Hello im bitter math weaboo ama

hello im bitter math weaboo ama

Why are you such a faggot?

because im god

How do you into math?

I faimed math since 6th grade through high school. No college obviously


Not real bittermath

dubs have been checked

also you add some lemons and it will make it bitter thats how you math

are you bitter about math

yes very

That's how I used to think but that didn't get me anywhere I ended up having to deal with niggers in the classroom

are you real buttermeth


did you make sure to add the bleach and anti depressants

if you are bitter did you make love to memester

yes i did many of times

How often do you play with your asshole you tremendous homosexual?

2-3 times a night

Never been to a therapist and not really that suicidal yet so no but I smoke weed and think of ways to take over the universe

Mathieu weaboo? What

i use my personal slave mcdonaldz to do my work of taking over citys


McDonaldzOFCL on twitter

hes a beta that does my bidding