Ask a 35 y/o female mean psychologist anything

Ask a 35 y/o female mean psychologist anything

Why are you mean?

Is it bad to have a porn addiction?

because i can anonly but not irl
still the same result, just faster and more effective

how much?

Why haven't you posted tits yet?

Spend every day on user-ib, Sup Forums, and other porn sites while masturbating every other day much.

not here, you just gotta find em

Meant to post this to this

Are you the stuttering retard's sister?

I was raped buy a cousin when I was just a kid, she fucked me up real bad both ends. Is this the reason I'm addicted to milfs and porn?

My wife says that I clearly have a problem, never mentioned the whole rape thing to her.

get a life
you probably are ugly, poor social skills or something like that. try something some social activity like soccer which will, eventually, lead u to some social circle.
be more interesting, most patients are just boring when they come talking about these issues.

Why is every psychologist I've ever met, bat shit crazy?

You are a mean psychologist.
Chances are everyone on this site and user-ib are the same way. Bitch.

might be, we have to go deeper with that shit

we hear a lot of crazy shit.
however im not

yes but i am the mean cool gal, most people here is cringy people trying to be mean because life was mean to them.

>mean cool gal
>I'm mean because I think it's quirky and makes me unique

Kill yourself you stupid bitch
Also tits or gtfo

Mmm hmmmm. All of them seem to either have substance abuse problems, marital infidelity problems, or exhibit textbook sociopathic behavior. What's your crutch?

Yeah well. After the rape thing my mom didn't believed me, I was 5 or so, trust issues with people in general since then. My father was half polish half Irish, worst person I've ever met, always drunk and mad. Abusive and violent as fuck too. I went through teenager years contemplating suicide and shit, I just didn't end it all because of my younger sister, my intention was to prevent that what happened to me repeats with her.

still sane, we'll see

Just stop being a little bitch

That's the funny part is you can't use all those tactics you learned in school to evaluate yourself, not accurately anyway. None of the ones I know have a clue how dysfunctional they are. You're here so I know you're not completely normal.

fetishes are subconsciously created in our childhood. abusive early life lead generally to strange sexual behaviour when grown up. might be.

a patient told me about Sup Forums and i already liked dank memes so here i am posting user stuff in a boring thursday night

Are you gonna give us tits, or are you gonna gtfo?

i'll gtfo eventually

Thanks Doc. Funny thing, months after that, I used to pic up a razorblade and get naked in the bathroom and cut all over my body.

i was raped by a turtle, but people say it was all in my head like the dragon that lives in my house (its fucking real i swear)

Well you said ask anything. I want to know what the psychologist's vice is.

self harm is just atention whoring, pls dont do it u know deep inside your head that is pointless and u are just trying to prove something to somebody

weed but not a vice; i'm really mentally stable actually

how about this, im not emotional, i only get angry once every few years, i rarely get upset over death, with all my family that have died i have only cried once and that was months after the death, i also dont love anyone or anything,

also i dont have much fear, been threatened and it never phased me just made me feel intrigued even though i was at knife point

my question is what do you think about that

I used to do this when I was 5 or 6, I'm 30+ now, user. Thanks for the concern anyway.

you just described me. nothing wrong with us, my theory is that we are super realist and see life as it really is.

Have you ever had sex with a patient?

what's the dankest meme of all time?
i vote ferrari goofy

Do you know the rules?

to a point i see life like an experiment, i veiw it as a list of events and experiences,

also i cant get drunk, atleast not so far, and that includes amounts of alcohol; that would make most people drunk enough to get extremely drunk to the point they can hardly remember the day before, been out partying before and i drank double what all my friends did, and i barely got tipsy but everyone else was smashed and could hardly remember what happened the night before, i wonder if that's because of my mindset and how i view it or if it solely because i have an extremely high tolerance to alcohol

I want to have general grasp of human psychology. Where do I start and what book/ebook to read?

nope but want to

Why are we both fat?

i hate 2016 Sup Forums. tits or get the fuck out you worthless cunt.

You ever rub one out after listening to a pedo confess any of the sick things he's done?

Is your reddit name Tempts

How is it knowing you got a degree in something as worthless as art photography or womens studies?

Perhaps a communication degree next? I hear they are super useful.

Tits or gtfo

obviusly ME GUSTA

HI OP! Missed you! Please keep coming back in the future, you still have me as a fan. Is your email loveoverwhelming? I would like to talk in private sometime! Thank you, please come back in the future!

nothing mentally related. probably high tolerance, that sucks

u wont read it anyway

Do you ever fantasize about it? If so, do tell.

don't have any real life pedo patients, just hentai loli weebs

Why doesn't my hat fit?

I'm still waiting for her to be more of a bitch... Also... I'm trying to figure out which posts are hers for sure. There's only a few intelligent posters on here.. So say something bitchy then... Be a bitch... Bitch :D

the worst part is money, costs me considerably more to get to the point others do for like 20 dollars/pounds/euros etc,

Want one?

True. But I still want some reference. So humor me.

i am getting paid lots of money for listening mind blowing stuff. also have a degree on music appreciation

What other boards do you browse

nope lol


borderline patient here. do itttt

Doc, i have been diagnosed with a schitzoidic condition. Any advice

What's your Twitter?

i was expecting more cringy teenagers with auto diagnosed depression to be mean with

no you're not.

come to vancouver


dr zeus


I would if I didn't have so many kids.

Sup Forums only

So... That means you can't be mean? If you're not going to show titts at least mind fuck us, I would think you could fuck decently that way right? We want you to fuck us.

why are you always on here you attention whore

Why Sup Forums exclusively?

>Ask a 35 y/o female
tits or kill yourself noa

listen to the voices and kill your edgy self

What do you think of the Mathew De Grood case?

prolly a landwhale teaching


Wrong thing

fuck you

>Dr zeus
>A punjabi singer
Are you sure you don't mean Dr Seuss?

What made you become a psychologist?
Why are you a mean psychologist?
Also do you know the muffin man?

first time lol

seems the coolest one

i really hate this new Sup Forums sage this shit

i dont know anything about it

dr seuss indeed

Every other day.... not even close bro.
Talk to me when you get up to 5 times a day

There are better boards but atleast you are providing a better thread than usual. How's your job?

Do you ever mind fuck patients who are dicks, to make them feel worse/guilty, etc?

i understand everybody and wont judge.
because im user here.

What is a good way to combat my Trychophagia?
Ive done a good job doing it FAR less than i used to, but im still picking my beard, ball pubes and eyebrows occasionally.

>and I liked dank memes

interesting af

just once and regret it

Who is best Peanuts girl, and why is it Peppermint Patty?

Why do my spaghetti-Os keep making lighting?

Knifed 5 young people at a party. Said the sun god was talking to him. Thought the apocolypse was going to happen that night and had to kill them because they were vampires / warewolves. He was a 4.0 student with psych degree. Father was police chief. Sounds like he will be getting a NCR ruling which a lot of people think is bullshit

same with eating boogers. just stop it you dumbass u need to do it and u know it. do it for yourself.