Roast me faggets

Roast me faggets

Need to see more.

Tits or GTFO

Nice tooth gap and asymmetrical tits. if any sad soul hated themselves enough to rape this fat hoe, she could at least defend herself by stabbing them with her fucking chin.

Don'the think mankind has made a pit spit that big yet?

5 bucks says your shoulder says angel, you predictable basic cunt.

yeesh... no thanks

Sure, a pig like you looks better roasted anyway

Need to see a waist up pic. That gap in the teeth could fit at least a six inch cock.

Damn I wanna titty fuck the shit out of her.

wee need moar.


jebus those veins on your boobs. You could see em from a mile away

Bitch your the closest thing I've seen to Whitney Wisconsin I've every seen

Next time post a pick without a shirt on will you, we need to see those tits.


I don't know what's more depressing, OP trying to get Sup Forums to roast the chick who rejected him or OP getting rejected by C'thunathun, conquerer of worlds.

Actually looks decent in this pic

Yeah I was right they would only look better with a cum shot.


weird seperation droop between tits (how many babys, bitch?)

a gap tooth smile that would make Arnold Schwartzenegger proud.

spread out eyes that have fetal alcohol syndrom traits.. (you didnt give your bastard kids FAS, did you).

but your chin would be useful for opening cans when we couldnt find a can opener, so you have some usefulness in your life, I guess


nice eyebrows

Is this the bitch who was abusing her toddler?

What is that horse made of? Can it support you?


Each pic better than the last how about a full body one?