow as a person when they agree with you on everything?

Forgot picture

I feel you user

>One that isn't self centered
>One that doesn't only care about public appearance and what others think of them
>One with actual hobbies and interests
>One with at least 2 millimeters of depth

This doesn't exist. Feels bitter fam.

she's not a carbon copy of me. we obviously have different interests, I was just listing the ones we have in common. we've been together for over four years now, so far so good.

I think evalion would be similar to this. Thats also my prefered type of woman

Uh huh. So how often do you fight?

I could have answered this question 3 or 4 years ago got so disappointed about the subject now i think i wanna day virgin

You should get a foreign girl that spent >10 years growing up in a second/third world country.

Been with an Iranian for almost a a few years now and she has all of that. Super loyal too, but she's crazy sometimes (all girls are).

One that can love a failure like me.

No thanks, everything I have learnt about girls has turned me away and I honestly wish I was gay. Their only redeeming factor is that they look good.

Looks like I'm set to spend the rest of my life alone and I'm perfectly happy with that.

Good. You shouldn't ruin a woman with your fucking stupidity any way

Join the military and figure out what you want to make of yourself. You get 4 years free college and can possibly get a career that'll help you become successful / on your way to your true goals.

Source: served 6 years, met my girlfriend in CA, getting a $50+ hour/day job so I can work 3 days a week and have free time to work on movies (my dream job)

one that doesn't die

I was there myself too, but in a few years you'll probably look back and be happy things went the way they did for you to end up where you're at. I'm 26 right now and I hated life ~10 years ago. It took until the last 3 years to really start enjoying life. I happened to get my life together a little before meeting my girlfriend.

You have to love yourself before you can love someone else user. Smooth sailing, you'll get there.

The kind that likes butt stuff but hasn't been molested.

As if they need help being stupid.

One who's generally cold and independent, but warm and needs me when it counts. Someone that I don't need to talk to every day otherwise the relationship grows stale and distant. Loyalty's a big factor, but I wouldn't mind exploring. It's really a matter of trust. Intelligence is also key, but I prefer if she's immersed in a different field of knowledge than I am so we can feed off each other. Someone who wouldn't mind dissecting even the most minor aspects of our relationship for entertainment and understanding. Also generally a pleasure to be around, yet challenges me often so I grow as a person.

Same could be said about you, kike.

One that does anything I want, supports me while I be a stay at home husband, and stays with me until I die and then kills herself when I do.

I don't know. I'm jaded as fuck and am almost certain "love" doesn't exist between two people. I'd probably be fine with someone that is dependable and could make my dick happy.

fucking dying

at least you met some girls i lost interest in being with someone too although never got to second date at least

IDK if that system exists here.
>I'm asian

You should look into lucid dreaming, or dissociative drug induced psychosis.
Though, you probably have already, considering the autism you just posted.

One who loves me for who i am...

Serious question:

Are you guys really this pathetic? You spend all this time putting women down and saying we're worthless and then complain and blame women when you don't have a girlfriend?


You guys are disgusting, that's why no sane woman would sleep with you.

I want a girl who will laugh for no one else.
When I'm away she puts her makeup on the shelf.
When I'm away she never leaves the house.
I want a girl who laughs for no one else.


1 who is

I want someone like my ex girlfriend, only without all the mental health issues, compulsive lying and sleeping around behind my back

Fuck, I still love her man, the worst part is, now that I broke it off, she's stalking me, like c'mon, you didn't appreciate me when I was there for you, now that I'm not you want me to come back?

That's projection m8. He never said if they agree or disagree on anything.

You should look into it. You'll definitely be well trained in whatever field you're put into (regardless of not having the free college after). I live in the US, so obviously things are a little different here.

I followed some Pickup Artist circles when I was younger and actually had some success with that as far as getting dates and seeing them again / sexual progression etc. You could always look into that, but usually girls are given a negative light and it kind of killed it for me after the first few times I seduced some girls. I definitely appreciate the experience and confidence it gave me in other aspects of my life.