Trips decide what I do with my dad's gun. He thought I couldn't break into his safe. Hi dad!

Trips decide what I do with my dad's gun. He thought I couldn't break into his safe. Hi dad!


Friendly reminder that this has been posted from an Apple mobile device and you can close the thread and let it 404, folks. Meanwhile, I'll sage it. No need to thank me, just doing my friendly bit to make this board great again.

inb4 shoot yourself

shoot yourself

Remove firing pin, put back exactly as you found it.

Shoot yourself in the foot

Come to my house and put a bullet in my head

Shoot your dad

put the gun in your mouth and pull the trigger

shoot up your school

microwave that gay ass polymer frame
>melted glock 19
>best glock

Shoot one of your testicles

Up your ass

microwave the bullets

shoot a black kid and claim self defense


shoot 3 bullets up your anus

Put the gun up your ass, shoot out your window

Remove all the bullets and place them on the ground, then smash with hammer

shoot yourself on stream, post the link here

shoot father, post reaction



Holy fuck!!!!!! WINRARRR


>go to google maps
> search for nearby elementary schools
> take gun and go to elementary school of your choosing
>protect kids from school shooters



Not a trip.
Thread continues in search of a trip.

Holy shit... Quads have spoken


If he were to put it back exactly as he found it that would include putting the firing pin back in


Make Zimmerman proud, OP




>hehe whoops looks like you didn't actually get trips sonny i mean trips are included inside of quads but shut up im busy being a pussy that wont deliver

quads > trips
now do as i command

quads have spoken, get to it OP

prolapse your anus
insert gun


Double stack.. what a fag.

Put it back b4 you get hurt.


load gun and point at your head, pull trigger


kill hillary clinton

inb4 OP is black


Shoot all the lamps in the room then hide the shards in ur buttocks

stick your dick down the barrel

Shoot your knee.

kys faggot

Put the gun back.

pull it back in the case and hang yourself

Delivar you bitch

put the gun back and go to sleep

Put it back and don't give anti gun retards in the liberal media more to work with.

Hide it

Record everything you do, and upload it to a public Google Drive. Find the wealthy part of your city. Go there, and randomly choose a house, and kill everyone in it.




the quads have spoken

Pretty stupid to post from your phone we have your address

kill urself


shoot yourself in the head

Shoot yourself in the foot.

Roll dis shit



re roll


shoot your cars gas tank


Replace the bullets with Pez candy, then pay a local thug to break into your house and stage a break-in. When your dad pulls his gun, have the black man say, "I hope your wife tastes as good as dem bullets." Your dad will check his clip later and it will fuck with him until he dies.


Kill your father.

Force him to let you suck his dick by gun point.

remove the bullet from the magazine,
then fill the magazine with shit, put the magazine back in the gun and put the gun back in the safe.

Bring it to school. And wear a trenchcoat tomorrow, too.

Put it back

no, fuck you

I would, but school's out. We're on summer vacation



newfag summer

I will also reroll user's post

Put it back safely

put it back as you found it and never play with it again


OP here, I said trips not quads. Start rolling

Put it back where you found it.

Felate me OP

Put it back as you found it and go out for some burger king

Not how that works, faggot.

Shoot your dick off

You're all retarded. 4 != 3

fuck off fag, and go kill trump with your father's gun, then say you did it because of them damn females with penises


a square is a rectangle but a rectangle isn't alway a square. therefore quads are trips but trips aren't quads.

Put it back, lock the safe and go to church to confess your sins

Shoot out a window in your house, pics for proof. I want you to get grounded. Fucking neet.