What´s weridest place you´ve ever squanched?

What´s weridest place you´ve ever squanched?

>McDonald´s restroom

Other urls found in this thread:


a moving bus

Motel 6


wal-mart parking lot

nigger church

In my friend's room

I did it on my friend Aziz´s couch

what is a squanched?


Target transgender bathroom

Someone's shed when I was working for a tree service

Did it right next to a friend on one of those fancy buses you go on for school trips. Executed flawlessly

bathroom on a cruise

Cousin´s pool

In the school in the middle of the night in a summer camp, front of the girl's bathroom

Public library computer lab back few years ago.

I did it on my friend Aziz´s pool

On the hospital room of my unconscious grandmother

In class during a movie

while waiting for Godot

in a zoo, front of a monkey jail

>front of a nigger jail

While watching my pet borzoi
>dem thighs

In front of my friend Aziz´s jail

pic related, she looks like this one

Your mom's bed

During Zootopia´s screenplay

liitle neighbor´s rekt ass


this is not a literal definition of "squanch", just mean what you're about to say and replace the key word with "squanch" and it shows

>refer to this

Intramural fields at the University of Pittsburgh at 1AM