Why is Sup Forums full of faggots instead of straight people?

Why is Sup Forums full of faggots instead of straight people?
I thought Sup Forums was supposed to be random shit but when I open Sup Forums I see dicks everywhere and trap threads.
I don't want to see traps and dicks. I want to see random stuff. Even the porn should stay on /s/ and /hm/. The cartoon porn should stay on their respective boards aswell. Basically, why has Sup Forums gone to shit. I want my random board back. Random doesn't mean porn, Sup Forums has boards meant for porn. Fuck!

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Bots spamming the kike propoganda in an effort to reduce white numbers. Every person they convince to be gay or into traps or furries is another person who will never breed.


Yeah, Sup Forums is pure faggotry now. It's either waifu claiming, ugly fuckers posting their faces, and faggots trying to see cocks.

At least give me back some of the versatility.

This will just make us stronger. All the weak minded will not pass on their genes. Allowing everybody to reproduce makes the species weaker.

New fag, Sup Forums is a containment board

Modern society is weak. The strong minded will bring us back to the roving mobs of alpha chimps we once were.

I guess Sup Forums is the new porn thread now.... Shame. We used to have intellectual talks and relieve stress. Now criticism takes the place

Guess we're all just... Gay

> anything intellectual on Sup Forums

I guess the hack threads and just random in general...

Boipussy is best pussy

Cause faggots are notoriously mean spirited.


I wouldn't call them ugly, rather
>dumb fuckers posting their faces because they are insecure

Get with the times grandpa, feminine penis is the way of the future

You forgot to mention faggots whining about threads they don't like taking over their precious Sup Forums.

Am I ugly? Why don't girls like me? Girls are all whores.


I never open Sup Forums while eating ANYTHING

But what if the kikes fall victim?!

>implying traps are welcome on /hm/
>not knowing how to use the catalog
>"muh random board"
So, are you just new, or are you trying to be the biggest faggot possible?

OP Here: I was eating taquitos when I openeded Sup Forums when I saw a massive dick on the front page. I nearly gagged and then created this thread.

i had a pretty decent conversation in a thread before

fair enough there was a lot of cocks posted on it though but still that besides the point

OP here: I fucking use the catalog by default. I am just fucking repulsed by dicks and traps disgust me.

If you use the catalog, and can successfully into filters, then why are you still seeing dicks on a daily basis? Sounds like you have a problem, mate.

Sup Forums is for damaged people
gays are damaged people
I can confirm
im gay and I have depression, ADD and social anxiety

What's the deal with "cock tribute" threads? Some kind of new homosexual leaning sect of the men's rights movement?

OP here: I can debunk your claim. I have attempted sex with another male and I can say that I DID NOT enjoy homosexual sex. I couldn't even get hard when we the guy wanted me to buttfuck him. The sex didn't even happen because I couldn't get hard with another dude. If that doesn't prove my heterosexuality then idk what will.

I miss when Sup Forums was the wild west of image/message boards. Now it's where people with preconceived notions of what Sup Forums is come to push their views.

This is total bullshit. shitskins and dindus reproduce regardless, so in the end they will simply be the majority every where, even if just some of the propaganda works.


encyclopediadramatica.se/The_Cancer_That_Is_Killing_Sup Forums

This place was shit from Day One nigga

Get used to it

You can't deny that Sup Forums is 200% gayer now then it was in 2009

>why is all this porn here
>why has Sup Forums gone to shit

You must be new here.

There has always been porn.

Sup Forums has always been shit.

Ahah yea man, keep that shit as a golden rule, it'll save you food and trauma

you are right, im sorry im keeping that meme alive

still, saying that there a lot of outcasts in Sup Forums is fair imo